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Saint Louis University's gastroenterology training program is designed to train pediatricians to be excellent clinicians, educators, and scholars in pediatric gastroenterology, 肝病与营养学. 

As a fellow, you will provide direct and supervisory care for pediatric inpatients, 担任儿科医生的顾问 红衣主教格伦农儿童医院 as well as in the surrounding region, and develop skills conduct clinical, translational 和/或长凳研究设置.

Learn More About 博彩网址大全's Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology


欢迎来到我们的儿科胃肠病学奖学金项目. We are dedicated to nurturing the next generation of pediatric gastroenterologists who will make a meaningful impact in the field. 我们的首要目标是培养全面发展的医生 equipped with the knowledge and skills to excel in all facets of pediatric gastroenterology, 肝病与营养学.

We understand that each fellow brings unique experiences and aspirations. Therefore, our program is designed to be flexible, allowing us to tailor your training to meet 你的个人需求和目标. 作为全国排名的儿科胃肠道科的一员, you will work closely with our renowned faculty and dedicated staff who are committed 祝你成功幸福.

At our program, your growth as a pediatric gastroenterologist is our priority. We provide a supportive and collaborative environment to ensure your professional development. 我们期待着与您一起踏上这一变革之旅.

Nisha Mangalat, M.D.

Clinical Training

Fellows receive training in clinical gastroenterology, 肝病与营养学, in gastrointestinal endoscopy and liver biopsies, and have ample opportunities for mentored research. We care for patients with significant complex disease and have excellent collaborative relationships with pediatric surgeons, transplant surgeons, GI pathologists, psychologists, radiologists, dietitians, nursing, pharmacists, and social workers 帮助我们提供世界一流的医疗服务.

The primary clinical site for the program is the SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital. 


Our fellows also have opportunities to rotate with our adult gastroenterology group at Saint Louis University for additional didactic and endoscopy experiences. 

Fellowship Training

该奖学金为期三年. 申请人必须获得董事会认证或董事会资格 in pediatrics. 我们的培训计划很灵活,可以根据需要量身定制 个别受训者. 

红衣主教格伦农儿童医院 is the primary site for the training of the fellowship and is the primary pediatric teaching program of the Saint Louis 大学医学院

Cardinal Glennon is a free-standing 190-bed children's hospital across the street 来自博彩网址大全医学院. 医院包括一级儿科创伤中心, 三级新生儿重症监护室和积极的肝移植计划.



  • Fifteen to eighteen months of direct patient care in inpatient and outpatient settings. The majority of the clinical experience occurs during the first year of fellowship.
  • 儿科胃肠病学住院服务
    • The fellow leads a primary gastroenterology/hepatology service team with progressive 在胃肠内科主治医师监督下的自主权
    • The fellow provides direct consultative services for pediatric inpatients
    • The fellow is the first-line consultant through the Cardinal Glennon Access Line, a direct-to-specialist consultant phone line available to pediatricians around the region.
  • 花了大约18个月的时间进行研究
    • Opportunities for scholarly activity with mentorship by national leaders in pediatric gastroenterology
    • Elective rotation opportunities with adult endoscopy, pediatric nutrition, hepatology, radiology

Our Faculty

Headshot of Ajay Jain

Ajay Jain, M.D.

Division chief

Ajay Jain was recently named the named next president of the American Society for 肠外营养(ASPEN). 

Read about it here


Jeff Teckman, M.D.

Drs. James and Patricia Monteleone Endowed Chair in Pediatric Gastroenterology


Helen Pappa



Dhiren Patel, M.D.


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Sara Henen, M.D.


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Fernando Medina-Carbonell, m.m.D.


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Aniruddh Setya, M.D.



有多个会议可供研究员参加. They include:


Held from 9 to 10 a.每周三为您介绍儿科的核心内容 gastroenterology. 医学院学生和儿科住院医生轮流在GI服务 也要参加这个系列讲座.

Pathology Conference

This is a weekly multidisciplinary conference held with pediatric pathologists to 复习和讨论胃肠道组织病理学临床病例.


Monthly lecture by pediatric pathologist to cover core GI histopathology learning topics.


Bi-annual conference led by fellows to highlight patient safety and quality.

IBD Roundtable

Quarterly conference led by IBD Medical Directors to review quality and outcomes data in our robust pediatric IBD practice as well as an opportunity for case discussion.

Radiology Conference

Monthly conference led by pediatric radiologists to review interesting GI radiographic findings and learn rationale for specific radiographic tests and techniques

Application Process

您可以通过以下途径申请我们的GI研究员职位 电子居留申请服务. 我们在每个面试季节的7月1日至31日接受申请. 我们审核申请 in early August and invite applicants to interview from September to October. All our positions will be filled through the National Residency Match Program (NRMP). 我们同时担保H-1B1和J-1签证. 所有的申请要求都列出了 ERAS

Our Graduates

Fellow Graduation Year 奖学金期间的学术工作 Current Position
Anandini Suri, M.D. 2023

Increased Liver Biopsy Fibrosis and Other Markers Are Associated with Adverse Liver α -1- at缺乏症成人的结局.

导师:Jeff Teckman, m.m.D.



Albert Shan, M.D. 2022

Colonic Manometry in Pediatric Patients with Spina Bifida: Results from a Retrospective Cohort Study


Oregon Health & Science University

Sara Henen, M.D. 2021

Can Early MRE improve IBD Remission Rates at 1 Year in Pediatric Patients with Crohn’s Disease

Mentor: Helen Pappa, M.D.

Christine Denton, M.D. 2020

Broad Spectrum Enteral Antibiotics Drive Clonal Expansion of Gut Inflammatory Microbiota and Significant Hepatic Cholestasis in Animals on Parenteral Nutrition

Mentor: Ajay Jain, M.D.


Thomas Ratchford, M.D. 2019

Diagnostic accuracy of non-contrast MRE in detecting bowel inflammation in pediatric patients with diagnosed or suspected IBD to determine necessity of gadolinium-based contrast agents

导师:Jeff Teckman, M.D.; Shannon Farmakis, M.D.



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More Information

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