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Public Health, M.P.H. and Law, J.D. Dual Degree

Saint Louis University School of Law and the College for Public Health and Social Justice 合作提供公共卫生双法学博士/硕士学位,侧重于卫生管理和政策.

博彩网址大全法律学位与公共卫生硕士学位相结合,为学生提供了一套独特的技能-深入了解法律制度以及法律法规如何影响公共卫生, along with a comprehensive insight into the social, 环境和物质影响决定人民和社区的健康和福祉. 双学位将毕业生区分为训练有素,积极性高的人,并提供机会通过任何选择的职业道路实现有意义的改变.


Law, J.D.

Public Health, M.P.H.

Program Highlights

  • 博彩网址大全的双学位课程使学生能够以比单独获得更少的时间和费用获得两个学位 — roughly four years compared to five.
  • 博彩网址大全 LAW's Center for Health Law Studies 一直被评为全国首屈一指的医疗法律项目 U.S. News and World Report. 公共卫生和社会正义学院的公共卫生项目已被公认为美国顶级项目之一.S.
  • 该双学位课程的学生接受国际知名教授的培训, 在现场安置无与伦比的专业机会, and access to a robust alumni network.


双学位课程的毕业生有多样化的就业机会. 他们往往在卫生保健系统中担任有影响力的职位, nonprofit institutions, large health law firms, health policy and human rights organizations, federal and state regulatory agencies, think tanks, and pharmaceutical, device and biotechnology corporations.


博彩网址大全法学院自1924年12月以来一直获得美国律师协会(ABA)的认证. 认证机构是美国律师协会法律教育和律师博彩网址大全委员会, 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654, 312-988-6738.

博彩网址大全公共卫生和社会正义学院获得了公共卫生教育委员会(CEPH)的全面认可。. 要查看我们最新的认证文件,请访问 College for Public Health and Social Justice website.



Individuals may apply to the Master of Public Health program concurrently with application to the School of Law or following admission to the School of Law; however, 双学位课程的录取取决于公共卫生硕士和J.D. programs.

Six credits from the School of Law J.D. requirements will be used to satisfy M.P.H.-健康管理和政策(HMP)学位选修要求.

The courses used must be taken from the approved M.P.H.-HMP list. 任何法律研讨会课程的批准都必须获得法学硕士的批准.P.H.-HMP顾问/项目主管,确保课程被录取.

Nine credits from the M.P.H.-HMP degree requirements will be used to satisfy J.D. requirements. J.D. advisor approval is required.

HMP 5000 Health Care Organization (3 cr) fulfills the M.P.H. core requirement for Health Management and Policy.

LAW 8000 Health Care Law (3 cr) substitutes for HMP 5510 Health Policy & Law (3 cr)

PUBH 5070 为社区实践翻译证据和理论(3学分) 是在第三学期还是第四学期,这取决于你是否参加了华盛顿的卫生法学期, D.C.

Students pursuing the J.D./M.P.H. 必须完成117到121个学分,取决于专注的领域. All students pursuing a J.D./M.P.H. must also complete an internship in public health.

Continuation Standards

学生必须保持累积平均绩点(GPA)为3.00 in all graduate/professional courses.


指定为关键的课程和里程碑(用 !)必须在列出的学期内完成,以确保及时毕业. Transfer credit may change the roadmap.

这个路线图不应该用来代替定期的学术咨询预约. 鼓励所有学生每学期与他们的指导老师/导师见面. 要求,课程的可用性和顺序可能会发生变化.

M.P.H. with Health Management and Policy Concentration 

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
LAW 7000 Civil Procedure 4
LAW 7005 Criminal Law 3
LAW 7015 Torts 4
LAW 7020 Legal Analysis, Research and Communication I 3
LAW 7040 Professional Identity, Practices and Skills I 1
LAW 7010 Contracts 4
LAW 7021 Legal Analysis, Research and Communication II 3
LAW 7025 Constitutional Law I 3
LAW 7030 Property 4
LAW 7033 Law Office Technology 1
Year Two
HMP 5910 HMP Internship (repeatable for credit) 1
HMP 5000 Health Care Organization 3
HMP 5500 Health Policy 3
PUBH 5010 Mission and Practice of Global Public Health 2
PUBH 5040 Generating Evidence from Public Health Data 3
LAW 8000 Health Care Law 3
Critical course:  LAW Courses 7
HMP 5200 Health Economics 3
HMP 5720 Government Financing of Health Care 3
PUBH 5030 了解人口健康的方法学方法 3
Year Three
J.D. Summer Experience  
Critical course:  Law Courses 9
HMP 5300 Management of Health Care Organizations 3
PUBH 5060 Environmental and Biological Determinants of Health 3
PUBH 5070 Translating Evidence and Theory for Community Practice § 3
Students choose one of the following options: 13-14
Health Law Semester in Washington, D.C. (14 credits)
Law Courses (10 credits) &
PUBH 5070
为社区实践翻译证据和理论(如果不参加华盛顿特区的卫生法学期.C.) §  
Year Four
Law Courses 13
PUBH 5020 Ethical Issues in Public Health 3
Law Courses 9
HMP 5210 Economic Evaluation 3
PUBH 5950 Special Study for Examinations 0
PUBH 5960 Capstone in Public Health Practice 3
 Total Credits123-124

PUBH 5910实习/实践经验导师批准.  在健康管理和政策集中的学生将采取HMP 5910代替PUBH 5910. 健康管理与政策/流行病学和健康管理与政策兼职专业的学生可以根据自己的兴趣选择这两门课程.


PUBH 5950注册这门课程表明学生已经完成了春季学期CPH考试所需的课程.  




XXX-#### Elective: Academic advisor required. 正在攻读硕士学位证书的学生应该, in consultataion with their academic advisor, 从证书所需的课程列表中选择选修课程. 


如果参加华盛顿特区的卫生法学期,可以在第三年秋季参加.C., or third year spring.