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博彩网址大全就业服务中心有很多资源供你在申请期间使用 找工作的过程,包括网上和面对面的.



Handshake is your comprehensive resource for all things 职业服务. 找工作和实习 招聘信息,招聘会和其他活动的信息,报名参加校园面试, 查看样本简历和求职信等.

请注意:刚被博彩网址大全录取的学生不应该创建他们的 自己的握手账户. A Handshake account will be created upon enrollment in courses.




实习寻找策略课程的目的是准备和支持学生 从任何学术课程谁有兴趣参与体验式学习 activity. 学生将完成在线模块,这将引导他们完成这个过程 准备和开展体验式学习活动的研究,使 他们大部分的学习经验,并反映和讲述他们的经验的故事.

考虑参加以下学习活动的学生应该 考虑参加本课程:

  • Internship
  • Co-op
  • Practicum
  • Clinical
  • 本科研究
  • 现场布置

To register for the course, complete the form via the button below:

Register for the 寻找实习机会策略 Course


该项目旨在将符合联邦勤工俭学资格的学生联系起来 有校内就业机会. 这些机会是面向地区的 具有学术兴趣,包含基于项目的工作和可转移的办公室技能.

You can apply to jobs of your choice in Handshake; all openings are under the Billiken Horizons雇主简介(搜索“Billiken Horizons”,调出雇主页面). You must provide a resume and a copy of the On-Campus Employment application. The 然后,申请被送到将接待该学生的招聘经理/部门 他们选择他们想要雇佣的人.

Scholarly Undergraduate Research Grants and Experiences (SURGE)

这个项目的目的是提供一条途径,将学生与正在指导的教师联系起来 research, creative endeavors, and other scholarly projects at 博彩网址大全.

您可以在SURGE雇主简介下申请在Handshake中发布的机会 (搜索“博彩网址大全 SURGE”). You must provide a resume and a statement of purpose (cover letter) explaining why you want to be involved with this project.

申请将交给负责项目的教员,他们会 选择他们想要雇佣的人.

Reporting an Experiential Learning Opportunity in Handshake

If you are ready to report an experiential learning opportunity, you can do so on 握手平台. Please see the PDF guide provided below to complete this process:


职业服务中心可以帮助你发展你的工作或实习申请材料. 这些服务包括文件评论、样本文件和电子文件 握手存储.

In-person document critiques can be done Monday through Friday from 1-2 p.m. in our office. 你也可以 上传文件 和握手,让他们在网上评论. 简历、求职信和其他文件 can take up to three business days to be reviewed by 职业服务.

简历概述了你的工作资格,在应聘时通常需要简历 你申请一份工作. It typically outlines the type of position you are seeking and highlights your education, experience, skills and other relevant information. A cover 信中向你介绍了未来的雇主,以及你的技能、教育和能力 经验适合他们的空缺职位.

The primary purpose of a resume and cover letter is to get you an interview. The goal 参加面试的人都能得到这个职位.


Resumes are generally reviewed within 24-72 hours. 留出额外的时间来复习 you submit a resume before a University holiday or the weekend.



As you explore your various career options, an internship can help you:

  • Apply knowledge you've learned in the classroom in a professional setting
  • Find out if a career field is right for you (or not)
  • Make connections with people doing the kind of work you want to do
  • Get real-world experience that will impress employers more than major or GPA

安排预约 with a Career Counselor


The Handshake experience request goes to your faculty sponsor for review. 这样可以确保 that everyone is on the same page for the internship and learning objectives.

一旦教师赞助商批准,你将收到一份学习合同和责任 Waiver via DocuSign, our fully electronic document management system. 不确定是哪个 你要注册的课程? 向你的导师咨询或复习 类的完整列表 已经为实习做好了准备.


Did you know that only 20% of jobs are ever advertised? 剩下的80%代表 “隐性就业市场”.“这就是人脉的用武之地. 通常,公司会 向组织内部的人或向他们推荐的人寻求帮助 由组织内部的人. This type of recruitment is very cost-efficient 为公司.

Networking is important for everyone, regardless of occupation or career path and involves establishing, building and maintaining professional relationships.

Advantages of Networking and How to Get Started (PDF)


成功的求职者会花时间研究自己想要的职位,练习回答问题 不同类型的问题,计划一个合适的衣柜,并准备好遵循 赶快给我写封感谢信.

成功面试的步骤 (PDF)



Employers and other organizations visit campus throughout the academic year. The most 雇主与校园学生联系的常见方式是通过招聘会和 events, on-campus interviewing, and information tables and sessions. Check Handshake for more information on our career fairs and when employers are on campus.

代表各种职业机会的组织安排在校园 博彩网址大全面试. Students will have an opportunity to schedule an on-campus interview for full-time, internship and summer opportunities. 校外求职面试 and internships may be scheduled at any time throughout the year.

所有的校内面试都在位于格里塞迪克的博彩网址大全就业服务办公室举行 Hall, lower level, suite 130, unless otherwise noted. 你必须在 Handshake 参加.

请致电314-977-2828或 career_services@glodokelektronik.net 如果你有任何问题.


如果学生无法参加虚拟展会的预定面试或会议, 他们必须使用握手来“取消会议”、“拒绝面试”、“取消注册”。 或“撤回申请”,或在申请日期前至少24小时通知就业服务中心 至于他们不能出席的原因. 如果他们不采取这些措施,他们 将被视为“未到场”,并将立即停止参加校内面试 并且无法进入握手数据库. 这个学生必须写一封道歉信 to the company and submit a copy to 职业服务. 一旦收到确认 信件发出后,暂停将被解除,封锁将被移除.

被邀请参加面试但没有报名或选择拒绝面试的学生 interview through Handshake will follow the above protocol.

如果再犯,学生必须与就业服务主任见面. Disciplinary action will be discussed at that time.


为了让职业服务中心在雇主中保持良好的信誉,一次 一个学生已经接受了实习或全职工作,他们可能不会面试 其他职位通过握手的方式.

违反此政策者将被立即暂停参加校内面试 以及握手的使用.


如果被雇主告知学生违背了已接受的offer,学生将被开除 会立即被禁止参加校内面试和握手吗 database. The student must meet with a 职业服务 staff person to discuss the 他们决定的理由和后果. 如果认为有必要,学生必须 write a letter of apology to the company and submit a copy to 职业服务. Once 收到信件已发出的确认后,暂停将被解除 移除block.

如果再犯,该学生将被永久禁止参加 in On-Campus 面试 and permanently blocked from use of Handshake.


If you are looking for an internship or job outside of St. 路易,你可能有资格 to use the career-related services of other colleges and universities through our 互助计划.

例如,如果你在芝加哥找工作,博彩网址大全职业服务中心可以 put you in touch with a university there that can help. 然后是博彩网址大全就业服务中心 can assist students from that university who may be job hunting in St. Louis.

其他学校提供的服务可能有限,因为学校提供不同的 互惠和准入的水平. 博彩网址大全 职业服务 cannot guarantee assistance 其他学校的学生.


职业服务 will contact the schools for you with a request for reciprocity. As we hear from the schools, we will email you their contact information. It will be up to you to contact them and start the process. 与任何职业服务部门联系 其他问题.


如果您不是博彩网址大全的学生,要求获得博彩网址大全的就业服务,请博彩网址大全的 office by sending the name and email address of your career center's director to career_services@glodokelektronik.net.

Reciprocal Services for Students Who Attend A Jesuit College or University

Attend or are an alumnus of a Jesuit college or university. 以下服务 如果你是在读的本科生或研究生,是否可以通过博彩网址大全获得 or if it has been less than three years since you graduated.

  • 三个月完全访问我们的工作/实习数据库,握手,除了例外 校园招聘活动
  • 简历评论服务
  • 下午1点到2点的预约时间.m.星期一至星期五
  • 免费参加招聘会
  • Complimentary 30- to 45-minute counseling/job search session. 后续的会议 职业咨询收费75美元,每次职业评估收费25美元(包括预约) 解释).
Reciprocal Services for Students Who Do Not Attend a Jesuit College or University

如果你没有参加或不是耶稣会学院或大学的校友 如果您是在读本科生,可以通过博彩网址大全获得以下服务 or graduate student or if it has been less than one year since you graduated.

  • One month "browse-only" access to our online job database, Handshake
  • Career counseling appointment for a $100 fee and career assessments for $25 each
  • 参加招聘会的费用是10美元