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Seven Hospitals, Endless Opportunities

博彩网址大全普外科培训的多样性成为可能 by our partner facilities. 每个站点允许独特的患者群体和实践 environment. 住院医师体验所有的普通外科实践,包括 三级保健,大型私人诊所,退伍军人事务,儿科护理,和小型 private practice. 

SSM Health 博彩网址大全 Hospital

新SSM健康博彩网址大全医院,于2020年9月开业. 这是普外科项目的主要培训地点. 

该项目为期五年,包括多个培训地点. The PGY-1 and PGY-4年级主要以博彩网址大全医院为基础,而PGY-2和PGY-3年级则以博彩网址大全医院为基础 focused on rotating at other facilities. A balanced PGY-5 year allows graduating chiefs to sharpen all of their surgical skills. Here is the average amount of time spent at each site:

  • SSM健康博彩网址大全医院:35个月
  • SSM Health St. Mary's Hospital: Four months
  • 格伦农枢机主教儿童医院:六个月
  • VA圣路易斯医疗保健系统- John Cochran分部:9个月
  • SSM Health St. Clair Health Center: Two months
  • Mercy Medical Center: One month 
  • Mercy South: Three months


SSM Health Saint Louis University Hospital  

SSM健康博彩网址大全医院是一家拥有356张床位的三级护理医院 转诊中心,服务于圣何塞方圆150英里范围内的人群. Louis. This 普通外科住院医师的主要培训地点是哪里. It is the flagship 是SSM保健系统的医院,有广泛的转诊基础. The hospital’s mission 使它能够为大量服务不足的病人提供护理. The old portion 该医院最初建于1933年,并于1988年扩建. The new Saint Louis University Hospital opened in September of 2020.

该医院是密苏里州和伊利诺伊州认证的一级创伤中心. The 每年在博彩网址大全医院的培训时间在3 - 9个月之间. 博彩网址大全的住院医生在急症护理、移植、血管、外科肿瘤/结直肠、 胸/胸、创伤、夜间浮动和ICU旋转. It is here that residents 有高视力,三级护理学术手术经验. Medically complex patients 与复杂的外科问题,使外科住院医师参加了独一无二的 cases. 此外,还有各种常规的普通外科手术 复杂的病人,以及大量的穿透性创伤. 博彩网址大全 允许普通外科住院医师与来自 various specialties.

SSM Health Saint Louis University Hospital Website

SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital

SSM Health St. 玛丽医院位于里士满高地,是一家拥有525张床位的半私立医院, Missouri, 4.5 miles from 博彩网址大全 Hospital. It is the home of 博彩网址大全’s OB/GYN and Family Practice residency programs. General surgery residents rotate at St. Mary’s during their PGY-2 and PGY-4 years. 他们与博彩网址大全教员合作,与SSM私人外科医生一起提供 general surgical care.

对于这种独特的体验,常驻人员独立于博彩网址大全工作,并且是 the only general surgery resident rotating at St. Mary’s. This allows for a robust 外科和临床经验多为“面包和黄油”的普外科. Residents 在这个位置带回家电话和体验私人执业.

SSM Health St. Mary's Hospital Website

SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital

红衣主教格伦农儿童医院是一家拥有195张床位的儿科三级医疗机构 center adjacent to 博彩网址大全 Hospital. It holds a Level I pediatric trauma accreditation with an associated Level IV NICU. It has a full range of pediatric subspecialties and is home to the Pediatrics residency program.

普通外科的住院医生在第一次手术期间要在格伦农主教医院待六个月 and third years of training. This encompasses both a call and night-float system. 住院医生轮流在儿科外科服务,其中包括儿科领域 general, thoracic, and trauma surgery. This experience includes participating in a 从小儿疝气、阑尾炎到复杂肝胆疾病的各种病例 and neonatal procedures. 这一点,以及一个繁忙的创伤经验,允许一个强大的 experience in the treatment of pediatric patients. The clinic allows residents to 看看从办公室到手术室的进展. Both PGY-1 and PGY-3 residents 参与并执行各种简单和复杂的案件. Cardinal Glennon also serves as a base for available research projects.

新的儿科医院最近破土动工,应该完工 in 2027.



约翰·科克伦退伍军人事务医院是三级护理的VA医院 region. Located 1.它距离博彩网址大全 8英里,服务于St. Louis and the surrounding area. 住院医生在PGY-2、PGY-3和PGY-5年轮流在这里工作. 在这里,博彩网址大全的居民与St .华盛顿大学的居民一起工作. Louis. 退伍军人事务部的外科护理是两所大学共同努力的结果. 来自这两个项目的住院医生共同承担呼叫责任,并合作 和两个项目的老师一起照顾病人. 博彩网址大全 residents also perform 与WashU的外科教师合作,提供多样化的培训和经验. 有一个单一的VA 博彩网址大全手术服务,包括一般,血管,结肠, and surgical oncology. PGY-2的住院医生在主任的领导下负责内部呼叫和工作 resident and faculty oversight. PGY-3 residents broaden their surgical and clinical skills, especially in the field of vascular surgery. They are introduced to chief-level call responsibilities on weekends. PGY-5 residents are the leaders of their service 并在手术室对PGY-2、PGY-3住院医师进行教学案例指导.


SSM Health St. Hospital - Fenton

Southwest of St. Louis, SSM Health St. Clare Health Center is a 180-bed private facility 17 miles from 博彩网址大全 Hospital. General surgery residents rotate at St. Clare during their PGY-5年,在大学和私人诊所工作血管,结肠直肠 and MIS surgeons.

View SSM Health St. Claire Hospital

Mercy St. Louis

Mercy Medical Center is 12 miles west of 博彩网址大全 Hospital. With 1,200+ beds, it is the largest private hospital in the St. Louis area. General surgery residents complete 在PGY-2期间,他们在Mercy医院与私人整形外科医生进行烧伤轮转 year.

Visit Mercy Health Hospital

Mercy South

Mercy South is the newest site to our program. PGY-4 and PGY-5 residents complete 这家有767张床位的私人医院在16英里以南的 Saint Louis University Hospital.

View Mercy South Site

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