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Department of Visual and Performing Arts

博彩网址大全-马德里校区致力于为学生提供一个良好的学习环境 想象力和表达的出口,一个支持学习和磨练的环境 艺术技巧,以及批判性地评估美学和文化价值的背景.


博彩网址大全-Madrid的视觉和表演艺术系提供五个研究领域 所有学生探索:艺术史,舞蹈,音乐,工作室艺术和戏剧. Each discipline encourages reflection on the world around us through art.

我们的演出、音乐会和展览将表演者、艺术家和观众团结在一起 in a communal celebration of truth, beauty and the human spirit.

Degree Programs

Program Descriptions

Art History

艺术史是人文学科中教授基本技能的一门课程 批判性的分析,研究和交流的社会背景检查 which art was historically — and continues to be — created.

博彩网址大全-Madrid,我们的艺术史教师专注于各种专业领域, 从古希腊到欧洲和美洲的现当代艺术. 该系为学生提供全方位和多样化的课程 Saint Louis University's major or minor in art history.

当然,马德里是学习西班牙和西方艺术无与伦比的资源. 由于马德里是欧洲的艺术之都之一,我们的课程将学生放在前面 the masterpieces they are studying in class.

Other features of our program include:

  • 课程包括参观博物馆和马德里提供的所有课程,包括课外课程 activities, guest lectures, events, visits and exhibitions.
  • 小班授课使教师与学生有更多的接触.
  • 参观不向公众开放的私人收藏.
  • 西班牙和美国博物馆的实习机会.

欲了解更多关于博彩网址大全-Madrid艺术史的信息,请联系Fabiola Martínez, Ph ..D., program coordinator, at


学生们庆祝身体及其运动,学习和表演丰富的拉丁语 and Spanish dance genres at 博彩网址大全-Madrid. The Latin dance and Flamenco classes we offer focus on basic movement, choreography and performance.

拉丁舞是所有来自加勒比地区的舞蹈的总称: salsa cubana, salsa en línea, bachata, merengue, cha cha chá, cumbia and bolero. 博彩网址大全-Madrid也提供阿根廷探戈,尽管它通常被认为更多 of a ballroom style than a Latin dance.

弗拉门戈是西班牙流行文化的一种具有数百年历史的表达方式,它来自混合 安达卢西亚民间舞蹈与罗马社区定居的编舞元素 in the south of Spain. It is characterized by the rhythmic integration of the dancer 作为合奏团的一员,就像打击乐演奏者一样.

像其他文化和艺术表现形式一样,弗拉门戈也得到了转变和振兴 by the influences of jazz and pop music. It has also renewed its means of expression by adopting elements from contemporary dance styles.

欲了解更多关于马德里大学舞蹈的信息,请联系Fabiola Martínez博士.D., program director, at


我们的音乐课程为专业和非专业学生提供音乐史和理论课程, 还有吉他,钢琴和声乐的器乐课程. Instrumental 从初学者到有抱负的专业人士,我们提供各个层次的声音课程 musicians.

Saint Louis University offers a B.A. in Music that prepares students to enter graduate programs in music history or performance. Graduates have also gone directly into the job market in music management, arts education and church music.

博彩网址大全-Madrid,你将有机会加入我们的音乐会合唱团,他们表演音乐 从不同的时期,国家和风格,特别强调西班牙语 choral music. No previous musical study or choral experience is required.

每学期,该系都会邀请演讲嘉宾来为该系的学生做讲座和表演 音乐专业的学生,他们有独特的机会聆听和会见专业人士 musicians. 最近几个学期演出的人包括古典吉他手 亚当·莱文,作曲家Agustín卡斯蒂亚-Ávila,和理论家乔根·斯科格莫. Music 教师也经常在不同的音乐课程和场地表演 in Madrid and beyond.

有关博彩网址大全-Madrid音乐的更多信息,请联系Alberto Bosco博士.D., music coordinator, at

Studio Art

作为博彩网址大全-Madrid的工作室艺术学生,您将通过 the visual arts within the context of a liberal arts education. Our students express 他们的自然创造力通过各种艺术媒体在新装修的艺术工作室 in San Ignacio Hall. Each semester, we offer classes in drawing, design, painting, color theory and sculpture. Options for independent study are also available.

Like their counterparts in St. Louis, our studio art faculty provide a link for students to the exciting art community of Madrid. Faculty exhibit their work in galleries and 博物馆,在课堂上分享他们的艺术努力,并提供联系 to other professional European artists.

有关博彩网址大全-Madrid工作室艺术的更多信息,请联系Fabiola Martínez, Ph ..D., program director, at


在剧院,学生们作为一个戏剧公司一起工作,培养对 同时加强个人在表演、设计、指导等方面的能力 and management.

每个学期,马德里大学的戏剧项目都会制作一出现场戏剧,学生们都会参与其中 both on-stage and backstage. These productions will challenge you to consider diverse 价值观、观点和表达方式的创造性想象力同时允许你 在合作的氛围中学习和实践戏剧礼仪和工艺.

除了制作之外,我们的表演课程传授的技巧在非戏剧领域也很有用 设置如法律、培训、销售、促销、市场营销等领域所在 presentation skills are paramount. Our playscript analysis course teaches you how 读一出戏剧,在你想象的舞台上看到它所有的戏剧可能性.

有关博彩网址大全-Madrid制作和戏剧课程的更多信息,请联系Eloy Gómez at

博彩网址大全-Madrid Theatre Productions

马德里大学戏剧专业的学生每学期都会制作一部现场戏剧 制作的各个方面,包括表演、导演、设计和管理. 

Past Productions

  • Sonnets For An Old Century, Fall 2023
  • Silent Sky, Spring 2023
  • The Women of Lockerbie, Fall 2022
  • The Servant of Two Masters, Spring 2022
  • My Name Is Rachel Corrie, Fall 2021
  • Spoon River, Spring 2021
    Audio Production during COVID-19 restrictions
  • With Friends Like These, Fall 2020
    Video Production during COVID-19 restrictions (student-written Zoom production)
  • It's the Weird Sisters Show, Fall 2020
    Audio Production during COVID-19 restrictions
  • Antigone, Fall 2019
  • The Misanthrope, Spring 2019
  • Love, Loss and What I Wore, Fall 2018
  • Love and Information, Spring 2018
  • Taming of the Shrew, Fall 2017
  • Max, Spring 2017
  • Proof, Fall 2016
  • Love me(e), Spring 2016
  • Lance and Lana, Fall 2015
  • Dead Man's Cell Phone, Spring 2015
  • Wings, Fall 2014
  • The Art of Dining, Spring 2014
  • The Winter's Tale, Fall 2013
  • Everyman/Everyone, Spring 2013
  • Tartuffe, Fall 2012
  • El lugar donde mueren los mamíferos, Spring 2012
  • The Cherry Orchard, Fall 2011
  • The Millennials, Spring 2011
  • The Dining Room, Fall 2010
  • Spoon River, Spring 2010
  • Quintet, Fall 2009
  • Picnic + Guernica, Spring 2009
  • Rumors, Fall 2008
  • Star Quality, Spring 2008
  • Twelfth Night, Fall 2007
  • La Prima Fernanda, Spring 2007
  • Goodnight Desdemona, Fall 2006
  • Lysistrata, Fall 2005
  • Bodas de Sangre, Spring 2005
  • Hedda Gabler, Fall 2003


Art History



Studio Art
