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Saint Louis University — Madrid can help students find the best housing option for 他们在马德里的教育之旅.


Though 博彩网址大全-Madrid does not have a housing requirement for students, we do have recommendations 寻找安全的住房选择,你可以和比利肯人住在一起. Going abroad is brave — living with other students can help ease the adjustment to living in a new place.

查看下面我们的住房建议,请博彩网址大全 with any questions.

For students participating in a study abroad program: Some study abroad students' 家庭机构有住房要求. 请确认您的住房选择与 your study abroad advisor before you apply for a host family or arrange other accommodations.


Yugo Residencias operates several student residence halls close to campus and throughout 马德里大学的学生住在那里. 多年来,学生们一直住在三个特别的地方 从校园步行10-15分钟的Yugo宿舍. These are:

博彩网址大全-Madrid doesn't own or operate any residence halls, so students who choose to live 在这里,直接与每个宿舍签订住房合同. Contact 直接查询住宅信息或申请住房.


  • 一天24小时运转的接待/安全.
  • 床单/毛巾服务,每周清洁,网络连接和所有设施.
  • 带家具的房间,有充足的存储空间,厨房和浴室.
  • A meal plan with in-house dining that gives you access to lunches on the 博彩网址大全-Madrid campus:
    • Dining services can accommodate dietary restrictions, so be sure to work with the 埃尔法罗的工作人员很早就告诉你如何满足你的需求.
    • 膳食计划是可用的,每天遵循传统的西班牙餐时间. The only days the dining spaces are closed are for Christmas break and during Holy Week.
    • Study rooms, game rooms, a workout facility, dining rooms, outdoor terraces, vending 机器、洗衣房和停车场.
    • 社会活动、文化活动和体育活动.
    • Opportunities to meet other residents who are students from universities across Madrid.

博彩网址大全-Madrid Reminders

Though you may be signing a direct contract with one of these residences, Student 如果您需要我们,生活工作人员可以提供帮助并充当联络人. Email any time with questions.

住在校外宿舍有很多自由. We value your freedom and right to privacy, and we remind you that with that freedom comes great responsibility. 你要对自己的空间和行为负责,无论如何 你在马德里大学学习期间住在哪里. 

If you are aware of or involved in a violation of your residence hall's policies and fail to take reasonable actions to stop the violation, your actions could be reported to 博彩网址大全-Madrid, and you could be held responsible through the University's Student Handbook.

Host Family Housing

We encourage students who are interested in experiencing Spanish culture, language 和食物一起住在马德里外国语大学的寄宿家庭. 

These families have years of experience working with 博彩网址大全-Madrid students, and are 随时准备帮助您在马德里安顿下来并了解您的生活方式. They are also eager 如果你还不会说和理解西班牙语的话.

Our students frequently tell us that living with a host family during their first year was a life-changing experience and that they formed connections they carried 与他们一起度过他们在马德里大学和其他地方的时光.

What you can expect:

  • 沉浸在西班牙语,美食和文化中.
  • 床上用品/毛巾服务,清洁,互联网接入和所有公用设施.
  • 洗衣服务:每位学生每周洗衣两次.
  • 单人间或双人间可选.
  • Options for students who want their host families to cook for them or if they want 更独立地生活,自己做饭. 许多家庭都能容纳 饮食限制,所以请务必在你的申请中注明任何需求.

In your application, we will ask questions to place you in a home that meets your needs. 然而,有时候,你的需求改变了,你可能想换房子. 任何时候都可以联系 or come by our offices on the main floor of Padre Rubio Hall, and we can walk you 通过你的选择,搬到不同的寄宿家庭.


Host-Family Options

We have two categories of host families: room and half board, which includes breakfast and dinner provided by your host family, or semi-independent living, where you cook 在你的主人家里给你自己. 请查看下面的差异的完整细分.

Room and Half Board (Media Pensión)

  • Your host family provides you with breakfast (typically a traditional Spanish breakfast 烤面包、咖啡和/或果汁)和晚餐.
  • Your host family will talk to you upon arrival about meal times so you can prepare accordingly, as Spanish families eat their meals later than in many other countries.
  • If you have dietary restrictions, please list that in your housing application so 我们可以为你匹配一个提供这些住宿的寄宿家庭.
  • This option does not include lunch, nor does it permit the use of the host family's kitchen.
  • This option includes all of the information listed above regarding laundry, cleaning and other amenities.


  • For students who want a little independence or who have specific dietary needs and 宁愿自己做饭.
  • Students purchase their own food and can use the kitchen facilities in their host 家人回家做饭.
  • 学生有责任在厨房里自己打扫卫生.
  • Host families are still nearby to help students settle in and learn more about Spanish 文化,游览马德里等等.
  • There are limited options available for semi-independent host family homes, so apply early! 我们将按照他们的顺序分配想要半独立住房的人 申请已收到.
  • This option includes all of the items listed above in terms of laundry, cleaning and other amenities.


The host family housing application is live, so please apply as soon as possible using 网上住房申请. 如果你有任何访问问题,请发邮件 完成这个过程需要支付200欧元的申请费,而且是不可退还的.


博彩网址大全-Madrid Reminders

These host families welcome international students into their homes and are eager 帮助他们适应在另一个国家的生活. 出于对每个人的尊重 needs, we created the following documents that highlight the rules and expectations 住在寄宿家庭. 

Other Housing Options

Madrid is a large city with many neighborhoods that are all well-connected through 城市的公共交通网络. 如果你想住在步行距离之内 from the 博彩网址大全-Madrid campus, the neighborhoods closest to campus are Ciudad Universitaria, Chamberí and Moncloa.

马德里大学与下列公司既没有合同也没有协议. However, 博彩网址大全-Madrid students have shared that these providers offered them good services. Some of these companies offer other housing options, such as shared apartments and host families.

  • Madrid Easy
  • Oh My Place
  • Your Family in Madrid
  • Innfamily
  • Study Abroad Apartments
  • Colegios mayores are private dormitories whose residents are native Spaniards studying at universities in Madrid. 单学期住宿是不允许的. 申请及录取 processes are carried out directly and solely with the colegio mayor, as they are private businesses. 大学市长的申请时间从4月初开始 到下一学年的五月底.

博彩网址大全-Madrid staff are committed to respecting and honoring the dignity of all people, and will work to find every student a housing option that aligns with their needs. If you are a student who identifies as transgender, gender nonconforming or gender-diverse, and you would like to discuss housing options, please contact our housing coordinator at 这个过程是完全保密的.

Students Under 18

根据西班牙法律,未满18岁的学生被视为未成年人. Minors are not allowed 申请由大学安排的寄宿家庭住宿.