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试一试! Mini-Grants

尝试它的目的! Mini-Grants is to spur thoughtful and engaged experimentation 用一种新的教学策略或工具. 通过这种方式,Reinert中心的目标是 support faculty members' development as teacher-scholars by promoting innovative thinking about and approaches to teaching, learning, student engagement.

To see the current Call for Proposals, please visit our 目前公开招标 页面.

Details about the program can be found below, including: 资格 Requirements, Grant 预期, Eligible Projects/Expenses, Selection Criteria. 查看列表 在以往的小额资助受助人中, 点击这里.


Awards are available to 博彩网址大全 faculty who hold teaching appointments in any department of the 大学 and who will be continuing in their faculty positions for the 2023-2024 学年.  曾获“试一试”奖的教师! 夏季小额资助基金 apply; however, priority consideration will be given to those who have not previously 获得奖项.

Although most proposals are submitted by individuals, inter- or intra-disciplinary projects involving two or more faculty members also are encouraged. 在这种情况下, supporting materials should include a statement specifying whether the applicants are requesting one grant split between them or multiple parallel grants. 在这两种 case, joint proposals will be judged by the same criteria as individual ones.

Note: 教师 in the School of Medicine who do not teach formal classroom-based courses are eligible to submit a proposal as long as they propose to try one new teaching strategy within a defined educational experience, occurring over a defined period 时间和确定的学习者队列(e).g.(临床轮转).


Successful recipients will be expected to: 1) spend awarded funds as proposed through the 看看中心; 2) meet with a Center staff member at least once, to determine effective, evidence-based strategies for incorporating and assessing the effects of trying their new tool or strategy; 3) measure the effects of the experiment in some way; 4) submit a brief report of work done at the end of the summer and at the end of the teaching semester(s); and 5) share the broad lessons they learn with the broader 社区.  (The latter may be accomplished in a variety of ways, including but not limited to: submitting an article for publication, presenting at a disciplinary or pedagogical conference or at a 看看中心 event, contributing to the Center’s 博客和/或网络资源等.)  Please note: faculty who wish to make student data public as part of this dissemination may need to obtain IRB approval.


试一试! funds may be used to fund professional development and/or to purchase equipment or materials that enhance teaching effectiveness and student engagement and for experiences/items that would not otherwise be funded or provided by the faculty member’s home department.  所有资金必须在本财政年度内使用. 


  • Tables that can be reconfigured and used to create more flexible classroom seating and to study the effects of classroom seating on student collaboration and learning
  • Writeable tablets, used with screencasting software to create supplemental instructional 视频(e.g., for mathematical problem solving) and with financial calculators and other tools to solve financial equations, involve students actively in class, 将写好的动作写在白板上.
  • Scratch-off Immediate Assessment and Feedback cards for real-time assessment of learning.
  • Anatomy simulation models to supplement labor and delivery training for medical residents
  • Audio-visual equipment and software used to support “flipped” classroom experiments (e.g., web-cameras, microphones, other digital voice/video recording devices, writable 在屏幕上捕捉工作问题的平板电脑等等.)
  • Several iPad minis with specialized apps used to observe physical movements and to 计算运动角度
  • Computer equipment to support service-learning experiences in which students digitized archival materials and created printed banners for use by local 社区 partner 组织.


  • Webinar or conference attendance (such as for a disciplinary teaching conference, 团体间对话暑期学院等.),以支援与教师发展有关的工作 to a discipline-specific or other instructional innovation to be adopted in 2023-2024 (必须在2023年6月30日之前完成)
  • Books and/or journal subscriptions related to particular pedagogical innovations (either within or across disciplines), such as books that would not otherwise be purchased 收件人所在部门.
  • Hardware or software to support innovations aimed at making learning materials more 无障碍和包容性(e).g.、语音识别/字幕软件).
  • Membership fees for a pedagogical professional 组织 / consortium focused on particular teaching, learning, assessment strategies (either within or across (学科)与课程相结合. (重点必须是,而且必须是 something other than the regular membership dues for one’s disciplinary professional 组织.)
  • Materials and/or equipment that supports the development of cases, scenarios,/or 模拟真实的学习和评估.
  • Audio-visual or other technology/production equipment to be used by 博彩网址大全 students as 课程的一部分(如.g., portable media kits for student interviews or multi-media 生产).

请注意: Any technology or equipment purchased is owned by Saint Louis 大学 and must be returned to the 看看中心 in the event that the faculty member leaves the 大学.