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The Saint 路易 University 向上的束缚 program (博彩网址大全-UB) is a college preparatory academy that provides high school students the opportunity to acquire the academic skills and personal motivation necessary to finish high school, to enter and earn 学位:学院或大学的学位.

The program is free and open to 9th-12th grade students from the following high schools in the Ferguson-Florissant and Riverview Gardens school districts in North St. 路易 县. The University will annually serve 60 students at each participating school. 

  • 麦克卢尔高中
  • 麦克卢尔北高中
  • 河景花园高中



Funded by the Department of Education, 向上的束缚 is a college-access program that stimulates students’ interest in postsecondary education and various career fields, including science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. UB的项目是 specifically designed to assist limited-income high school students who have the potential to be the first in their families to attain a college degree.

向上的束缚 is focused on helping students sharpen leadership skills, engage in career and college exploration, learn from guest speakers, participate in service-learning 机会,社会和文化的郊游.


博彩网址大全's 向上的束缚 program includes an academic-year component that begins in September 五月结束. Saturday Academy classes will provide additional academic support and development on two Saturdays of each month. 学生将接受辅导,ACT/SAT preparation, personal and career guidance, 援助 with financial aid and the college admissions process (both in school and on 博彩网址大全’s campus).


Students enrolled in the 博彩网址大全-UB program are required to participate in a six-week residential 夏季学院 program that begins in mid-June. 上课时间为周一至周五, and students also participate in fine arts, recreational and cultural activities. The 夏季学院 concludes with a college tour. 学生们到选定的城市旅行 to tour campuses to gain a better understanding of college.


We provide the following services to high school students participating in the programs:

  • Educational support, including tutoring, homework 援助, supplemental instruction, 和团体/个人学术丰富
  • 个人和领导技能的发展
  • Experience with collaborative work groups and research projects
  • 丰富的、综合的大学预科课程
  • Dual-credit机会
  • Career and college exploration, campus visits, ACT preparation and financial aid application 援助
  • Service-learning and community service opportunities
  • 社会和文化项目
  • 体验在大学宿舍的生活
  • Parent and family support, including workshops, support groups and connections to 其他社区资源


The federal government sets the guidelines for eligibility. 才有资格参加向上运动 Bound, students must meet the following requirements:

  • Be first-generation college-bound (neither parent living in the home has a four-year degree) and/or limited income household based off the Department of Education Federal TRIO项目收入水平.
  • 参加大学预科课程
  • 拥有并保持2.高中时平均绩点5分
  • Display potential to succeed at the postsecondary level
  • Attend a target school district high school or reside in North St. 路易县


We have a team dedicated to serving students participating in 博彩网址大全 向上的束缚 programs 以及他们的家人. In addition to the academic guidance and 援助 provided by our central staff and faculty, participants receive support from various 博彩网址大全 campus 以及当地社区资源.


How much does it cost to participate in 向上的束缚?

没有什么. 这对你来说是没有成本的.


Students who are accepted into 向上的束缚 are accepted for the remainder of their high school careers, provided they keep their grades up and continue participating. We ask that students attend all 向上的束缚-sponsored events.


The program requires a commitment from participating students to:

  • Take a college prep curriculum during the academic year
  • 参加暑期项目
  • 参加课后会议
  • 努力工作,保持积极的态度
  • 高中毕业
  • 进博彩网址大全院或大学学习并毕业
If I am accepted to 向上的束缚, will I be allowed to participate in extra-curricular 我高中的活动?

We encourage students to participate in extra-curricular activities in their high schools, whether it is sports, clubs, drama or band.


Yes, you can work if it does not interfere with 向上的束缚’s required activities 和考勤.

What kind of commitments must families make to the program?

We want to develop a strong working partnership with every student and their family. Therefore, it is important that the family unit consider the following: the purpose of the program, services provided, time commitments for the school year and summer programs, the importance of open communication.