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The Saint Louis University — Madrid 咨询中心 offers services that promote self-regulation tools, coping strategies, self-care skills in the 博彩网址大全-Madrid community.

Students sit at desks while a leader discusses a topic.

Workshop about strategies for dealing with negative self-talk.

Our psychoeducational programming is designed to address mental health concerns specific to college students, as well as general topics such as stress, anxiety, burnout, 这会影响到任何人.


Culture Shock and Cultural Adaptation

Moving to a different country is not an easy feat. 在这个研讨会上,与会者将 learn about the stages of the integration process and develop tools to find balance 并适应他们的新家.


这 workshop focuses on wellness and self-care by teaching members of the 博彩网址大全-Madrid community mindfulness strategies for managing stress and achieving a sense of balance 和平静.

A shorter version of this workshop, titled "Mindfulness Tactics", is offered during hectic times of the semester as a space to gather and practice mindfulness techniques 帮助管理压力和焦虑.

Overcoming Impostor Syndrome and Negative Self-Talk

这 workshop explores the impostorism phenomenon and how it affects people. 学习 practical techniques to reframe negative thinking and have a more supportive, self-compassionate 内心的声音.


Breathwork is free and always available to us, which is why it is useful to learn to incorporate it into our daily lives. 这 practical session covers different breathing techniques that can help reduce stress levels.


Attendees will get to use different time management and organizational skills to better prepare for their academic responsibilities. 


A workshop where attendees will learn strategies to manage the physiological, cognitive, emotional, behavioral effects of stress and anxiety. 这包括技术 such as progressive muscle relaxation and cognitive restructuring.


这 workshop focuses on EQ: what it is, how it works, how it can be helpful. It will include hands-on exercises for practicing emotional self-awareness, emotional self-regulation, motivation, empathy.


Our self-care sessions explore its importance, especially in today's climate, the traps that often get in the way of caring for ourselves, how to incorporate self-care 实践融入我们的日常生活.


什么是冥想? What happens psychologically and physiologically when we meditate? What benefits does it bring to our mental health and overall well-being? 冥想怎么样? helpful in coping with stress and anxiety? These are all questions that will be covered 在这个研讨会上. After discussing the basics, there will be a guided meditation to get started (or reacquainted) with this practice.

Cura Personalis 2: Looking Inward Retreat

"Looking Inward: A Day for Self-reflection and Mental Health" is a transformative day retreat in the Sierra de Guadarrama where students have the opportunity to explore their purpose, values, passions through a series of self-examination exercises which include both personal and group reflections, guided meditations and yoga. 这 day-long experience is designed for students to be able to pause and get to know what it is that moves them as people while tending to their minds, bodies, souls.




  •  Informational sessions about mental health resources available both on and off campus 以及如何访问它们. 

  • Class discussions: Many academic fields and subjects can relate to mental health. We can facilitate debates and conversations about such topics in a way that is tailored 到课堂主题.

  • Workshops: All workshops in the catalog are also available to be offered as class 应要求探访. 

If you would like to request an outreach class visit, a workshop, or a psychoeducational activity tailored to your class or campus event, please 博彩网址大全

We are always working on developing new initiatives. 如果你对心理有什么建议 health-related experiences you would like to see on campus, contact Coordinator of 精神健康外展 and Prevention Carla Aparicio at 卡拉.apariciogallardo@glodokelektronik.net