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The Saint Louis University Department of 药理学与生理学 has built a bioinformatics-oriented 已命名的数据分析服务器 星系@博彩网址大全. 它是可公开访问的,并基于 星系, one of the most popular open-source data analysis platforms under Python. 星系的 web interface has made it highly attractive among scientists worldwide. 星系@博彩网址大全 offers the following analysis tools and workflows, focusing on ChIP-Seq and RNA-Seq.

  • ChIP-Seq: Peak calling (MACS) and alignment (Bowtie, BWA).
  • RNA-Seq: Alignment and quantification (Tophat, STAR, Cufflinks, HTSeq, Kallisto), 差异基因表达(edgeR, DESeq).
  • scRNA-Seq: A set of Single-cell RNA-Seq analysis tools based on Seurat.
  • Other tools: A tool to import TCGA (The Cancer Genome Atlas Data) patient samples.





The Departmental Protein Core is located at Doisy Hall, Room R-308, which is equipped 下面是:

  • GE HealthCare fully-automated AKTA Pure 25L FPLC with a 96-well plate-type fraction 收集器,进样回路,紫外线和自动进样器. 这个蛋白质层析系统 can purify proteins to a very high degree of purity via affinity, size and ion-exchange 色谱法,样品损失最小.
  • A chilled chromatography cabinet that houses the AKTA FPLC.
  • 两个温控孵化器摇床
  • 超声发生器
  • 化学通风柜
  • 冰柜(-20°C和-80°C)
  • 37°C孵化器
  • 步入式冷藏室
  • 生物光谱计
  • 顶部负载平衡和分析秤
  • Avestin Emulsiflex C3 with chilled water circulator
  • Two temperature-controlled high-speed centrifuges.

For training and assistance on protein purification, please contact the core Director, 伊恩·米切尔·德·维拉博士.D. at 伊恩.devera@health.glodokelektronik.net


The Metabolic Phenotyping Core is housed in a six-room suite within the Comparative Medicine Animal Facility and on the third floor of Schwitalla Hall. MPC的核心是 由科林·弗拉维尼博士维护.D. (科林.flaveny@health.glodokelektronik.net).


  • 96-well Seahorse XF Extracellular Flux Bioanalyzer
  • 3 Oroboros-oxygraph设备
  • Vantage DCA A1c血糖监测仪
  • Animal electroencephalogram (EEG) telemetry system with locomotor and temperature 监控
  • BioDAQ食物和水的摄取监测系统
  • 32-chamber Comprehensive Lab Animal Monitoring System (CLAMS)
  • 六车道啮齿动物跑步机
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance machine for measuring body composition
  • Blood pressure and Electrocardiogram (ECG) monitor
  • Cobas c11临床化学生物分析仪
  • Biotek Synergy Neo 5平板阅读器
  • LiCoR Pearl Trilogy in vivo mouse imaging system


  • Life technologies QuantStudio 7 Flex RT-qPCR
  • 384样品半自动液体样品处理机
  • 磷成像仪
  • 96-well Luminex 200 bead-based multiplexing system
  • 康宁Epic无标签检测系统
  • 离子geneststudio S5下一代测序器
  • Biorad生物分析仪
  • 安捷伦生物分析仪



The 44,000-square-foot 动物护理机构 operated by 博彩网址大全’s Department of Comparative 医学专业有专职兽医3名. 它提供培训,群体健康监控 and technical support, consultation, collaborative services.


The Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology’s 动物影像中心设施 offers non-invasive, small-animal imaging using IVIS Spectrum instrument.



博彩网址大全’s 流式细胞术研究核心 offers a FACSCalibur flow-cytometer with cell sorter, Biosciences LSR II, capable of 10-color analyses and Biosciences FACSAria, with simultaneous 4个种群的分类. It has two full-time staff members and offers discounted 给博彩网址大全的研究人员.



This full-service facility provides investigators with a variety of options for whole genome analysis via microarrays, high-throughput screening, immunoprecipitation and 测序策略. 该设施由米歇尔·布伦南博士管理.D.你是谁? 可以联系314-977-9252或 米歇尔.pherson@health.glodokelektronik.net.



The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology maintains a wide variety of 计算 资源. These range from network and backup services to state-of-the-art high-performance 计算. The most recent addition to the department is the Gemini Computing Cluster, which leverages modern technologies such as GPU 计算 capabilities. 集群 由344个CPU核、80个gpu和1个CPU组成.3tb的聚合RAM,提供135 TFLOPs 峰值计算能力.



The 脂组学核心设备, operated by the department and the Center for Cardiovascular 研究 at Saint Louis University 医学院, is a University resource in 噪音研究中心. The facility focuses on small molecule identification and 质谱法定量.

Instrumentation in this core includes a Thermo Electron Surveyor LC and Quantum Ultra triple quadrupole electrospray ionization mass spectrometer, as well as two HP6890 gas chromatographs with FID detector and HP 5973 MS detector with both electron impact 还有化学电离源. 戴夫·福特博士.D.,负责管理设施. 联系他 电话:314-977-9264或 大卫.ford@health.glodokelektronik.net.


A shared-use facility that supports expression, purification and analysis of research proteins by providing an array of instrumentation and consultation on strategies for 蛋白质生产从小规模到大规模. 张怡华博士.D.,负责管理设施. 与他联系: yiehwa.chang@health.glodokelektronik.net.



The Saint Louis University Department of Chemistry houses an NMR facility available 给所有博彩网址大全的研究人员. The facility has a multinuclear Bruker spectrometer with a 场强16.4 Tesla and a newly-installed Bruker Avance HDTM 700MHz NMR spectrometer. These instruments can be used to determine the structures of organic molecules and biomolecules, can also be used in other dynamic studies.

The facility is located in Shannon Hall and is managed by the Department of Chemistry.


Offered by 博彩网址大全’s Department of Pathology, the 研究显微镜和组织学核心 provides a wide range of histological and microscopy services on a fee-for-service 基础.

Graduate Scholarships, Fellowships and Assistantships

Saint Louis University’s Office of Graduate 教育 has multiple scholarship, fellowship and assistantship opportunities for new and returning graduate education students.

View Graduate Scholarships, Fellowships and Assistantships

