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Grow: Spiritual Development

博彩网址大全校园部提供了许多机会 让博彩网址大全的学生在对基督教信仰的理解和融合上成长 更充分地参与他们的信仰团体的生活.

Journey Spiritual Life Communities

Connect. Reflect. Transform.

  • Who We Are: 博彩网址大全旅程计划的使命是赋予学生权力 通过联系和机会来体验精神上的转变 reflect in the Ignatian tradition.
  • What We Do: 来自各行各业和信仰传统的学生每周都会聚集在一个小的聚会上 communities to reflect on the movement of God in their lives. Communities are led 由校园牧师、耶稣会士和经验丰富的学生领袖组成.
  • Join Us if You Seek to:
    • Belong to a life-giving spiritual community

    • Breate genuine, lasting connections with others

    • Cultivate a deeper relationship with God

    • Learn how to integrate Ignatian spirituality into daily living

    • Grow in self-understanding

    • Experience transformative growth

    • Discover new ways to pray, rest, serve and grow at 博彩网址大全

旅程精神生活社区以滚动方式向所有博彩网址大全学生开放, and they start gathering weekly during the final week of August 2023.

To join is easy - simply go to a gathering! There is no required pre-registration process. 定期参加旅行计划符合博彩网址大全 CORE要求.

Questions? Email Campus Minister Becca at

我们也鼓励您在社交媒体上关注我们,了解即将到来的活动信息 and important updates. @sluministry

Fall 2023 Offerings

Faith Seeking Justice/Spirituality and Solidarity

Mondays: 5:30-6:30 p.m., Spring Hall Chapel with Campus Minister Michael Schreiner

Bridging Beliefs/Scripture Study

Wednesdays: 1:30-2:30 p.m., Marguerite Hall Lobby with Student Leader David Kim

Jesus and Women Bible Study/Scripture Study

Wednesdays: 3-4 p.m., Griesedieck Hall 259 with Campus Minister Jim Roach

Imago Dei/Spirituality and LGBTQ+ Identity

Wednesdays: 4-5 p.m., Wuller Hall, Starkloff Room with Campus Minister Julia Erdlen

Ignatian A.V. Club/Spirituality and Media

Wednesdays: 4-5 p.m., Grand Hall 155 with Campus Ministers Nicole Armstrong and Becca Muder

Contemplation and the CanvasSpirituality and Art

Wednesdays: 8-9 p.m., Wuller Hall, Dorothy Day Room with Nick Leeper, S.J.

Encuentro Bilingue/Spirituality and Spanish

Thursdays: 4-5 p.m., Wuller Hall, Dorothy Day Room with Alec Hufford, S.J.

A Spirituality of Care/ Spirituality and Healthcare

Thursdays: 6-7 p.m.卡洛琳,医学院207号楼,校园部毕业生 Intern Sandra Dimitri

Spiritual Direction

如果你想发展一种更有意义的精神或宗教生活,你可能会发现 与训练有素的精神导师一对一的关系是有益的. Spiritual 方向为你创造了一个空间,让你诚实地评估你的生活,寻找生活的意义 对未来的重大决策背后,找到更好理解的途径 who God is for you … and who you are for God.

如果你想进一步发展一段虔诚的关系,这个过程会很有帮助 with God or if you struggle in your faith and need encouragement.

花在精神指导上的时间对你来说是独一无二的,但一个典型的会议是持续的 about 45-60 minutes and occurs about once a month. God works through all things, so there are no limits to what can be shared. The director listens to you, and together, you’ll seek to hear how God is working in your life.


Find a Spiritual Director

Please note: 一些精神导师是训练有素的牧师或心理咨询师,但解决问题 or therapy is not the focus. The focus of a spiritual direction relationship is your experience of God. Therapeutic counseling is available through University Counseling at 314-977-8255.

Bereavement Ministry

"No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear." -C.S Lewis, A Grief Observed

“We are not adrift in chaos. To me that is the most fortifying, the most stabilizing, 这是我所知道的宇宙中最能带来和平的东西. Every time 我的生活中似乎有很多东西都崩溃了,我又回到了那些 do not change. Nothing in the universe can ever change those facts. [Jesus] loves me. I am not at the mercy of chance.” -Elisabeth Elliott, Suffering Is Never for Nothing

“有许多事情只有用流泪的眼睛才能看到.” -St. Oscar Romero

"Jesus wept." -John 11:35

分享你的悲伤——在一个安全的地方,和值得信任的人分享你的悲伤 ——是一种帮助理解思想、感觉和情绪复杂性的方法 that arise amidst a loss. If you’re a 博彩网址大全 student grieving the loss of a loved one and you’d like Jim to reach out to you, please click here to connect with him.

校园部主办了一个只有学生参加的悲伤支持小组聚会 via Zoom from 4-5 p.m. on the first Wednesday of every month. The meeting ID is 999 2474 2599. For more information, contact Jim Roach at

Bereavement Support Apps

大学校园部,但不隶属或不负责 对于由资源生成的任何内容,认识到其中一些可能会受益 those experiencing grief over losing a loved one. This list is not meant to be construed as exhaustive, merely suggestive. If you would like to suggest any platforms for 博彩网址大全 students, email Campus Minister Jim Roach at to let him know.

  • A Safe Place: “安全的地方”是一款面向黑人社区的少数族裔心理健康应用程序。
  • Actively Moving Forward: “积极前进(AMF)是一家非营利组织,其使命是帮助、支持、赋权 and connect grieving young adults from coast to coast.
  • Annie’s Hope: Annie’s Hope is a St. Louis-based nonprofit serving kids, teens and their families who grieve a death.”
  • Ayana疗法:在线心理健康治疗边缘化和交叉社区.
  • Calm: “Take a deep breath. Train your mind to sleep more, stress less and live better.”
  • Exhale App: “Cultivating brave spaces where biwoc belong.”
  • Happify: “以科学为基础的活动克服消极思想、压力和生活挑战 and games.”
  • Joyster: “Joyster是一本互动杂志,通过追踪症状来提高自我意识, patterns, triggers, meals, activities, and more. Your sidekick will help you build healthy habits, self-care and mindfulness.”
  • Liberate“Liberate是针对黑人、原住民和有色人种的第一款冥想应用 community."
  • 文化之心:“这个手机是由治疗师Chanda Reynolds创造和设计的 app is a tool to help the Black community cope with mental health.
  • Red Bird Ministries: “我们是一个天主教的悲伤支持部门,为那些失去亲人的家庭提供支持 had to face the unthinkable loss of a child.”
  • Sanvello: 无论你走到哪里,都有一个让你感觉更好的地方:自我照顾、同伴支持、指导和治疗. Download from the App Store or Google Play.”
  • Shine: “我们的使命是让你更容易照顾你的心理和情绪健康 representative and more inclusive — of all of our experiences.”
  • Therapy for Black Men: "Strength still needs support."
  • 7 Cups: “Remove the barriers, get the support. Community of kind, compassionate listeners who provide anonymous and free emotional support.”
  • Yoga for Grief": “缓解创伤造成的压力,用爱的意识来引导思想和 heart to the present moment. This 26-minute session is designed to hold you and comfort you during times of grief or sadness."

Other Spiritual Guidance

Pastoral Conversations

博彩网址大全的校园部工作人员可以进行个人对话-这些 can be serious, light or anything in between. Appointments can be set up ahead of 时间可以联系校园牧师,但随时欢迎你来拜访.

校园牧师可以帮助你过渡,发展关系和其他 life issues. 他们也促进祷告和信心的发展,以及对你自己的洞察力 life direction, career or vocation.

Marriage Preparation

St. Francis Xavier College Church 可否协助已订婚的新人符合教会的结婚准备要求.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

如果你现在还不是天主教信徒,请参加基督教入会仪式 成人成长是你成为教会正式成员的过程. 正式会籍包括一个委身的培育过程,并在圣礼中达到高潮 of initiation: baptism, confirmation and Eucharist.

这个过程包括一个信仰和皈依的旅程,你将会经历这个过程 介绍天主教会的信仰、生活、礼仪和使徒工作.

基督徒入门礼,或RCIA,主要是为那些寻求者设计的 baptism. 因为其他教派的受洗基督徒可能会寻求入会 在天主教会,RCIA程序也适应了他们的需要. RCIA is 也向受洗但“非教会”的天主教徒开放,他们想完成他们的启蒙仪式 by receiving confirmation.

Meetings are held on Sundays from 7-8:30 p.m. Contact Father Nick Smith at 314-977-1535 or

Faith and Leadership

通过校园事工的申请,你可以成长为信仰团体的领袖 协助沉浸式体验、clc、退修会、礼仪计划等. 形成机会集中在社区,依纳爵精神,社会正义 and solidarity. Contact any campus minister to explore leadership opportunities.