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博彩网址大全进 Frequently Asked Questions


现在你已经 收到了博彩网址大全的录取通知书,你 one step closer to becoming a Billiken.

如果你收到了博彩网址大全进衔接课程的录取通知书,那就确定了 你有潜力成为博彩网址大全成功的学生 我们的援助. 博彩网址大全进 undergraduate and graduate pathway programs are designed 帮助国际学生更自信地说英语. 他们也会 支持你建立你的学术技能,了解国际和国内 就读博彩网址大全的学生. 

Why did I receive an offer for a pathway and not a degree program?

由于一些原因,你可能已经收到了衔接课程的录取通知. If 你没有达到博彩网址大全的学术和/或英语要求 博彩网址大全的招生团队可能已经确定你可以从中受益 from the extra support that 博彩网址大全进 offers. There is no need to be anxious about where you start; just focus on where you will end up – with a degree from Saint 路易 大学!  
另外,请注意,您之前可能收到过我们博彩网址大全进团队的电子邮件 you receive your official offer letter. Do not worry though, you will receive the 不久将收到录取通知书.  


INTO帮助来自世界各地的学生实现他们的海外留学梦想 在大学里. 我们支持申请进入本科的国际学生 或研究生学位课程,并与大学合作,创造独特的准备 为那些尚未达到大学要求的学生设计的课程. 所以,你是否有资格申请学位课程或需要一些额外的 preparation before your degree, we can help!

我们的本科和研究生衔接课程支持学生提高 他们的英语和发展他们的专业学术知识. 我们会帮助 以确保你在一个新的国家舒适地适应生活,并准备好 取得学位. We've helped thousands of INTO students secure their place 在海外一些最好的大学课程,并继续找到成功的职业生涯. 
博彩网址大全进成立于2015年,至今已帮助数百名学生取得成功 然后. 除了帮助学生在学业上取得成功,我们也为国际学生做好准备 学生必须适应所在国的教育、社会和文化规范 在攻读学位的同时. 

What is an 国际 Year One (Pathway)?

我们的 国际 Year One pathway 即使你没有达到要求,你也可以开始获得学位学分 academic and English requirements for direct entry. You’ll receive additional support 让你顺利度过第一年并以同样的时间毕业 time as domestic students. Depending on your English language scores, you’ll enter 国际第一年通过定制的课程,持续一个或多个学期. 

What is a Graduate Pathway?

我们的 研究生衔接课程 会给你的学术基础和必要的语言技能成功吗 move on to your master’s degree. You’ll receive the highest level of support throughout your program, including personalized academic advising. 

What are the benefits of a pathway program?

在衔接课程中学习的学生有与老师一起工作的好处 他们可以在提高自己的能力的同时获得学位学分 英语技能. Pathway students at 博彩网址大全 have access to:

  • Personalized academic, language and cultural support
  • The English Language Center
  • Tutoring and conversation panels
  • Free airport pickup to greet you in St. 路易
  • An orientation program designed to help you adjust to campus life
  • Enhanced student advising
  • 一个职业中心,支持职业规划,准备和就业
  • 大学 housing support
  • Social trips and activities with other students
  • 健康计划
  • 2020-21学年,95%的衔接课程学生有资格在博彩网址大全升学.

Most importantly, you will still be a 博彩网址大全 Billiken! Being an 博彩网址大全进 graduate will 没有在你的文凭上注明,你仍然会有和国内一样的机会 students will studying at the 大学.


衔接课程的设立是为了让学生有机会完成他们的学位 in the same amount of time as a direct-entry student. Some undergraduate and graduate 课程确实有学生需要的额外的先决条件课程要求 take and this could add additional time to your specific study plan.


Costs vary from year to year. For more information, visit our 费用和财务页面

Can I still provide updated test scores?

如果您尚未提交或更新ACT, SAT, TOEFL, IELTS或Duolingo 分数,我们仍然可以在课程开始日期前四周接受. 

Will I still receive a scholarship if I enter a pathway program?

简短的回答是肯定的! All international students are automatically considered for 奖学金,在大多数情况下,奖学金将自动申请. 唯一的例外是只修学术英语课程的学生. 学术 English students are ineligible for scholarships. If you have questions about the 如果您获得了奖学金,请不要犹豫与我们联系 intoslu@glodokelektronik.net.  

如果我是美国人.S. citizen/resident, do I qualify for financial aid on the pathway?

The 博彩网址大全进 program charges a program fee, not tuition. Financial Aid provided through 大学或其他来源不能应用于该计划. 你可以, 但是,有资格获得项目奖学金,如果有的话,这将包括在内 你的录取通知书.

Who can I speak to if I want to learn more about this offer?

我们的 recruitment staff is happy to speak to you.


For admission questions, you can reach out to us at  intoadmissions@glodokelektronik.net. 请附上你的学生证号码,以便招生顾问知道如何填写 为您提供最好的帮助. 

What information is included in my confirmation letter?

Your confirmation letter outlines important details such as:

  • Your start date and study plan
  • Statement of fees and balance
  • Documents required for confirmation
  • 住房信息
How can I accept my offer?

你收到的录取通知书会详细说明如何确认你的工作 列入计划. Make sure to complete the following steps as soon as possible: 

  • Review the offer letter you received.
  • 填写并签署验收表,并寄回 intoadmissions@slu.引用你的 应用程序 ID号. This can be found in your  offer letter (example: IN:E1234567Q).
  • Pay your deposit (instructions are in your offer letter).
  • 如果你正在申请F-1学生签证,请提交你的护照、银行对账单 和经济担保书.
How do I pay for tuition and fees?

You can pay in full through the INTO pay online link. This link can be found towards the end of your offer letter in the Financial Q&一个部分. Additional fees might apply 适用于信用卡(Visa或Master卡)或国际货币兑换. 你也可以 pay through a bank wire transfer. We don’t accept cash payments. 

How do I activate my university portal?

Students will receive their 博彩网址大全 email and password from ITS. To access the Saint 路易 大学 学生门户,按“登入”.” Type in your 博彩网址大全 Net Id and 博彩网址大全 Net Password, 然后 click “Sign In.” 你可能会被提示输入一个多因素识别密码,可以发短信给 you or relayed via phone. 联系 它帮助台 通过在线提交票证或致电+1-314-977-4000获得所有技术支持 服务请求.

What do I need to do to prepare for my arrival?

To help you have a smooth transition to 博彩网址大全, please visit our 出行前部分 for a guide that prepares you for your arrival and orientation.