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Micah students leave for a retreat




Yes. 每年,弥迦项目都会接受学生进入我们的一年级社区 are also in 博彩网址大全's Honors program.

Micah students can be any major. 超过30个专业代表在弥迦 program.
Can I study abroad as a Micah student?
Are there special courses for Micah students?
Micah first-year students take at least three Micah sections of core courses together. 在适当的时候,课程将关注社会正义问题,将学生的 学习他们在社区服务中的经历.

弥迦课程可以计博彩网址大全生的毕业要求. The Micah program does not add more academic requirements.



Can I be a Micah student if I’m not Catholic?

Yes. 弥迦社区是跨宗教的,包括来自各种宗教的学生 背景,教派和非信仰背景.

What role does faith play in the Micah program?
 所有一年级的弥迦学生都必须经常参加每周的社区会议 包括不同信仰间的讨论,以建立一个共同关心和支持的社区. 当你参加弥迦静修时,你也会发现一些与信仰有关的活动. 博彩网址大全邀请所有信仰和学习领域的学生申请.




We work at service sites in urban communities near 博彩网址大全's campus. 该服务侧重于建立关系 与在组织工作的人,那些被服务的人和其他弥迦学生.

My scholarship requires service hours. Can my service for the Micah program count toward my scholarship requirement?

大多数与校园服务相关的奖学金要求都可以通过 Micah program.

How do I get assigned to a service site?

您将收到服务机会的时间表,并选择您最喜欢的三个 based on your interest and your availability. Micah program staff will try their best to give you your top choice.

How will I get to my service site?

弥迦计划为每周的服务和其他弥迦活动提供面包车. Students 他们都是经过学校认证的项目成员. There are no additional 米迦学生的交通费用. As long as you complete the driver's 验证过程并遵守所有指导方针,博彩网址大全的保险将为您提供保险.

Are the places where you serve safe?

我们的首要任务是确保每个人的安全. Although no American city 没有潜在的危险,我们服务的社区是稳定的,我们的 sites are well-run. 然而,我们确实注重培养年龄较大、经验丰富的学生 在每个服务组中,要求一年级学生不要单独去服务点, 并要求他们总是把货车直接开到服务地点,然后再开回来.


除了每周的服务外,许多一年级学生还自愿参加每月的特别服务 与年长的弥迦学生、教职员工一起举办活动. These events involve engaging 和孩子们一起参加特别活动,翻新房屋,美化城市社区, or fixing up facilities at underfunded schools.


Living on Campus

Where do Micah students live?

弥迦一年级的学生和他们的弥迦二年级导师住在第五层 eighth floors of Marguerite Hall in the Micah Learning Community.


一旦你被接受进入弥迦项目,我们的项目协调员将通知 住房和居住生活部将你的住房分配到一个 of the floors in the Micah Learning Community.  你也应该通过电子邮件和 ask to be switched.



What is the history of the Micah program?

In the mid-1990s, Michael Garanzini, S.J., 博彩网址大全’s academic vice president at the time, 建议加强学生在宿舍、教室、 大学和周围的城市社区. The program celebrated its 2017-18学年的20周年纪念.

1997年,弥迦项目在他的指导下接受了第一批学生 of its first director, Donald Stump, Ph.D. Stump served as director for over 20 years. In 2018, Olga Arbeláez, Ph.D., became the program director. In 2021, Emily Komos, the first staff director, was named.