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Policies: Examples and Hypotheticals

1. 学生X、Y和Z围坐在图书馆的一张桌子旁做小组作业 教授布置的研究练习,明天要交. The objective of 这项作业是建立在学生研究技能的基础上. The students are 讨论如何在书中找到问题的答案. 学生们互相确认他们发现的案例,并纠正一个学生 who went off on a research tangent. They discuss and decide what went wrong in the research trail.

Ans: This is NOT a violation. Assignments which are designated to be small group exercises 是为了让学生可以一起工作来提高他们的技能. Here the 练习是为了支持先前指定的文本和讲座材料而创建的 由研究技能发展领域的教员负责.

2. 学生X, Y, Z围坐在自助餐厅的桌子旁讨论研究 以及如何完成作业# 3,也就是刚刚在课堂上发的. 他们从研究小组的工作中拿出笔记,并大致制定策略 a plan of attack. 学生们不讨论搜索词,也不讨论文摘的具体内容 or secondary sources. They leave to write their own individual research plans due on Friday.

Ans: This is NOT a violation. General review of available materials such as secondary 材料、摘要、报告和谢泼德都是合适的讨论点. A violation 如果学生们超越了技能发展,开始讨论具体的 aspects of a graded assignment.

3. 一周后,学生X、Y、Z聚在一起,就哪些文章交换意见 and cases they found. 他们交换文章和箱子,以确保每个朋友 has the same material. All agree to come back next week to talk about writing their papers.

Ans: This IS a violation. The students have crossed an ethical line. Research skills, 既有第一手资料,也有第二手资料,直接与评分作业联系在一起 are meant to be assessed on an individual basis. While the assessment of researching 每个LRW部分中的技能可以通过各种方式完成,学生分享 评分作业的材料剥夺了个人评估的能力 counseling regarding their skills.

4. In the third week, students X, Y, Z get back together. They have all been given back comments on their second papers. No rewrite is scheduled for the assignment. 他们有各种各样的组织、分析和技术写作问题. Students 花时间看看每个学生在第二份作业中做对了什么,做错了什么. 他们没有时间讨论第三个任务,所以他们同意再见面 following week.

Ans: This is NOT a violation. After graded assignments are returned, as long as they 不需要重写,学生可以比较成绩吗. While permitted, 这取决于学生个人的决定.

5. In the fourth week, students X, Y, Z get back together. This time they compare cases and articles which each had found during research. They discuss how each may 或者可能不适用于假设,并决定哪些情况下使用,哪些丢弃.

Ans: This IS a violation. The students have crossed an ethical line. Research skills, 既有第一手资料,也有第二手资料,直接与评分作业联系在一起 are meant to be assessed on an individual basis. While the assessment of researching 每个LRW部分中的技能可以通过各种方式完成,学生分享 评分作业的材料剥夺了个人评估的能力 counseling regarding their skills.

6. Student Q is really struggling in her LRW class; the scores on her first two papers have her worried. 她不明白如何组织解释和应用程序 paragraphs. 学生Q走到学生A面前,请她解释如何才能熟练地打图案 drafted E and A paragraphs. Student A talks through the appropriate pattern for E and A paragraphs using samples given out by the professor.

Ans: This is NOT a violation. Students Q and A are discussing skill development. They 课堂上讨论的课文、讲座和材料是否经过设计 让每位学生学会撰写有能力的解释及应用段落. This kind of interaction is encouraged by the LRW Faculty.

7. 学生X在他的办公时间与他的助教见面. The TA has 在教师的指导下,与学生确认他们的案例选择 is headed in the right direction. Student X has an appropriate case for the first 在作业中测试过的问题,但在第二个问题中没有走上正轨. The TA confirms 学生X选择的案例是第一期可接受的案例之一 并给予适当的指导,使学生X能够继续他的研究 for the second issue. 学生X给学生Y和Z发邮件说他有 第一个问题的正确案例,并建议其他人尝试他们的案例 the TA to determine the correct case for the second issue.

Ans: MIXED RESULT. 学生X和助教进行了预先设计好的交流. These types of interactions are encouraged by LRW Faculty. These interactions allow 鼓励学生走在正确的道路上,并给予指导 if they are not on the correct heading.

学生X, Y和Z之间的交流违反了道德规范. Not only 学生是否限制了自己的研究技能发展,学生X是令人鼓舞的 manipulation of TA/Student relationship. The students are attempting to gain an advantage over the rest of the students in the class.

8. 学生Y和她的老师安排了一个会议来复习一部分内容 of her paper that she is struggling with. During the conference the faculty member 学生用荧光笔来诊断学生遇到的困难 with paragraph structure and depth of analysis. Student Y has a "light bulb" moment about paragraph construction. The faculty member also reads the student's Question Presented. 教员帮助学生确定所有必需的物品 包含在所提出的问题中,并可能获得合格的分数 on this part of the paper. After the conference, student Y emails her friends that the highlighting exercise is the way to go to understand paragraph construction; she suggests that they all perform this exercise on their papers. In a second email the 学生剪切并粘贴她的问题提出,并告诉她的朋友使用它作为 a guide.

Ans: MIXED RESULT. 学生Y和教师进行个人评估 以及以培养学生写作技巧为目的的辅导. Skill building 练习使用荧光笔来识别段落的不同部分 are essential to skill development. Sharing and encouraging other students to utilize these types of exercises is encouraged by the LRW faculty.

9. 然而,一旦这个学生把她升级后的个人作业发给其他学生 为了抄袭和借鉴,这个学生越过了道德底线. Work that is to 以个人为基础的评估需要由学生自己制作 own.

10. 在期末论文到期前一周,学生们回到了他们的学习中 group with drafts which are 90% complete. They would like a fresh eye for their papers so they all exchange. 他们不修改彼此的论文,因为他们知道这一点 is not allowed, but they comment on what they have read. They also point out typos, citation errors and the like to one another.

Ans: This IS a violation. The students have crossed an ethical line. Student's progress 在他们的写作技巧的发展是在个人的基础上进行评估. Production 草稿和最终的书面产品是个人的工作. The only 除非助教或教员对草稿进行评论 the student has produced.