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Below are approved co-curricular experiences that satisfy the Saint 路易 University 本科生核心行动反思要求. 请注意,每次经历 has a separate registration process conducted by the sponsoring 博彩网址大全 department — students do not sign up for these experiences using the traditional course catalog method.  

学生 participating in these experiences are auto-enrolled in a 0-credit section CORE 4500的画布. 他们必须完成最后的反思(对每个人进行管理) student by the 大学的核心) to receive credit toward their graduation requirements.

A listing of 反射正在运行 programs at Madrid can be found at the bottom or 通过点击 在这里

Departments may submit their programs for approval as a Reflection in Action experience 在线这里.



Through the Saint 路易 University 社区服务联邦勤工俭学计划, students can earn their financial aid award of FWS by working at a local nonprofit agency. 这是传统校园工作的另一种选择. 学生可以 gain valuable work 和 career-preparation experience while making a difference in 该网站在圣. 路易社区.  

Dr. 马丁·路德·金. 奖学金计划(仅对MLK获得者开放) 奖学金)

马丁·路德·金. 奖学金计划是一项具有竞争力的奖项 undergraduate students committed to social justice, academic success, service, leadership 文化意识. 这些特点都使我们的奖学金获得者受益匪浅 发展他们作为积极社会变革推动者的潜力. 跨文化 Center for Global Citizenship staff supports 和 advises students in the program.  


Micah students 和 Micah companions commit to 30 hours of service per semester at the same site to build relationships with those at the site 和 gain in-depth knowledge about the sociopolitical challenges underlying the need for service at their site 以及影响他们服役的人的系统.  


  • 职业和体验式学习: This program allows students to utilize their internship, research assistantship, 或其他体验式学习机会,以满足RIA的要求. 学生 will submit their internship information via H和shake 和 indicate that they wish RIA需求的经验. 然后就业服务将提供帮助 将学生添加到CORE 4500.


商务沉浸体验(仅对St开放. 路易斯大学商学院


伯利兹商务沉浸 allows undergraduate Chaifetz School of Business students to learn about social entrepreneurship 以及伯利兹企业主的经济发展. 学生将参与 entrepreneurs of small businesses 和 local farmers to underst和 the process of sourcing 供应链中的原材料. 参与者还将探索文化历史 of the Belizean Maya people, gaining an underst和ing of ancestral l和 ownership 和 current social issues impacting the Maya people 和 businesses in the Punta Gorda 地区. 将特别注意伯利兹的可可和姜黄工业.


有意识的消费沉浸式体验 位于北卡罗来纳州西部,考察了美国的历史中心.S. 纺织品制造. 的 Industrial Commons 和 Carolina Textile District are revitalizing the textile 工业建设美国.S. 纺织循环中心. 制造业一直处于 the heart of these communities 和 their economies for centuries, so, for them, it’s 个人. 因此,卡罗莱纳纺织区邀请大学生和 其他人则进入了繁荣的美国独特生态系统.S. 工厂了解工人 lives, follow the circular products they are making, be inspired to become conscious 消费者,并把他们学到的东西带回他们的社区.


社会行动之旅 are intensive justice-based experiential learning 和 advocacy 机会. 它们使我们能够与社区建立全球伙伴关系 我们在圣路易斯市面临的同样的不平等. 路易. 旅行结束后,学生们返回申请 他们在家里获得的知识. 每队10-12名学生每周训练准备 春假期间的旅行. 会议包括形成和宣传规划. 旅行 地点包括美国.S.-基诺(移民)和新奥尔良(LGBTQ+)的墨西哥边境. Cost: $200 per person, includes all lodging, meals, transportation 和 activities.


Campus Ministry's 春假浸入式课程 leads student participants through the process of diving into a particular social justice issue (like incarceration, 移民、公共卫生问题等.),透过项目支柱(社区、 Spirituality, Social Justice 和 Solidarity) 和 the context of a particular community 在美国. 该项目要求学生参加每周的培训 meetings leading up to 和 following the trip, a week-long immersion experience over 春假, three program-wide events: the Program Kickoff, Sending Forth Prayer 服务及行程后反思日. 学生获得批判性反思,社会 分析,社区建设和领导技能.


Campus Ministry's 伊格纳爵家庭正义宣讲会 (IFTJ) is intended for students who desire to grow in underst和ing 和 application of how social advocacy informs faith 和 how faith informs social advocacy 和 caring for the least of these within 社会. This program endeavors to equip students with some experiences 和 resources to show them that t在这里 is no artificial separation of faith 和 social justice. 他们 必须告知对方,而且本身是不完整的. 伊格纳爵家族 Teach-In for Justice is the largest Catholic social advocacy conference in the United 州. 学生代表的组建在每年的秋季学期进行 to prepare for traveling to the Teach-In itself, which takes place in mid-October 在华盛顿特区.C.



的 社区ESL课程 provides free weekly 英语 language classes to local community 成员. 课程在一个学期中每周进行一次.  


Through the 学校外展计划, students visit a state-sponsored school in a socio-economically challenged neighborhood of Puertollano, a town in the Castilla-La 西班牙曼查地区. 参与者提供英语活动和工作坊 promote the school's image 和 encourage children to practice 和 continue to study 英语.


While volunteering during their stay abroad, students will work with 成员 of the community of Madrid to assist individuals facing detrimental circumstances 和 who 是否有被社会排斥的风险. 学生将有一个独特的机会去创造 a dialogue with individuals living in various states from underdeveloped socio-economic conditions, cognitive 和 physical disabilities, victims of gender violence to 寻求提高教育技能的个人社区. 志愿服务 with organizations within the city of Madrid can allow students to participate in a language exchange, develop cultural sensitivity 和 work alongside groups whose 生活经历/情况与他们自己的大不相同.

在Fundación S和ers做志愿者

Through 在Fundación S和ers做志愿者, students regularly visit one of several Fundación马德里桑德斯中心. 这些中心为学校提供了“安全空间” children from underprivileged or complicated family situations can study, socialize 提高他们的学术和语言能力. 许多孩子是移民 可能会说西班牙语或英语以外的语言. 志愿者帮助孩子们 with their 英语-language 和 computer skills, boost their self-confidence, 激励他们. 这种互动通常会导致坦诚的文化交流.