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欢迎来到蓝图:博彩网址大全的管理打印服务(MPS)计划. Blue Prints提供了一个管理打印成本的综合解决方案,包括 toner and other supplies. The Blue Prints program also ensures a higher level of customer service, increased document security and supports the University's sustainability initiatives.

该大学与施乐公司合作进行需求评估并制定指导方针 to assist your department in lowering printing costs, increasing service response time and continually improving the quality of our printing programs.


要求从您的位置移动、添加、更改或移除施乐设备(MACD), please fill out the Xerox MACD form. 一旦你的MACD表格已经提交,来自博彩网址大全商务服务的代表 施乐团队将审核申请并获得批准. Once this determination has ,商务服务部或施乐公司将根据您的要求与您联系.

终端用户或部门不得移动、拆除或重新安置设备. All moves, relocations and removals must be coordinated through the MPS program to 确保大学记录的准确性,并限制由此产生的潜在责任 damaged equipment. 部门对丢失或放错地方的设备负责. The department account will be charged for the full payment of any lost equipment.

Blue Prints FAQ

What is the Blue Prints program?

蓝图是slu范围内的管理打印服务(MPS)倡议,以集中 management of all printers, copiers, scanners and fax machines with one exclusive 专门从事文档管理的供应商. Benefits of the project include:

  • 提供更新、更高效的技术
  • 通过减少纸张和能源消耗,对环境产生积极影响, 温室气体排放和垃圾填埋
  • Reducing print output cost
  • Improving quality of customer service, response time and repairs.
  • Proactive service and support
  • 设备和用品标准化


  • Share documents among your peers instead of printing multiple copies.
  • Re-examine office processes; can you use electronic document storage instead of printing hard copies? 使用电子邮件和扫描来归档选项. When you need to print, use paper efficiently.
  • 使用电子邮件和扫描到文件选项.
  • 尽可能双面打印. 尽可能有效地使用纸张.
  • Recycle.
  • 在可能的情况下,使用大学的引信会议网络会议工具进行会议.
My department requires specialized printing equipment; how will our needs be addressed?

博彩网址大全和Xerox将与利益相关者合作,了解每个部门的打印情况 processes and needs. 如果需要比普通复印机更专业的设备 车队的设备,我们将与您的部门合作,在个别的基础上发展 将这些需求结合起来的解决方案与项目的总体任务保持一致 Blue Prints MPS program.

根据设备的当前状态分析确定设备的放置位置 位置,容量和其他参数,包括5:1的员工与设备比例 (平均)步行距离不超过50英尺.
What criteria are used to determine the department's equipment needs?
 When placing printer hardware, Xerox will consider multiple factors to ensure the satisfaction of all users. Although monthly print output volume is a major consideration, 他们还将评估其他需求,如速度、质量、整理能力、 ease-of-use, confidentiality requirements, and paper handling capacity. Xerox, along 与您的本地联系人和MPS团队一起,也将审查部门的需求 要从打印特殊应用程序和审核业务流程中确保 选择合适的设备.
 Xerox will provide on-site training for all devices placed under the Blue Prints MPS program. If there are additional questions after your initial training, please 实施后请随时与MPS团队联系. 
Specific service levels were negotiated into the Xerox MPS contract. Xerox will provide 在正常工作时间内,中断/修复响应时间少于四个工作时间 (周一至周五,节假日除外)早上7点开始.m. to 6 p.m. CST, and break/fix 下个工作日前解决. 最终用户通常会有备用设备 如果他们的主设备正在服务,打印到. Xerox will provide on-site service technicians to support ongoing device maintenance operations.

墨粉欺诈通常是由电话推销员进行的,他们谎称自己是 复印机/碳粉销售人员或授权代表. They may have information 关于你的复印机设备,并使用它来:

  • Invoice you for goods not ordered;
  • Ship non-Xerox toner to your location and invoice you for it;
  • Encourage you to accept a "free gift" as a ploy to ship you unordered merchandise and associated invoices

What you need to know:

  • 你的部门永远不应该收到与施乐相关的碳粉的单独账单 devices. The price per impression (PPI) rates negotiated by 博彩网址大全 Business Services includes consumables, parts (e.g., toner, fusers, rollers, etc.) and repair; the cost of paper is excluded.
  • 博彩网址大全商业和财务部门将在内部对您在申请期间提供的基金号码进行计费 你部门打印/复印的执行情况.
  • 部门不应该从施乐收到单独的发票,除非事先批准 for special device requests coordinated through the 博彩网址大全 Business Services team.
  • 如果您怀疑是墨粉,请立即与博彩网址大全业务服务部联系 fraud situation. Never pay invoices that seem suspicious without first bringing them 引起业务服务团队的注意.

根据蓝图MPS计划,回收是一个可以遵循的简单过程 in just a few steps:

  1. 访问施乐回收网站,按照提供的说明免费订购 生态箱套件或退货运输标签. 生态箱的尺寸相当大 of 23" x 23" x 18". If you would like to use your own box(es), you can order the shipping labels on the same link.
  2. 把用过的施乐耗材(如.g.,墨盒,鼓,熔断器,废物 bottle containers, etc.). 记得用塑料袋(包括在内)来排队 your box. If you decide to use your own box, please place cartridges in individual grocery bags before placing in your box (yet another way to be green).
  3. Seal and return your filled box. 您可以拨打1-800-PICK-UPS预约接机 (742-5877) or online at 向UPS表明这是“预付退货”."


What is a Key Device Contact?

关键设备联系人(kdc)是部门管理的联系人 施乐打印设备在他们的领域(如.g.,耗材订单,支持协调). KDC联系信息(姓名、电话和电子邮件)直接提供给Xerox associated with devices in the department to which they are assigned. KDCs will receive 作为本部门实施蓝图MPS的一部分的单独培训. KDC的主要职责包括:

  • 设备耗材管理(如.g.、墨粉订购、更换、用过的回收 toner)
  • 支持Xerox和部门之间的联络,将kdc复制到事故单上 提交给他们支持的设备
  • Provide troubleshooting assistance to Xerox Support Team (as needed)
  • 日常维护:清洗玻璃表面,安装耗材,协助清理 paper jams, basic troubleshooting
How do I change the primary or secondary Key Device Contact for my Xerox device?
  • 联系施乐帮助中心(855-305-5111).
  • 请准备好提供设备型号、序列号、位置、名称、电话、 and email of the new KDC.
How will my department be billed for print/copy usage on Xerox devices?
博彩网址大全商业和财务部门将在内部向部门收取费用(通过日记账) 根据你的部门在执行基金时提供的基金编号列印/复本. 每月的总金额将按你的基金号码计算。 to cover the device(s) that support your area under account code 744210.
管理打印解决方案(MPS)服务包括所有耗材(碳粉、订书钉、 and maintenance kits) except paper. 现有的供应应按照 为你们部门安排的MPS上线日期. 剩下的墨粉应该 be placed along with the equipment that is scheduled for removal.
How do I print in color to a color Xerox Multi-Function Device (MFD)?
  1. 从打印机列表中选择颜色模型.
  2. Select the Properties button.
  3. Select the "Paper Output" Tab.
  4. 移动到“输出颜色”下拉菜单.
  5. Select the Color option.
 How do I print confidential documents on a Xerox MFD in remote offices? 
  1. 从打印机列表中选择一台施乐打印机.
  2. Select the Properties button.
  3. 单击Job Type下拉菜单.
  4. Select Secure Print.
  5. 创建一个你能记住的密码(4-10位数字).
  6. Your job will be held in the queue at the MFD until you release it, using the pin code you have selected.
  7. At the Printer:
  8. Touch Secure Print tab
  9. Select your job in Jobs Queue
  10. Select Release
  11. 输入“安全打印”密码,按“Enter”
 Yes, all the Multifunction Devices (MFD) will scan in color, including the B&W MFDs. Refer to the user manual for your device for specific instructions.
 At the Multi-function Device:
  1. Place originals face up in the document feeder or face down on the glass.
  2. 选择MFD控制面板上的E-mail图标
  3. You will see your email address populated in the "To" and "From" fields
  4. 选择任何选项,如双面
  5. 按绿色按钮启动作业
  6. Press Log In/Out Button to log out
Documents larger than 20 MB will be automatically divided into two or more files. For further instruction, please refer to the user manual for your device.
Yes, there is a delete print job feature at the device that you can access on the printer's touch screen. 请注意,留在队列中的作业将在24后被删除 hours.
  • Toner is monitored remotely and automatically shipped to the site when it reaches a specified level.
  •  如果由于某些原因,您没有收到碳粉运输或想要确保碳粉 has been ordered, please call the help desk at 855-305-5111 for information.
  1. Place your document face-up in the document feeder or face-down on the glass.
  2. 按下MFD触摸屏上的复制图标.
  3. 根据需要更改任何默认值.
  4. 输入要制作的副本数量.
  5. Press the green start button.
Paper should be opened and then placed immediately into the device. Paper that is 打开(设备的外部)会吸引水分或使其干燥,并会导致 paper to curl. For best results, unwrap the paper and place the entire ream in the device.
How do I print large jobs?
对于大型印刷工作,包括小册子,小册子和特殊印刷应用, please contact the University's 市场及传播学系 for information and resources on using the University's preferred outside printing vendors.


  • 纸张不包括在施乐MPS计划中. 各部门应继续订货 纸张供应通过他们的既定供应商.

Other Consumables (e.g., toner, staples, fusers, etc.):

  • 在设备完成实施过程并且施乐的系统已经开始之后 tracking the device, toner consumption levels are proactively monitored. Typically, when toner levels reach a 20% availability threshold, the device sends an alert to 施乐帮助台和部门KDC. 施乐公司会主动邮寄替换的碳粉 to the KDC.
    如果由于某种原因,您的机器发出低墨粉警报,而您还没有收到 an email informing you of a toner shipment, you should contact the Xerox Help Desk (855-305-5111).
  • 如果您想为您的设备订购额外的耗材,请与施乐公司联系 服务台(855-305-5111)下单.
  • 在实施过程中,向kdc提供包括安装在内的培训 of consumables.
  • KDCs may also contact the Xerox Help Desk for assistance (855-305-5111); the Xerox Help Desk can dispatch the onsite team if assistance is required.