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博彩网址大全认识到残疾人的重要性 能够充分参与大学住房计划. 住房住宿 are provided to support students with disabilities in university housing to ensure 公平的体验得以实现.


  1. 完成 住宿申请表格 为动物提供住宿和情感支持的要求.

  2. 提交您的诊断或残疾的文件.

    如果你正在申请情感支持动物: Your medical provider should also complete the ESA 请求 form and submit it with 您的文档.


    Information must be typed on official letterhead and signed by a qualified professional. 文件应包括以下信息:

    1. 住房中所需要的特殊设施的说明
    2. 诊断书 
    3. Describe how 学生's medical/psychiatric condition necessitates the need for the 请求ed housing accommodation(s), as it relates to 学生's disability/diagnosis
    4. Demonstrate how the specific room design and/or living environment will help to mitigate 学生的症状
    5. State whether, based on disability/diagnosis reasons, the specific housing 请求 是偏好住宿还是必须住宿

      To ensure appropriate 住宿 are considered, we ask that documentation be 尽可能快. 所有文件应通过电子邮件、传真或其他方式提交 交给了一个工作人员.
  3. Schedule an appointment with one of the staff members in the Center for Accessibility 及残疾资源. 学生可以与中心的一位医生预约 员工通过登录他们的身份验证.glodokelektronik.net帐户.

    1. 登录 身份验证.glodokelektronik.net.
    2. 选择“EAB导航”."
    3. 点击“预约”.”
    4. 选择“学生服务”."
    5. 选择“无障碍和残疾人资源中心”."
    6. 选择预约时间.

学生可以选择面对面或虚拟会面. 所有虚拟约会 将通过Zoom进行. 选择虚拟选项的学生将获得一个 缩放链接到他们的博彩网址大全邮箱.



The 无障碍和残疾资源中心 will work with the Department of Housing and Residence Life to determine each student's reasonable and necessary 住宿. 与总法律顾问办公室、第九条办公室、 和学生办公室也可能发生. 有残疾的人 plan on living in University housing and believe they need reasonable 住宿 必须联系无障碍和残疾资源中心吗.


有残疾的个人要求住宿应填写 下面的上述部分列出的步骤 申请住房住宿要求 情感支持动物(esa).

博彩网址大全 accepts and considers housing accommodation 请求s at any time; however, 请求s 应在入住大学宿舍前尽快提交.

The housing contract should indicate accommodation 请求s for current rising sophomore, 初高中学生. 对于新生,办理住宿申请 should be submitted at least 80 天 before the 大学公布的入住日期. 我们不能保证能满足学生的要求 needs during the first term of 如果申请提前少于80天提出,则占用.

If you already live in University housing when your need for accommodation arises, 联系无障碍和残疾资源中心,并完成 住宿申请表格 尽快. 我们不能保证能为你提供住宿 在收到申请的学期内. 如果校园没有可用的空间 fits your needs, you will be placed on 等待名单,并通知当空间可用.

Once you have completed 住宿 请求 process, the Center for Accessibility 及残疾资源 will attempt to provide a written letter of reasonable 住宿 15个工作日内.


The 无障碍和残疾资源中心 may deny the 请求ed accommodation 如果不合理. 该中心将与住房和住房部门协商 Residence Life to determine if implementing the 请求ed accommodation is reasonable. 如果有以下情况,该安排是不合理的:

  1. 造成不适当的财政和/或行政负担;
  2. 从根本上改变了大学的住房政策
  3. Poses a direct threat to the health and/or safety of others  or would cause substantial property damage to the property of others, including University property; and/or
  4. 在其他方面是否对大学的运作不合理


If the 无障碍和残疾资源中心 determines a 请求ed accommodation is necessary and is not unreasonable, the individual 请求ing will receive notice, 以书面形式,在作出决定后15个工作日内. 一旦通知,住房和 Residence Life will contact individuals as needed to discuss the implementation of 住宿.


If the 无障碍和残疾资源中心 determines a 请求ed accommodation is necessary but unreasonable, the individual will be contacted, in writing, within 15个工作日内决定参与互动流程. 互动 process is intended to determine if there are alternative 住宿 that might effectively meet the individual’s disability-related needs and would also be reasonable 申请大学拨款.

If the 无障碍和残疾资源中心 determines a 请求ed accommodation is not necessary and/or is unreasonable, the individual will be contacted, in writing, 在确定后的15个工作日内. 个人可以对该决定提出上诉 在10个工作日内向中心提交书面申诉. 上诉 must state a specific reason for reconsideration of the decision and may only be based 关于以下问题:

  1. 在作出最初决定时无法获得的新资料
  2. 程序上的错误,不公平地影响了判决
  3. There is just cause to reconsider the decision, such as a demonstrated bias against 学生.

Once appeal information has been received, the Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources will review and provide final decisions to the individual within ten business 天.

 All documentation and information provided to the Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources will be used solely to determine both service eligibility and reasonable 提供住宿. 所有文件都将被妥善保管 中心的电子档案系统. 如有必要,可访问性中心 和残疾资源可能披露必要的特定信息,以确定 所要求的住宿是否合理,是否必要,是否应该 被授予. 所披露的信息将严格保密. No information regarding disability or 住宿 will be provided on academic records, 比如成绩单.
 本政策不以任何方式影响本协议的持续执行 房屋及膳食合约 由任何学生执行. 大学将努力提供住房,以适应 学生的残疾. 这样的住宿决定可能会导致学生被 assigned to a building they didn’t 请求 or reassigned from a building they did 请求. 这种调动或重新调动满足了住宿条件,不构成理由 违反住宿和膳食合同. 任何想申请实习的学生 exemption or to be released from their housing contract must follow and adhere to 在住房和膳食合同中规定的程序.



No. Once approved, your housing 住宿 are valid throughout your time at Saint 路易斯大学.

If you wish to change or adjust your approved housing 住宿, you must schedule an appointment with a 无障碍和残疾资源中心 staff member. Additional or updated documentation may be required depending on the change/adjustment 请求.

我是一名新生. 我应该什么时候申请住宿?

The 无障碍和残疾资源中心 will accept and consider housing accommodation 请求s at any time; however, 请求s should be submitted as soon 在搬进大学宿舍之前尽可能多地申请. 房屋申请 and documentation for new students should be submitted at least 80 天 before the 大学公布的入住日期. 我们不能保证能满足学生的要求 needs during the first term of occupancy if an application is made fewer than 80 天 提前. 请参考 住房和居住生活的关键住房日期 一年级住宿合同何时对新生开放,新的 转校生和研究生新生作为指导.

我有一个批准的住宿,但我想要一个特定的室友. 我的住处 向我的室友申请?

您已批准的住房住宿只适用于您本人. 住房住宿 不适用室友.

I am a student already living in university housing, but I want to apply for housing 住宿. 我该怎么办??

If you already live in University housing when your need for accommodation arises, you should contact the 无障碍和残疾资源中心 and complete 尽快申请住房住宿. 我们不能保证 we will be able to provide your accommodation during the semester in which the 请求 收到. 如果学校没有适合你的空间,你将被安排到 等待名单,并通知当空间可用.