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Valerio Rasi, Zach Grese, Jess Bourque, Emily Cybulla和梅根· Murray, 2024届毕业生 M的.D./Ph.D. 程序. 祝福你们每一个人. 你的奉献和同情心 will make a difference for so many. 祝贺你!

祝贺你 to Alex Piening, Ph.D.最近出版了两篇文章. 首先,“肥胖引起的 T细胞功能障碍损害免疫监视并增加癌症风险 自然通讯.


第二篇论文,“治疗晚期肝细胞癌的总生存率。 伴随全身治疗和立体定向全身放射治疗或全身治疗 是与放射肿瘤科合作的,是 基于我去马德里参加2023年欧洲肿瘤医学学会大会的经历, 西班牙.


Lou Vinarcsik在卫生保健系为她的论文辩护
Lou Vinarcsik, m.s.D./Ph.D trainee, defended her dissertation in the health care ethics 5月15日,她的委员会一致投票通过了她! Vinarcsik很高兴能在6月份回到病人护理中,并决心找到 a spare minute every now and then to keep writing. 
祝贺你 to Alex Piening, Ph.D. Piening successfully defended his dissertation 题目是:“肥胖相关的T细胞功能障碍损害免疫监视并增加 cancer risk” under the direction of Ryan Teague, Ph.D. 派宁将重新加入医疗组 school as a third-year student 6月. 

M的图像.D./Ph.D. 程序 Match Day bowling celebration. 祝贺你 on 你r new adventures Zack, Jess, Valerio, 梅根· and Emily. 我们非常兴奋 你!

祝贺你 to Zachary Grese, M.D., Ph.D. Zack is excited to be staying at SSM 博彩网址大全医学院的精神病学博士.

梅根·默里,M.D., Ph.D.比赛日!
对于梅根来说,这是一个苦乐参半的时刻,因为她完成了最后一次夜班 in the SSM Health/博彩网址大全 Hospital emergency department. She will be starting the psychiatry 圣路易斯华盛顿大学的住院医师项目. 祝贺你!

Headshot of Jessica holding her match day sign
祝贺你 to Jessica Bourque, M.D., Ph.D., Jess matched into her first choice 在麻省总医院的内科/斯坦伯里医师科学家 通路!


“在不同团队中工作的技能”是第三届年度M.D./Ph.D. 撤退. 我们的学员参与社区团队建设和个人练习 with special highlighted activities led by M.D./Ph.D. 学生们,艾米丽·西布拉和 卢Vinarscik. 我们的静修提供了一次建设性的、愉快的学习经历 对于我们的M.D./Ph.D. 学生,同时继续形成积极的社区关系.

A group photo of both of the new MD/ PhD candidates

请欢迎我们两位最新的M.D./Ph.D. trainees, JJ Adler and Yasser Hussaini. We 很高兴你加入我们的项目,期待你的成功吗.

M图片.D. / Ph.D. graduate Michelle Bach with her family
祝贺你 to our newest 2023 M.D. Ph.D. graduate, Michelle Bach and her family. Michelle will be attending Emory University -PSTP Psychiatry. 我们不希望你 但是最好的!

左起为斯特拉·霍夫特, G3, 博彩网址大全 SoM APSA联席主席; Emily Cybulla, M4, 博彩网址大全 APSA Travel Grant Awardee; Ren Ernst, M4, 博彩网址大全 APSA Travel Grant Awardee; Poorva Sheth, M1, 博彩网址大全 APSA Travel Grant Awardee; 伊丽莎白·德马科, G2, 博彩网址大全 SoM APSA联席主席. 启动幻灯片左起为斯特拉·霍夫特, G3, 博彩网址大全 SoM APSA联席主席; Emily Cybulla, M4, 博彩网址大全 APSA Travel Grant Awardee; Ren Ernst, M4, 博彩网址大全 APSA Travel Grant Awardee; Poorva Sheth, M1, 博彩网址大全 APSA Travel Grant Awardee; 伊丽莎白·德马科, G2, 博彩网址大全 SoM APSA联席主席.

博彩网址大全在最近的美国内科科学家联合会议上有很好的代表 协会,美国临床研究学会和美国医学协会 医生. 来自M的学生.D./Ph.D. 程序中,米.D. 专业,本科 APSA成员在与同行、演讲者交流和学习方面度过了愉快的时光, 和与会者. 


祝贺我们的M.D./Ph.D. 学生米歇尔·巴赫,硕士.D., Ph.D.,用于匹配 Psychiatry PSTP at Emory University. Michelle's plan is to continue research by focusing on public trust and patient experiences of neuromodulation.

祝贺你 to Alex Piening, third-year M.D./Ph.D. student, for his first authorship 纸. “这项研究的目的是确定免疫疗法对COVID-19的影响 immunity in previously vaccinated cancer patients. 抗体和T 免疫治疗前后的细胞反应,我们发现免疫治疗没有 significantly alter humoral or cellular immunity to SARS-CoV-2. 这些结果提供了 免疫学数据支持其他临床研究证明的安全性 接受全身治疗的癌症患者的COVID-19疫苗接种.”

M合影.D. / Ph.D. residents during their group retreat
8月,M.D./Ph.D. students attended a day and a half retreat, "Navigating Diverse 职业道路”. The retreat kicked off with a presentation by Dr. 克里斯汀·雅各布斯 and conversations with other faculty members.  A keynote speaker, panel discussions 在不同M上.D./Ph.D. career paths and activities were key aspects of the retreat as well as building community within the 程序.  

Jess Borque的大头照
杰西卡·布尔克博士.D., successfully defended her dissertation entitled "Life and Death of Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells" 6月. She will miss the Hawiger lab but is excited to return to the medical school as a M3 in July.

Zack Grese standing in fron of his disertation posted on a wall

Zachary Grese博士.D.他的论文《博彩网址大全》获得成功 在TDP-43液-液相分离和功能”通过Zoom在5月. 他会错过的 Dr. 阿亚拉的实验室,但很高兴继续医学院作为一个三年级的学生 6月. 祝贺你.


梅根·默里博士.D.她成功地为自己的论文“合成配体靶向”辩护 R.o.R. 和R.E.V.-E.R.B. To Treat Inflammatory and Metabolic Diseases” in May. 梅根· will return to 6月在医学院 as a third-year student. 祝贺你,梅根·.

瓦莱里奥·罗西在庆祝, 手里拿着一块蛋糕,蛋糕的顶部冰着“祝贺瓦莱里奥”的字样
 祝贺你 to Valerio Rasi, Ph.D., on his successful dissertation defense “Mechanistic Investigations of Granzyme A-mediated T.B. Protective Effects” under the direction 博士的. 今年6月,Valerio将以三年级学生的身份重返医学院. 


祝贺你 to 凯瑟琳蔡 on matching to New York 长老会医院-Weill Cornell Medical Center-NY.

凯瑟琳说:“我很高兴能搬到世界上最好的城市之一 world to train at one of the best hospitals in the country. M.D./Ph.D. 旅程 这是一个漫长而孤独的过程,但它让比赛日对我们来说更加甜蜜. I am grateful for my family here in the M.D./Ph.D. 程序 and for the support I received 从医学院毕业."

最好的 of luck for a bright fulfilling career.

Nick Steinauer on beach at sunset

M.D./Ph.D. 候选人尼克·施泰纳尔成功地为他的论文“角色”进行了辩护 造血辅助抑制因子CBFA2T3在急性髓性白血病中的作用” 师从张劲松. He is excited to begin his M3 year of medical school 6月.

斯蒂芬·格罗特博士.D. 与家人一起户外活动.

斯蒂芬·格罗特博士.D. successfully defended his dissertation, "Neuronostatin: a Novel Factor in Glucose Counterregulation" on April 15 via Zoom call. 他会回来的 to medical school as an M3 6月.

丹尼尔 standing in a garden with a friend wearing sunglasses.

丹尼尔·派克成功地为他的论文“中性粒细胞衍生的生物活性”进行了辩护 脓毒症中的脂质”. He loved working in the Ford lab and will miss being a 部分原因是,但他很高兴开始他训练的下一个篇章并重新加入 6月在医学院.

凯文·博克斯特博士.D., defending his dissertation shown in lab.

祝贺你 to 凯文·博克斯特博士.D., for successfully defending his dissertation "The Role of Inflammation in Gastric Carcinogenesis." via a Zoom call during the COVID-19 危机. 凯文将以一名M3学生的身份重新加入医学生队伍,完成他的训练 作为一名医科学生.

Ananthi Rajamoorthi博士.D.

2020年博彩网址大全医学院虚拟比赛日. 祝贺你 致Ananthi Rajamoorthi, m.s.D., Ph.D., on matching to her first choice at New York Presbyterian 儿童医院/哥伦比亚大学儿科医师-科学家项目. 最好的 恭祝前程似锦.

祝贺你 to our newest 2019 MD.Ph.D. 毕业生, 从左到右, 科斯蒂亚马利内华达大学里诺医学院-内科, Anit Behera University of Chicago Medical Center- Neurology, Dr. 简·麦克沃特(m.mD/PhD 项目负责人), Dr. 安迪·莱奇纳D/PhD 程序 Director Emeritus), Andrew Jones  Barnes- Jewish Hospital- Internal Medicine, 雷Kreienkamp, St. Louis Children's Hospital- Pediatrics.
祝贺你 to our newest 2019 M.D./Ph.D. graduates, 从左到右, Kostia Malley 内华达大学里诺医学院-内科,阿尼特贝赫拉大学 of Chicago Medical Center - Neurology, Dr. 简·麦克沃特(m.m.D./Ph.D. 项目负责人), Dr. 安迪·莱奇纳.D./Ph.D. 程序 Director Emeritus), Andrew Jones Barnes - Jewish Hospital - Internal Medicine, 雷Kreienkamp, St. Louis Children's Hospital - Pediatrics.

尼克·施泰纳尔,M.D./Ph.D. 博士在读学生. 张的实验室,

尼克·施泰纳尔,M.D./Ph.D. 博士在读学生. 张的实验室, recently published a 纸 血液研究进展. 祝贺你. Steinauer N.,郭,C.黄,C.黄先生., Tu, Y.弗瑞特,C. E., & 张,我. (2019). Myeloid translocation gene CBFA2T3 directs 一个复发基因程序并决定AML患者特异性结果. Blood Advances, 3(9), 1379 LP – 1393.


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