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Studying abroad is an extraordinary and worthwhile opportunity. 

The intellectual and experiential value of studying abroad is difficult to exaggerate. However, law students are crunched for time, energy and resources. 因此,这里有 nine pragmatic reasons why it's worth considering studying in Madrid this summer.



The reality is that 1Ls today face a challenging market when looking for a law position 他们的第一个夏天. Yet there is real value in supplementing your legal education 有意义的暑假经历. 参加马德里项目将提供 you with an opportunity during your first summer to do something meaningful, to meet and interact with legal professionals, to get firsthand 经验 with high-level judicial institutions outside of the traditional law school classroom.

Even if you are fortunate enough to have a law-related employment opportunity during your first summer, many legal employers are likely to allow you to split your summer so that you can complete a summer study abroad program, while still spending six weeks 和雇主一起. In fact, many may support the opportunity to get meaningful international 经验. Can you think of a better way to spend your first summer?

2Ls and 3Ls: Enhance your education and your marketability.

 Similarly, for upper-class law students, spending a summer outside the United States can distinguish your candidacy and provide you with a talking point on your résumé.

If you want to spend the summer with a legal employer, explore the possibility of splitting your summer: six weeks with the legal employer, six weeks in Madrid. 许多 employers will be interested in your willingness to take risks and to challenge yourself to do something interesting and worthwhile, six weeks will be sufficient time for most employers to get to know you and your work product well.


By earning 6 credits in the summer, you wouldn't have to take the usual 15+ hour course 每学期加载一次.

Have a slightly lighter course load your second or third year, or give yourself more flexibility when choosing courses in subsequent semesters.

None of the courses have prerequisites, so you have the freedom to choose the perfect 给你的课.

学生 for whom 博彩网址大全 LAW is not their home school must receive approval from their 获得美国律师协会的学分. 接受任何课程的学分或成绩 taken in the program is subject to determination by the student's home school.

Complete the concentration in international and comparative law.

Upon successful completion of the Madrid Program, you could earn more than half of the course credits necessary for the concentration.


Gain 经验 that will guide your decisions for the rest of law school.

许多 students who are considering international law and international practice might not have a complete understanding of what international law means, what international 实践需要,工作在哪里.

By studying in Madrid, you'll interact with international scholars and practitioners and will gain valuable international 经验, all while there's still time to choose future classes and to create a roadmap for your path to international practice.

Take advantage of one-on-one attention you can get from award-winning and world-renowned 国际法学者.

After you complete the program, you still have half of the summer.

You can use this time to explore Europe, or return home to relax or work before school 开始.

From Spain, one can travel throughout Europe with relative ease.


Being able to speak more than one language is very helpful to international practice.

博彩网址大全 offers a complimentary non-credit, hour-long introductory Spanish language class. In addition to being immersed in a Spanish-speaking country, this class will serve 作为帮助你学习西班牙语的重要工具.

博彩网址大全 LAW offers a complimentary non-credit, hour-long legal Spanish class. 设计 for a Spanish speaker, this class will focus on key legal terms. 如果你愿意 to sign up for this class, please note your interest on the application.

Madrid is a world-class city, visitors to Madrid could get by on English alone. However, if you are willing, you can improve your Spanish by using it every day. In addition to using it in your activities around the city, you can enroll in a Spanish course on campus and/or live with a Spanish host family.


 This makes the 经验 效率更高,压力更小.

All of the classes are held at the Saint Louis University-Madrid campus, which now features new classrooms and a new, conveniently located cafeteria. 的设施 还包括一个图书馆和一个计算机实验室.

Knowing that Saint Louis University owns and operates the campus makes the 经验 效率更高,压力更小.
