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Summer Courses

博彩网址大全在赖斯开设了几门高级领域生物学课程 Biological Field Station each summer.


2024年夏季,博彩网址大全开设的三门课程是 BIOL 4200:Aquatic Ecology, BIOL 4330: Spring Flora of the Ozarks, and BIOL 4260: Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles.

All courses are four credit hours. 课程为期三周,在夏季的第一次代祷期间进行.

The session runs from May 19 to June 8, 2024. 课程同时进行,所以你每学期只能注册一门课程. 

Cost: About $3,200 for tuition and $500 for food. All buildings have air conditioning. 提供往返外地站的交通工具. 欲了解更多信息,请联系Robert Wood教授

所有课程均满足博彩网址大全生物专业高年级授课和实验选修课的要求. 获得的学分可转移到大多数学术机构. The only prerequisite 所有这些课程的必修课程是BIOL 1060:生物学原理II. Each course is worth four credit hours and satisfies a lab requirement.

BIOL 4200: Aquatic Ecology 

Course description: 探索密苏里州的淡水生态系统,包括泉水、河流和 lakes. 本课程将探讨生物的多样性,包括动物和动物 plants, found in these ecosystems. A major goal will be to understand how the physical 水的化学性质影响着水生生物的丰度和多样性. 

Instructor: Robert Wood (

Seven students stand in water, wearing hip waders

BIOL 4330: Spring Flora of the Ozarks

Course description: 春季植物是一门以实地为基础的课程,旨在让学生熟悉春天 flora of the Ozark Highlands Physiographic Province. Students will learn to recognize 在密苏里州发现的常见植物科,并利用分类学方法鉴定植物物种 keys.

Instructor: Marcela Mora, Ph.D.


BIOL 4260: Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles

Course description: 两栖动物和爬行动物生物学(爬虫学)是一门基于实地的课程 让学生们了解奥扎克高地的两栖动物和爬行动物. 


  • Hands-on field experience.
  • 研究青蛙、蟾蜍、蝾螈、海龟、蛇和蜥蜴的自然栖息地.
  • Amphibians and reptiles are imperiled worldwide.
  • Beautiful surroundings
  • Earn four credits in three weeks!

Instructor: Mark Mills, Ph.D.

A student kneels in the forest and examines samples.

Learning Conditions

请注意,实地课程包括主要的户外组件,以利用 在自然环境中学习生物的无与伦比的机会.

预计将花费相当一部分课程时间远足,划独木舟,取样,涉水, etc., in potentially hot, humid weather. Classes are not canceled for rain.

你可能会遇到野生动物,比如蚊子和其他昆虫、蜱虫、蛇 还有青蛙,还有毒葛和荨麻. We will ensure that you learn 识别这些生物,这样你就可以避免或适当地处理它们.

如果您对课程有任何疑问或担心是否实地课程 是适合你的,联系现场站长, Robert Wood, Ph.D., or the course instructors.

FAQ About Summer Session Courses


所有野外课程的唯一先决条件是BIOL 1060:生物学原理II. 我们鼓励已经完成大一生物课程的学生申请.

How long is the summer session?

里斯生物站的夏季课程将从周一持续到周六 three weeks. In 2024, this will be May 19 to June 8. If you sign up for a course at 在野外车站,你应该在下午1点前离开车站.m. Unless 如果有紧急情况,请提早离开将不予考虑.

How much time is spent in class each day?
周一到周五全天上课,周六上午考试. A 典型的课堂日包括三个小时的讲课和三个小时的实验.
What does it cost to take a summer field course?
About $3,200 for tuition and $500 for food.
How do I get to the field station?
 博彩网址大全在空间站的开始和结束提供往返于空间站的交通工具 session. 你也可以自己开车或在车站下车. All transportation during the session to off-site locations is provided.
What is housing like at the field station?

学生们住在有暖气和空调的单性别小屋里. Cabins have wooden bunks with foam mattresses; students should bring their own pillow, linens (sheets, mattress pad) or sleeping bag and towels.

在小木屋的学生使用男女室内淋浴房三冲 toilets, three sinks and three showers. Students provide their own personal toiletries (soap, shampoo, etc.).

主宿舍上方的阁楼也可容纳10名学生. Two bathrooms are available 在小屋:一间有水槽和厕所,另一间有水槽、厕所和淋浴.

A small coin laundry has two washers ($0.50) and two dryers ($0.25); laundry soap is provided.

What are meals like at the field station?

We provide three meals each day. Breakfast includes a hot option (pancakes, french toast, eggs) and various cold cereals. Lunch options may include sandwiches, salads, soups and fruit.

晚餐的选择从烤汉堡、鸡肉和烤肉串到意大利面、玉米饼、 red beans and rice, and more. A variety of fresh salads is offered at each dinner.

Meatless options are available at every meal.

Should I bring money?
你可能想带一点钱参加一些活动,比如打保龄球、吃冰淇淋 trips and personal purchases. Bringing large sums of cash is unnecessary.
The station has a DSL internet connection. Cell phone reception at the station is spotty but occasionally works; more reliable reception is available a five-minute drive away. A landline is available for emergencies. 
What is there to do for fun?
平日里,晚上会有篝火,周三晚上会打保龄球,还会去健身房 冰淇淋店,每周两次由教师,研究生或来访的非正式会谈 researchers. 学生们还喜欢在Huzzah Creek游泳、打牌和做游戏 and reading.