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Saint Louis 大学 会计 and 财务报告

Saint Louis 大学's 会计 and 财务报告 is responsible for the preparation of quarterly and annual financial statements for administration, trustee 以及外部成分.

会计 and 财务报告 is also responsible for ensuring that endowment, annuity and life income funds, capital asset records are maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and 大学 policies.

会计 and 财务报告 approves accounting journals as well as maintains records of capital equipment owned by the 大学.

Audited Financial Statement FYE 2023 (PDF)

Audited Financial Statement FYE 2022 (PDF)

Audited Financial Statement FYE 2021 (PDF)

Audited Financial Statement FYE 2020 (PDF)






Workday Finance Reporting Periods

Finance Reports are available in Workday during the 大学's fiscal year, 7月y 1日至6月30日.

Monthly reports are available to departments via Workday on the dates listed below.

 2022财年 大学 博彩网址大全Care
2021年7月 8月. 19 8月. 19
2021年8月 9月. 11 9月. 11
2021年9月 10月. 6 10月. 12
2021年10月 11月. 4 11月. 10
2021年11月 12月. 6 12月. 10
2021年12月 1月. 7 1月. 13
2022年1月 2月. 4  2月. 10
2022年2月  3月. 4 3月. 10
2022年3月  4月. 5 4月. 11
2022年4月 5月5日 5月11日
2022年5月 小君. 6 小君. 10
2022年6月初赛 7月. 7 7月. 14
2022年6月末 稍后通知 稍后通知



Saint Louis 大学 is required to comply with the capital equipment recordkeeping requirements outlined in the Financial 会计 Standards Board Statement No. 99 and the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-110. 主计长办公室是 responsible for ensuring that accurate records are maintained for all capital equipment owned by the 大学 in order to comply with these regulations and to provide adequate justification for indirect cost recoveries for equipment utilized on federal projects.

Equipment is defined as an article of non-expendable, tangible personal property having a useful life of more than two years and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or greater 每单位.

An equipment information form must be completed by the financial manager for each piece of equipment purchased by departments of the 大学. 此表格将被转发 by the controller's office to the financial manager of the fund charged for all equipment purchases identified by Banner Finance.

This policy applies to equipment in the possession of Saint Louis 大学 whether or not title to such equipment vests with the 大学 and irrespective of the source 的资金.

The acquisition cost of a piece of equipment is defined as the net invoice price including the cost of any modifications, attachments, accessories or auxiliary apparatus necessary to make it usable for the purpose for which it was acquired. 附属收费,例如 as duty, in-transit insurance, freight and installation are included in the acquisition 成本.

Written notification by the financial manager must be forwarded to the controller's office whenever equipment is traded-in, disposed of or when changes to the information provided on the equipment information form, such as the location or primary user of 设备,发生.

Written verification of the existence and continued use of the equipment will be requested by the controller's office on an annual basis.

Questions regarding capital equipment recordkeeping should be directed to 凯伦Wamhoff at 凯伦.wamhoff@glodokelektronik.net.


Transaction correction accounting journals should be utilized to correct transactions posted in error and reallocate expenses between departments to reflect actual usage. Corrections to payroll transactions should be made via a labor reallocation request.

Standardized processes are in place for deposit of funds, requesting disbursements, and recording interdepartmental transactions. Reference numbers are generated for all documents to assist in the identification and tracking of transactions.

It is the business manager’s responsibility to monitor funds to ensure that all transactions posted are accurate and appropriate. The Workday Statement of Account/Report of Transactions is available to facilitate this verification process.

Transaction corrections must be entered within 60 days of the original transaction date or sooner, as required by fiscal year end. 提交的事务更正 must be supported by the Report of Transactions.

Transaction corrections may only be submitted for postings of actual revenues or expenses and may not be used to correct an encumbrance. Unless for a grant or a capital project, transaction corrections may only be done for the current fiscal year.