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Saint Louis University Students' Opportunity for Achievement and Resources (SOAR) program provides many resources and services unique to the Billikens we serve. 


长期辅导预约 are one of the unique services and opportunities available 通过SOAR计划. 学生可以申请每周一小时的辅导课程 每周同一时间,同一时间,同一家教. 这种一致性和连续性 能帮助学生理解课堂上的信息吗.


  1. 请查看 提供辅导的课程列表
  2. 请填写 常备预约表格 请求辅导. 一定要列出所有可用的时间,而不仅仅是时间 你更喜欢.

Once you have requested standing tutoring, you will receive an email from tutoring services letting you know when your 任命 are or if there is a problem with 你要求的课程或时间. 梅丽莎·伯吉斯 in academic support will be coordinating all standing tutoring 任命 for SOAR students.

一定要参加你的辅导预约. 你俩都没来 任命 may result in the cancellation of the remainder of your standing tutoring 任命. We understand that things may come up, but please be courteous and responsible and cancel your appointment in advance if you won't be able to attend.

欲了解更多信息,请联系 林赛Gonterman.


Each semester, students are expected to meet with their 初级顾问, as well as a SOAR advisor to discuss their academic plan and courses for the upcoming semester.

You are welcome to meet with your SOAR advisor before or after you meet with your 初级顾问. Your SOAR advisor is here to help you better understand the registration process and to make sure you are on track with your academic/graduation plan.

SOAR has two worksheets that can help you with your pre-registration meeting and can 在与您的SOAR顾问会面时使用. 一种是你们见面之前用的 with your 初级顾问 and one is for you to use after you've met with your primary advisor. We also have a worksheet that can help you calculate your GPA for the semester 这取决于你认为自己这学期能拿到多少分数.


Peer mentoring is available to our first-year SOAR students to help with the transition to 博彩网址大全. Our peer mentors are generally current SOAR students who have been successful at 博彩网址大全 and have a desire to help new students adjust and feel welcome.


Another perk of being part of the SOAR program is that you get to register the day 在您的课程开始注册之前.


Your registration PIN, which is required to access the system early, will begin with “5”,并将由注册办公室通过电子邮件发送给您.

Students can register based on their classification as a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior. Your classification is based upon the number of earned credit hours only:

  • 0-29学时=新生注册课程
  • 30-59学时=大二注册课
  • 60-89学时=初级注册课程
  • 90-120+学时=高级注册课程

You can view the exact dates for when you'll be able to register each semester on 大学注册处网站.


All SOAR students can print for free in the SOAR computer lab in the Center for Global 公民身份(CGC), 108套房. 你可以做作业或研究论文和 打印出所有必要的文件、笔记和文章. 学生可以使用电脑 周一到周五,早上八点半.m. to 5 p.m. 当CGC 108打开时.


Students who are part of the SOAR program have some unique scholarship and grant opportunities 他们可以获得:暑期学费折扣和博士学位. 约翰逊图书奖. These can be very competitive and come with their own set of restrictions.


The 夏季学费优惠 allows selected students to take a 博彩网址大全 summer course for approximately $100 per credit hour*, allowing students to stay on track to graduate on time. 学生将被邀请在春季学期申请. 合格的学生 must be a participant in the SOAR Program and must have completed the financial literacy 项目要求. 此外,将优先考虑那些有经济能力的人 需要和强大的项目参与. *此费率不适用学生 学费更高的课程.

Dr. 约翰逊图书奖

The Dr. 约翰逊图书奖 competition takes place in the spring semester and helps 以支付学生下一学年的书费. 这项奖学金是 run by an office outside of SOAR but is only open to SOAR and TRIO students. 信息 on the scholarship will be sent to students in the spring semester when it becomes available.


博彩网址大全's Honors Office can help you find and apply for post-baccalaureate scholarships, as well as for prestigious undergraduate scholarships, internships and research opportunities. 在网上或通过电子邮件浏览机会 honors@glodokelektronik.net 了解更多信息. 


Having a basic understanding of personal finances, financial aid, budgeting is important 为了你未来的成功. SOAR allows you to complete various financial literacy certificates through financialliteracy101.org.

All of the certificates are online and can be completed at your own pace. 成功 complete a course, you must receive a final grade of at least an 80 percent.


In your first year of SOAR, you will earn the 金融知识 101 certificate. This certificate provides an introductory overview of topics like budgeting, credit vs. 借记卡和财务健康. 该证书预计需要大约 90分钟完成,但可以按照自己的节奏.

To complete this certificate, enter the access code "博彩网址大全SSS" at financialliteracy101.org. From there you will create a profile so that you can log into the system later to complete the certificate or to explore what other courses the site has to offer.


Each year after your first year in the SOAR program, you will be expected to complete 不同的金融知识证书. 主题范围从金融的高级主题 aid to consumer financial literacy and preparing for life after college.

Following completion of the 金融知识 101 certificate, you will complete 金融知识200. 要访问证书,请访问 financialliteracy101.org 用你去年用过的信息登录. (如果你忘了密码, 金融知识网站可以帮你检索.)

Once you've logged in, on the right-hand side will be your portfolio. 点击 “课程”选项. This will take you to a review of the courses you have already completed 也允许你注册一门新课程. 点击“输入课程编号” and enter "334" to register for the 金融知识200 certificate.

Students who have completed both the 金融知识 101 and 200 certificate, will 完成金融知识300证书. 要注册该课程,请点击以下链接 与上面列出的步骤相同,并输入课程编号“472”."

Following 金融知识 300, you will complete the 金融知识 400 certificate. To register for this course, follow the same steps listed above and enter "630" as 课程编号.


We now have an optional — but strongly suggested — course that focuses on repaying 你的学生贷款成功. 该课程包括还款选项的信息, 避免默认和宽恕选项的方法. 要访问此课程,请遵循以下步骤 listed in the returning students section above and enter "631" as 课程编号.