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Transfer Students

无论你在哪里开始你的教育之旅,在slu -马德里完成你的学位 会培养文化理解和更深入、更全球化的职业发展方式吗 path.

如果你已经尝试了至少一个学年的大学水平,你应该 apply as a transfer student.

Two students walking outside a building.

Transfer students typically declare a major in an undergraduate degree program that can be completed at 博彩网址大全-Madrid.

Explore How Your Credits Will Transfer

马德里外国语大学尽一切努力申请学生以前的所有合格学分 institutions to their 博彩网址大全 degrees. Only courses in which you received a letter grade of "C" or higher will be considered for transfer credit. If transcripts show a pass as a grade of "C" or higher, 博彩网址大全 will approve transfer credit for these courses; this 包括及格/不及格的课程,只要及格分数达到“C”或更高.

马德里大学接受没有相应学分的课程的学分转换. These 课程将作为选修学分转到学生的总学时中, but they will not count toward degree credit. For example, if a student has completed 30个小时在其他学校,博彩网址大全会转移30个小时. You should be aware, 但是,该学分不能直接转换为学位要求.

大多数转学生至少注册四个学期才能获得博彩网址大全 degree; 50% of courses that fulfill major requirements and 75% of courses that apply to minor requirements must be taken at 博彩网址大全.

Learn More About 博彩网址大全's Transfer Credit Policy

Resources to Explore Credit Transfer

Option 1: Consult CollegeSource to see what courses have previously been approved. Those that don't appear will be reviewed separately.

Option 2:查看AP, IB和CLEP分数将在“考试学分”下获得 博彩网址大全's Credit for Prior Learning page.
Option 3: Use Transferology 查看哪些AP, IB, CLEP和大学水平的课程已经转移 to 博彩网址大全. Sign-up is free. 美国以外的学生可能无法进入 this page due to Transferology's security restrictions.

首先使用上面的资源来探索之前研究过的课程 and articulated by 博彩网址大全. 这种评估是对如何获得学分的可靠估计 在其他院校就读的学生也可以申请博彩网址大全的学位要求. An academic advisor, 在与教师协商后,将完成正式转学学分评估 once you've paid the confirmation fee.

选择不在博彩网址大全注册的学生,因为在最初的 评估和决赛有资格全额退还确认费.


2024 Admissions

Create an account in the 博彩网址大全-Madrid application portal or use the Common Application.

Common App 博彩网址大全-Madrid Application Portal

你可以重新登录你的招生门户上传文件并检查你的状态 anytime.

The deadlines below are for submitting our online application only; you may upload 通过通用应用程序或您的申请提交申请后,您的学历证书 portal.

Deadlines for U.S.-based applicants who require a Spanish student visa:

  • Fall: April 1
  • Spring: Aug. 1

Deadlines for applicants outside the U.S. who require a Spanish student visa:

  • Fall: May 1
  • Spring: Sept. 1


  • Fall: Aug. 1
  • Spring: Dec. 1

我们鼓励您尽早申请,以便留出足够的时间来获得学生签证 需要,并避免延迟学分转移衔接和课程注册.


Submit Your Documents

Submit the following supporting documents. Official transcripts and other academic 凭证可以通过Common App或博彩网址大全直接上传到您的应用程序中 application portal. 文件也可以通过诸如Parchment之类的安全服务发送 to

  • Personal Essay作为在线申请的一部分,你将被要求写一篇500字的文章 a topic indicated on the application.
  • Official Academic Transcripts你必须提交你所就读的所有学院和大学的正式成绩单.
  • Proof of High School Graduation:你必须寄一份高中成绩单、毕业证书或中学毕业证书的复印件 school leaving certificate.
  • English Language Requirements:非英语为母语的学生,没有在美国大学完成四年的学习.S. high school 必须提供马德里大学学术英语熟练程度的证明. Please consult our English language requirements page for more information.
  • Additional Items for Consideration虽然博彩网址大全不需要,但您可以提交以下项目供考虑 if you feel they strengthen your application:
    • Letters of recommendation
    • CV/Résumé
    • Admission interview
Application Review

当在线申请和所有其他申请完成后,您的申请将被视为完成 required or optional documents have been submitted. The Office of Admissions will 审查您完成的申请,并通知您关于您的录取决定 email on a rolling basis.

Confirm That You Plan to Attend 博彩网址大全-Madrid 

一旦你支付了确认费,你的导师将开始正式的确认程序 your coursework appears on your 博彩网址大全 transcript.

Information on Tuition, Fees and Methods of Payment

Submit all Transfer Credit Documents


你的努力工作得到表扬是很重要的. It's also important for 确保你以前的学术工作为你的学术成功做好了准备 at 博彩网址大全-Madrid.


  • 正式的最终成绩单,包括所有学期的成绩.  
  • 成绩达到C或C以上的所有课程的教学大纲 for courses not previously articulated by 博彩网址大全. You can scan these if you've retained them yourself. If not, contact the institution(s) where you have studied. 请注意,及格/不及格的课程不符合资格 for transfer credit.
  • Writing samples要获得大学写作课程的学分,请提交一份期末论文的副本, 至少五页,你为你的一门课程写的(有或没有) professor's grade and comments).
  • Additional information:教师和学术咨询可能会要求额外的证据来确定课程 equivalency, including course assignments, exams, etc.
Register for Your First Semester at 博彩网址大全-Madrid

您的学术顾问将与您分享您的官方转学评估. If courses 是否由于收到最终成绩单或教师评论的延迟而悬而未决,我们将 do our best to estimate.

如果你选择,你有资格全额退还你的入场费 由于以前的学分不能转移而不能进入博彩网址大全. Your academic advisor 会帮助你制定你的学术计划和确定你需要参加的课程吗 your first semester.