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Service learning is a teaching method used in many Saint Louis University courses that integrates service to others into the 课程.

By engaging in service experiences, students gain wisdom and knowledge from the community 合作伙伴,作为共同教育者. The partner, in turn, benefits from the work provided, 使之成为一种互惠关系. 学生学习应用概念从 classroom to this experience, by reflecting on their service, enhance the academic 课程.

Bibliography for 服务学习 in Higher Education


下面是 some samples of syllabi of professors who have included a service learning 类中的组件. If you would like to have your syllabus posted, please 寄给利亚·斯威特曼 sweetman@glodokelektronik.net.


This general outline will give you the basic steps needed for a successful service 课程中的学习项目.


  • Define learning objectives to connect the service project to your course.
  • 联系莉娅·斯威特曼电话:314-977-4214或 利亚.sweetman@glodokelektronik.net 讨论课程并制定计划. 社会行动中心有很多 of 资源 to help build meaningful service into your course syllabus.
  • 见莉亚或鲍比·沃塞尔,314-977-2041或 鲍比.wassel@glodokelektronik.net, to review potential community partners or utilize our 社区伙伴数据库.
  • 与注册办公室联系 registrar@slu.edu to have your course designated as service learning in Banner class schedule.


We are available to speak to your classes to provide background information on service learning, along with community partner information, reflection questions and other 资源.


  • Provide reflection opportunities relating the service to your course content including group discussions, journals, essays, art and poster presentations.
  • 监督学生参与.
  • Check in with us for any questions, concerns or for advice.


If the service learning project included a set number of required hours, have your 学生提交他们的 服务学习时数表格. Feel free to share the best reflection papers, projects or your syllabus for inclusion 在这一页.


Since reflection is a key component in any service learning course, browse this section for the many different ways that your students can reflect on their service experience, and how to tie it back into your course's learning goals and objectives. 下面是 some documents and links for you to use as 资源 for reflection on the service 学生的表演.


For additional 资源, please contact Leah Sweetman in the 社会行动中心 电话:314-977-4214或 利亚.sweetman@glodokelektronik.net.

The 美国高等院校协会 seeks to prepare students to become effective global and local citizens as they venture into an unequal but interdependent 多样化的世界. The association works with campuses to develop programs that help faculty 和学生 connect scholarship to public questions. AAC格式&大学的网站提供 several 资源 and detailed descriptions of its projects, including the Diversity Initiative, in which service-learning and campus-community partnerships play an important role, the Center for Liberal Education and Civic Engagement, a joint initiative 校园契约.

The website for the American Association of Community College's service-learning project includes links to model programs at various community college campuses, general information about federal initiatives such as America Reads, practical information about applying service-learning in the community college 课程. 该网站还包括一个列表 of workshops and events and links to service-learning organizations.

校园紧凑 is a national coalition dedicated to promoting community service, civic engagement, service-learning in higher education. 这个综合网站包括 资源 for service-learning practitioners, including faculty, presidents, administrators, 和学生. It includes model programs, sample syllabi, a calendar of events, extensive links to web 资源, news, information on grants and fellowships, legislation, 还有更多.

社区-校园健康伙伴关系社区-校园健康伙伴关系 (CCPH) promotes health through partnerships between communities and higher educational institutions, using service-learning, community-based research, community service, other partnership strategies. 本网站包含 a variety of 资源, including syllabi and assessment tools.

The 密歇根社区服务学习杂志 is a peer-reviewed academic journal containing papers written by faculty and service-learning educators on research, theory, pedagogy, issues pertinent to the service-learning community. 该站点包含 abstracts of MJCSL articles and information on subscribing and submitting manuscripts.

University of Southern California (服务学习 Theory and Practice)
This site has a number of 资源 for designing a service-learning syllabus, recruiting and placing students in service-learning sites, developing reflection and evaluation 工具等等.