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The 看看中心 offers a variety of resources and offerings for graduate 学生 at 博彩网址大全, whether or not they have an opportunity to teach during their time at the 大学. Whether graduate 学生 are new to teaching or have many years of experience, we can provide support in key areas of instruction, assessment, 课程设计, technology 集成等等. 服务 to individuals are provided only at an instructor’s request and in accordance with our 保密政策. There are no costs to graduate 学生 for participation in 看看中心 services 和程序.

Here is a presentation of 看看中心 services available for graduate 学生

研究生 who are interested in future careers as educators will find these offerings most valuable. Professional 学生 who plan to engage in community outreach and/or informal educational work also may find these offerings beneficial, though they may need to do a bit more translating in order to identify ways to transfer lessons learned to contexts beyond classroom or online instruction.


研究生 have access to the full range of the 看看中心’s core 服务, which include one-on-one teaching consultations, mid-semester focus groups with 学生, formative classroom observations, formative feedback on course materials (e.g., syllabi, assignments, rubrics). Such services are most valuable for graduate 学生 who are teaching in some capacity (i.e., teaching their own courses as instructor of record and/or serving as a Teaching Assistant). To learn more about 看看中心 服务, 点击这里.


In terms of the 看看中心’s standing programs, graduate 学生 are most likely 参加 证书项目, which cultivates understanding of foundational aspects of effective teaching and helps graduate 学生 document their professional growth and development in teaching. This program was designed specifically with graduate 学生 in mind, though a number of 博彩网址大全 faculty members also participate in this program each year. 研究生 also may be nominated by department chairs or program directors for participation 在 Culturally Responsive Teaching Academy, which can be helpful for those who teach courses with large concentrations of international 学生. Graduate and professional 学生 also are encouraged to attend other programming throughout the year, such as the 冬天研究所 and the Ignatian Pedagogy Institute. Even graduate 学生 who do not have opportunities to teach while at 博彩网址大全 will find such programs beneficial if they plan to go on the academic job market 在 future. 


Finally, the 看看中心 also provides a variety of web-based resources that can support all instructors at 博彩网址大全. These include our weekly blog, 笔记本; our brief 资源指南; and other online resources for key topics such as 包容的教学, Ignatian教育学, 课程设计, key information for those new to 在博彩网址大全任教. We also provide free access for all 博彩网址大全 graduate 学生 to the nationally-acclaimed Teaching Professor Newsletter. To see additional resources, 点击这里

Reasons to Engage the 看看中心

研究生 from all disciplines and teaching experience levels are welcome to seek support from the 看看中心. Here are some common reasons graduate 学生 联系中心:

  • Develop and receive feedback on teaching philosophy statements and/or course materials
  • Discuss student ratings of instruction (or other feedback on teaching)
  • Receive feedback on academic job materials that focus on teaching
  • Understand evidence-based practices for university-level teaching
  • Consider the complexities and challenges of instructor/student interactions
  • Explore methods for documenting teaching development and effectiveness
  • Collect formative student feedback in time to make adjustments 在 current semester
  • Integrate technology into teaching with purpose and intention

To learn more about how the 看看中心 engages its work, including our views on voluntary participation and evaluation of teaching, please consult our 实务及政策.

If you have questions about services 和程序, or to learn more about how the 看看中心 may support you, please contact us by email at cttl@glodokelektronik.net.