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The 国际与比较法研究中心 at Saint 路易 University hosts events throughout the year that showcase the expertise and scholarship of faculty and visiting 研究人员和学者. 该中心还举办一些国际活动 为博彩网址大全法学院社区.


2024年5月29日- 6月1日


Please mark your calendars to join Dean William Johnson, the Center for International and Comparative Law, fellow 博彩网址大全 LAW alumni in May 2024 to explore legal and cultural 美丽的马德里的机构. 为期四天,法学院校友将及时出席 presentations, interact with members of the Spanish bench and bar, explore the sights 并与其他校友建立联系. 马德里校友网络注册 事件现在是实时的.






9.上午30点:主讲人:James Hathaway教授
This presentation will describe the crisis in global refugee protection; the inadequacy of the UN’s steps to respond and outlines an alternative proposal for how to revitalize 联合国难民公约下的保护机制.

上午11点:Benedita M教授. 奎罗斯
Questioning Refugee Law; What to make of the Present Legal Framework.
This talk explores the structural fragilities of the international refugee protection system and the challenges experienced by refugees and other displaced persons within 欧盟庇护制度. 演讲将集中讨论这一保护的两个关键主题 制度:排斥和不平等. 这些问题可以从这个角度来解决 of a) the design of refugee protection and b) the exclusion of refugees and other 逃离政权的流离失所者.

11.30 Lauren E教授. 巴特利特
For over a decade, human rights mechanisms have been calling for the prohibition of the detention of children, with or without their parents, on the basis of their immigration 状态. And yet, the United States (and many other nations across the globe) continue 每年拘留成千上万的儿童. 探索通往…的道路 abolition of immigration detention centres in the United States using human rights tools, this talk will focus on detained migrant children and the argument that the United States should start by prohibiting any deprivation of liberty of migrant children, 无论多么短暂,仅仅基于移民身份.


2.下午:Petra Molnar教授(约克大学)
Practices of border violence increasingly rely on high-risk technological experiments. Predictive analytics used for interdictions, AI-power lie detectors and powerful sound cannons are just some of the more recent tools that states, private entities, 甚至国际组织也用它来管理移民. 有些地方,比如边境 serve as testing grounds for new technologies, because regulation and oversight is limited and an ‘anything goes’ frontier attitude informs the development and deployment 监控和自动化. 一个价值数十亿美元的边境工业综合体 also underpins the development and deployment of high-risk new technologies. 基于 on comparative work in Europe, East Africa, the US-Mexico border since 2018, this talk attempts to foreground the lived experiences of people on the move as they are interacting with the sharpest edges of experimental border technologies and blends 民族志方法论与国际人类
权利法分析. 围绕新兴技术的管理问题 migration are not just about the inherent use of technology but rather about how it is used and by whom, with states and private actors setting the stage for what is 可能性和优先顺序. 谁来对提议的创新提出问题 为什么自下而上的观点被边缘化了?

3.下午15点:Pedro Rodriguez-Ponga
There is a growing concern regarding situations in which irregular migrants are rejected at the borders without the respect that International Law contemplates them with. These events show the inevitable dialectic between the rights of sovereign States 控制移民和保护移民人权的义务. 佩德罗的演讲 hopes to shed some light on the philosophical and legal dilemmas that emerge at the 涉及寻求庇护者和非正规移徙者权利的边界. 这个传统 of the philosophical concept of ‘hospitality’ provides the guidelines for a fair balance between two apparent diverse forces: State sovereignty vs Refugees’ rights.

Refugees increasingly confront non-entrée regimes partly characterized by a post-9/11 logic that places a frame of (inter)national security in competition with a frame of humanitarianism and defies the foundational premises underlying the refugee regime. 应用ing a multidisciplinary approach, this section considers the manner in which literature disrupts monolithic imaginaries of forced displacement to understand whether the Refugee Convention safeguards against fragmented protection under state-centric 条件. By asking who or what is invisible, as well as to whom, it will explore how literature highlights protection gaps and defies IRL’s boundaries, as well as the ways in which it provides a space for reimagining refugee protection. 重要的是, it will seek to provide a stage for refugee narratives to engage in dialogue with the wider public and honor the way in which refugee and non-refugee thinkers represent 难民与法律决定的对抗.
4.15 pm: Round Table between Professor Molnar, Pedro Rodriguez-Ponga and


Petra Molnar is a lawyer and anthropologist specializing in technology, migration, 还有人权. She is the Associate Director of the Refugee Law Lab at York University and runs the Migration and Technology Monitor, a multilingual archive of work interrogating 对越境人员进行技术实验. 佩特拉正在做她的第一个 book, Artificial Borders: AI, Surveillance, Border Tech Experiments (The New Press 2024), is a 2022-2023 Fellow at the Berkman Klein Centre for Internet & 社会 在哈佛大学.

劳伦教授. 巴特利特加入了圣. 路易斯大学法学院. 她的 work focuses on the intersections between human rights, access to justice, legal 道德. In Spring 2020, she launched a new Human Rights at 首页 Litigation Clinic 在圣. 路易斯大学法学院. 通过诊所,巴特利特教授和 her law students provide free civil legal services to and file international human rights complaints on behalf of immigrants and incarcerated people in the St. 路易 地区.