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Occupational Health Program

博彩网址大全致力于维护一个安全和健康的研究环境 接触生物、化学和物理健康危害最小的地方.

博彩网址大全设立了实验室和动物研究职业健康方案 (OHP),以降低风险,并确保符合适用的地方,州和联邦 regulations. 职业健康计划的主要目标是防止职业伤害 and illness.

The University's vice president for research has approved the 大学实验室和动物研究职业健康计划政策(PDF) 确保博彩网址大全的所有人都可能面临一定程度的风险 因为他们的工作在或附近有研究实验室或动物设施 to the OHP.

该政策适用于在大学工作的所有人员,包括教职员工、 学生、独立承包商、合作者和其他非大学人员 who work in or near a research laboratory or animal facility. All individuals working 进入或可以进入博彩网址大全研究实验室或动物研究设施必须 participate in the OHP. Participation in the OHP is also required under the Select Agent Rule [] 42 CFR 73 and under the NIH Guidelines for Recombinant DNA by individuals working with Risk Group 3 recombinant materials.

对于符合上述标准的人员,参与的程度和水平 OHP是基于对其指定职责所造成的危害的风险评估 and the applicable setting, including animals and hazardous materials used; exposure intensity, duration, and frequency; susceptibility of personnel; and history of occupational illness and injury in the workplace.

博彩网址大全动物设施工作并参与直接护理的个人 of vertebrate animals and their living quarters; those individuals who have direct 与动物(活的或死的)、其活组织、体液或废物接触 should also refer to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.


University Research Personnel

研究人员应参加实验室职业健康计划 and Animal Research (OHP) for the following events:

  • 应聘实验室或动物研究职位的新员工
  • involvement in an Institutional Biosafety Committee protocol
  • 参与机构动物护理和使用委员会的协议
  • 调到实验室或动物研究的工作岗位
  • referral by their supervisor

新的和现有的大学研究人员需要参加OHP 是否应报名参加该计划并参加所有规定的培训课程 by the risk exposure categories of their position.

OHP Enrollment Process:

  1. Complete the Occupational Health Medical History Questionnaire (PDF) and submit it to the OHP manager. The Medical History Questionnaire is a confidential 医疗文件,并应由参赛者填写,并直接发送到 OHP manager. 它被保密地保存在OHP员工记录中,而不是 returned to the participant nor the University. Note: Principal investigators and 主管应准备好协助新员工完成实验室工作 动物接触史部分,因为新的研究人员可能不完全了解 动物的种类或暴露在新位置所涉及的频率.
  2. 然后由OHP医务人员审查病史调查表.  OHP medical 职员可向比较医学及环境学系咨询 健康与安全(EHS)确定实验室和化学品安全的培训要求; 生物危害,辐射安全,现场安全,驾驶员培训和人体工程学.
  3. 参加者及其主管将由EHS(一般实验室)通知 工作/设置)或CM(用于从事动物护理和使用的人员)的任何具体说明 regarding their continuing participation in the OHP.
  4. 在OHP审查之后,OHP医务人员可能会推荐针对特定风险的预防措施 措施,如免疫接种、额外测试或健康监测.
  5. 如果在OHP审查期间确定了进一步的要求,OHP将通知 participant and the supervisor directly.  No personal medical information will be included in this notification.
  6. 一旦参与者完成了建议或提供了理由 排除后,他们可以开始从事适用的研究活动.
  7. 参与者和他们的导师必须确保病史问卷 在工作、工作任务、动物接触或暴露方面是否有任何变化 to hazardous agents. 重大的活动变化可能需要新的风险评估 and OHP must be contacted.
  8. 每位参与者负责提交一份最新的病史问卷 whenever there is a significant change in their health status.
Non-University Research Personnel and Independent Contractors  

非大学研究人员和独立承包商必须参与 a comparable OHP through their employer. Contact the Occupational Health Program manager at 314-977-7026 or for guidance on the verification process.


访客可豁免参加大学的OHP,但访客 动物设施和实验室受大学政策AC-006的约束 规定他们必须签署访客风险承担和释放协议.

Injury and Illness Reporting Flowchart

Employees and students may reference this flowchart (PDF) in the event of an injury or illness. 


培训是必要的充分准备工作安全在实验室和 animal facilities. 员工必须参加以下列出的所有强制性培训 their reporting unit's guidelines per university policies (University Policy RC-006). 鼓励管理人员以以下方式审查职业健康安全风险类别和培训矩阵 their staff.

Register for Courses Listed Below on the EHS Training Page

Exposure Risk Category Required Training Course Title
Direct Patient Contact Bloodborne Pathogen Training
Research Laboratory Worker Laboratory Safety and Compliance Training
Research Animals and Animal Facilities Mandatory Animal Use Orientation
Occupational Health Program Training
Laboratory Safety and Compliance Training
为研究实验室和动物设施服务的支持职位(i.e., Housekeeping, Facilities, Public Safety, etc.) Hazard Awareness Training for Support Staff
Bloodborne Pathogens Bloodborne Pathogen Training
 Recombinant DNA Laboratory Safety and Compliance Training
 Risk Group 2 Biological Agents Laboratory Safety and Compliance Training
Risk Group 3 Biological Agents Laboratory Safety and Compliance Training
 Select Agents Select Agent Awareness
BSL-3 Awareness
ABSL-3 Awareness
 Toxic Chemicals Laboratory Safety and Compliance Training
 Radioactive Materials Radiation Safety Orientation
 X-Rays (Machine Produced Radiation) Radiation Safety Training for X-ray and Fluoroscopy Users
 Laser Use (Class 3b or 4) Laser Safety (SkillSoft)


鼓励员工寻求超出最低要求的培训机会 courses. 主管和报告单位应通过合并促进持续培训 在内部会议和活动中讨论职业健康和安全问题.