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Emotional, Social and Spiritual Well-being Resources for 博彩网址大全 Employees

Develop Healthy Habits to Lower Stress and Improve Work-life Balance


Emotional wellness is the process of recognizing, understanding and accepting your 情绪. It involves managing life's challenges, building nurturing and supportive relationships and fostering genuine connections with those around you.


  • Use mindfulness and other healthy ways to lower stress
  • 建立健康的工作与生活平衡
  • 参与社会活动,建立社区



The Saint 路易斯大学 员工援助计划(EAP) is a feature of the employee health package that provides access to professional counseling on a confidential basis. In addition, EAP services include training supervisors on how to refer employees if 需求出现了.

Confidential professional counseling is provided through ComPsych at no cost to staff and their families who are coping with a personal or family crisis.

拨打800-859-9319预约或参观 www.guidanceresources.com 了解更多信息. To register online, please use the Company ID "slueap"  and 创建您的用户名和密码. 


星期二和星期三中午. Zoom上的虚拟课程.

会议ID: 962 6979 8657密码:铭记!

Weekly mindfulness sessions are intended to help faculty and staff develop ways of finding joy and maintaining balance amid the “ups and downs” of life. 这个项目 consists of 30-minute weekly sessions hosted at noon.

The first five minutes are for settling in and centering; the next 15 minutes are for talking about an informal mindfulness topic such as “Dealing with Troublesome Emotions” or “Creating a Pause Between a Triggering 事件 and our Response to that 事件.” The final 10 minutes are mostly silent meditation. 

The Mindfulness Program is led by Professor of Practice David Lander. 教授着陆器 已经和学校联系很多年了吗. 他帮助开办了法律诊所 program, taught full-time for two years and has served as an adjunct 20 times, teaching such courses as bankruptcy law, commercial law, consumer law and secured transactions. He has had a personal meditation practice for 15 years and has taken courses in mindfulness MindfulSchools的教学.org. In July 2015, he retired from a successful business 破产私人执业律师.

欲了解更多信息,请联系 Professor David Lander at 大卫.lander@glodokelektronik.net or 314-750-7773.


心理健康急救 is a skills-based training course that teaches participants 关于心理健康和药物使用的挑战. 每次训练需要两个小时 of online pre-work before the in-person or Zoom training. 参与者将被设定 在训练日之前做好连接.


欲了解更多信息,请联系 Tori哈伍德.



11 a.m.2024年6月11日 

Let’s face it: we’re all suffering from information overload. 有太多的矛盾 建议,每个人都是专家. 光是跟上这一切就让人筋疲力尽. 和 试着确定什么是有价值的,什么是没有价值的? 我们放弃了. 如果这听起来很熟悉, 这个网络研讨会是为你准备的. Tune in for real tools to help you figure out what actually 对你和你的家人都有用. 应大众要求,嘉宾切尔西·艾略特将 share simple tactics to help you trust your instincts and feel confident in your choices…as 父母、雇员、照顾者和人. 加入我们的实用策略,你可以 今天投入使用. Register for free to join live or receive the recording.


Disability and Neurodiversity: Parenting a Child with ADD/ADHD


This seminar provides a general overview of ADD/ADHD, including testing and diagnosis. The session will also go over treatment options for ADD/ADHD as well as strategies 成功的.




Learn about the basics of budgeting and how to better manage your money. 这个程序 discusses determining financial priorities, how to reduce expenses, recognizing debt 麻烦和节省的策略. 



11 a.m.2024年6月20日 

Resilience is the process and outcome of successfully coping and adapting to difficult 或者具有挑战性的生活经历. 对于青少年来说,艰难的生活经历可以改变 the way they view and interact with the world around them, this can affect mental health, connections with others, quality of life. 生活没有地图 or a set of instructions, so how do we equip teens with the skills to successfully 应付和适应具有挑战性的生活经历? *本次网络研讨会适用于美国和中国 全球员工.


Succeed at Work - Juggling Act: The Five Bucket Principle


你是否在努力寻找平衡? Learn practical strategies for an integrated approach to find balance in the five key areas of life: family/friends, work, giving back, 财政和卫生.


Child Care and Parenting: Internet Information for 父母


In this webinar, we will review the language, identify concerns and risks, teach strategies to increase safety online, discuss instant messaging, texting, social networking and chat rooms and identify resources and monitoring software.





Spiritual wellness is focused on a connection to something greater than yourself. It can provide you with a set of values, morals and beliefs to help guide your actions, forming habits that give you a sense of purpose and meaning. 帮助心灵的步骤 福利包括: 

  • 检查你的精神健康
  • 反思你的行为
  • 培养和平
  • 显示同情
  • 实践宽容



Employee Well-Being partners with the Saint 路易斯大学 Department of Mission 和身份.

Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus, sought and saw God in all things and believed himself called to be a co-laborer with God. 他对世界的看法是错误的 at the heart of the Jesuit method of teaching, research and service in place at Saint 路易斯大学.

Saint 路易斯大学’s Division for Mission 和身份 invites you to discover what it means to work at a Jesuit university and the difference it makes to your profession 和研究领域.



The Mission Matters podcast is a weekly spotlight on a person, initiative or program at 博彩网址大全 that incarnates the Jesuit mission of the University. 由Virginia Herbers主持, director of mission formation, each episode begins with a brief reflection, setting the stage for a member of the 博彩网址大全 community to give us a glimpse into how the mission 是活的.
