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Find answers to frequently asked questions about the admission process at Saint Louis University, including information about transcripts, financial 援助 and more. 


研究生 admission 需求 at Saint Louis University may vary by program. 联系 the department directly for minimum test scores and other 要求 materials. 你 can find contact information, as well as additional admission 需求, on degree-specific页面 或以下常见博彩网址大全问题的答案: 

How much is the graduate application fee to Saint Louis University?

博彩网址大全的应用门户 不需要申请费用. 如果您正在使用集中式应用程序服务 就像 SOPHAS, 《博彩网址大全》, CSDCAS, HAMPCAS等., you will be 要求 to pay the application fee charged by these centralized 服务. 


你可以登录你的 博彩网址大全应用帐户. If you applied using a service such as SOPHAS, AMCAS and others, please return to 您原有的应用系统.


是的. 该大学提供几个预先批准的双学位课程. 博彩网址大全还考虑 any requests to enroll in two programs and pursue multiple degrees at the same time 具体情况具体分析.

联系 departments of both programs to determine the eligibility and policies 同时注册. 如果你想攻读双学位,你需要申请 申请并被两个学位项目录取.

Can I send my supporting documents, 比如推荐信和成绩单, 与我的申请分开?

We accept documents sent separately; however, we are able to process applications more quickly when an application has been submitted with all its supporting documents. 我们的友好 应用门户 ensures a smooth experience, allowing you to upload, review and edit your documents 在提交申请之前. 你对申请有什么问题吗 ,请与研究生招生办公室联系 graduate@glodokelektronik.net

What is Saint Louis University's institution code for submitting GRE scores?

博彩网址大全的机构代码是 6629, and test scores should be submitted electronically by the testing organization to 大学.


Each department has different requirement standards for graduate admission tests such 如GRE. 联系 个人项目 or department for specific information regarding test scores and other admission 需求.


你r academic transcripts will be 要求 for graduate admission to Saint Louis University. 在下面了解更多: 

Can I apply to a graduate program with unofficial copies of university transcripts 或GRE成绩?

Some graduate programs will review applications for admission with unofficial transcripts. Please reach out to the department or 研究生博彩网址大全 directly at graduate@glodokelektronik.net 确认. Official transcripts will be 要求 to register for coursework at 博彩网址大全.

我在博彩网址大全获得了本科学位. 我还需要这么做吗 把我的成绩单寄给研究生招生办公室?

No. If Saint Louis University is indicated on your education history during the application process, the Office of the Registrar will automatically send a copy of your transcript.

Do I need to send transcripts from every college I have previously attended?

是的. We will need all transcripts from all previous colleges or universities attended.


Saint Louis University's graduate tuition and fees vary by specific program.

查看当前的学费表 & 费用

Assistantships are awarded by 个人项目s or departments and usually require you to assist with teaching, research or other departmental duties. 作为你的 application, you’ll be asked to indicate whether you are interested in an assistantship, but you should also check with your program to see if any additional application is 要求. The program or department can provide you with details on the availability 的助教奖学金.

Fellowships are awarded to newly accepted master's or doctoral level 学生 who demonstrate outstanding scholastic achievement and potential for success.



International 学生 may have additional admission 需求 to Saint Louis University's 学术项目. 具体信息可在 degree-specific页面. 有关一般问题,请参阅下文: 

How much is the graduate application fee to Saint Louis University for international 学生?

博彩网址大全的应用门户 不需要申请费用. 如果您正在使用集中式应用程序服务 就像 SOPHAS, 《博彩网址大全》, CSDCAS, HAMPCAS等., you will be 要求 to pay the application fee charged by these centralized 服务. 


博彩网址大全的 国际事务处 我能帮你解决有关签证的问题吗. 有关申请的问题 或者更普遍的录取过程, 联系你的研究生博彩网址大全顾问.

Do I have to submit the Declaration of Finances Form before being accepted?

No, but submitting your declaration of finances when you apply will expedite the processing.


A score of at least 550 on the paper-based TOEFL or at least 80 on the internet-based 博彩网址大全要求托福考试. 一些研究生课程可能需要更高的分数 英语水平. 请查看您的清单 学位课程 特殊要求.

雅思或PTE也可以用来 证明你的英语语言能力. Unless you have previously attended a college or university in the United States, scores from one of these tests must be submitted electronically for your application 待考虑.
