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作者:Thomas Westfall博士.D.

The Department of 药理学与生理学 has had a long and distinguished history of excellence starting with the first school of medicine in 1842 and continuing on to the current school established in 1903 with the acquisition of the Marion-Sims 博蒙特医学院. 这个部门的详细情况已经写好了 在托马斯C. Westfall的题目是:“药理学的历史和 Physiology at 博彩网址大全; published by Reedy Press, St. 路易斯,2020.

Early 药学系 (Materia Medica) and Physiology (1842-1855)
The 部门 of 药理学与生理学 were separate entities when the school of medicine was the first school established west of the Mississippi river. 在 time the 医学院 was the only school associated with a university not located 在大西洋沿岸. 当时早期的生理学主席之一,Dr. 丹尼尔 Brainard, went on to establish the Rush Medical College in Chicago, also help 在那个城市建立了第一家综合医院. 由于反移民的敌意, anti-Catholic activities of the “Know-Nothings” movement at the time, the School of Medicine severed its relationship with 博彩网址大全 in 1855.

In 1903, 博彩网址大全 established its current medical school through the acquisition of the Marion-Sims 博蒙特医学院. 药理学与生理学 was a single department from 1903-21, became separate departments from 1921-90 and 在1990年再次合并.

独立部门(1921- 1990)
From 1921 until 1990 the departments were independent of each other and their chairs were distinguished scientists and scholars that helped establish an outstanding national and international reputation in the disciplines of pharmacology and physiology at 博彩网址大全. 特别值得注意的是. 约翰·奥尔,第一任主席 药学系. In 1908 he was one of the 18 founding members of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET) and was instrumental in bringing the prestigious Fall meeting of ASPET to 博彩网址大全 in 1923. He was elected and served as president of ASPET from 1924 to 1927. 在他众多的 研究 accomplishments was devising a method of ventilating lungs with anesthetic gas but without lung movements; a method soon adopted worldwide, marking the beginning 现代气管内麻醉.

在此期间,另一位著名的领导人是. 阿尔里克·赫茨曼担任主席 1928年至1966年担任生理学系主任 . 在他任职期间,他建立了 the physiology department as one of the leading laboratories in the world studying 温度规定. His 研究 led to the development of a survival suit utilized by the US Air Force and in space exploration to protect pilots exposed to extremes 的温度.

博士期间. Thomas Westfall’s tenure as the sixth Chair of Pharmacology (1979-1990), there was an infusion of new faculty and a major reorganization. 研究、培训 and teaching efforts were all expanded and there was a dramatic increase in extramural 支持(超过20倍). The department gained an international reputation in the fields of signal transduction, cardiovascular pharmacology and neuropharmacology.

Current Department of 药理学与生理学 (1990-present)
In October of 1990 the departments of Physiology and Pharmacology merged once more to form the Department of Pharmacological and Physiological Science with the endowed 威廉博蒙特教授兼主席 created for the Chairperson. 发展的功劳 这个部门的主任,就像它现在存在的那样,被授予. 托马斯·C. 韦斯特福尔,第一个 威廉博蒙特教授兼主席. 他有效地监督了公司的整合 independent departments of pharmacology and physiology to a single thriving entity. There was recruitment of new faculty with a major expansion of 研究, training 教学活动. The graduate training program was reorganized and expanded, and a NIH funded training grant secured, which is still in place today. 市外的 funding continued to increase and the NIH ranking of the department reached 25 (out 90年代的130次中有4次. 在其他成就中. 韦斯特福尔当选 President of the American Association of Medical School Pharmacology Chairs and was an internationally recognized expert in the neuropharmacology of nicotine, presynaptic 受体和交感神经传递. 八名系里的前教员 went on to assume leadership roles in prestigious academic departments.

Dr. Thomas Burris (2013-18) was the second William Beaumont professor and chair and is credited with bringing drug discovery and studies in chemical biology to the 研究 部门的剧目. 他还介绍了大学生和大学生的计划 Master of Science (MS) degree programs in chemical biology. 该部门更名为 作为药理学和生理学.

Drs. Mark Voigt and 丹尼尔a Salvemini both served admirably as interim chairs between 2018 and 2021, during a tumultuous time that almost saw the end of basic science departments at 博彩网址大全; a concept that was ultimately abandoned.

Currently the third 威廉博蒙特教授兼主席 is Dr. 丹妮拉Salvemini, who also serves as the Director of the Henry and Amelia Nasrallah Center for Neuroscience. Dr. Salvemini is an internationally recognized scholar and investigator and has been awarded numerous awards and extramural grants for her work in inflammation and pain 研究. She is expanding the 研究, training and teaching efforts of the department, recruitment of new faculty and placing the department among the elite of academic 部门在全球范围内.