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Anne K. Sebert Kuhlmann, Ph.D., M.P.H.

Associate Professor
College for Public Health and Social Justice

Interim Department Chair
Behavioral Science and Health Equity

Courses Taught

Introduction to Global Health; Global Health Implementation Science; Assessment, Intervention Development and Evaluation (AIDE) II


  • Ph.D.科罗拉多大学丹佛分校健康与行为科学和健康科学 Center
  • M.P.H., University of Michigan
  • B.S.埃默里大学人类学和西班牙语专业

Research Interests

Community mobilization; health behavior; HIV/AIDS; international public health; maternal health; program planning and evaluation; menstrual hygiene management and reproductive health

Publications and Media Placements

  1. Gullo S, Galavotti C, Sebert Kuhlmann A(2020)社区计分卡方法的效果 关于马拉维生殖健康服务相关成果的报告. PLoS ONE 15(5): e0232868.
  2. Sebert Kuhlmann A李建军,李建军,李建军,李建军,李建军,李建军.* Students’ menstrual hygiene needs and school attendance in an urban St. Louis, MO district. J of Adolescent Health. 2020 in press
  3. Belay S, Sebert Kuhlmann A, Wall LL. 月经卫生干预后北部地区女孩的出勤率 Ethiopia. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. 2020 Feb; DOI: 10.1002/ijgo.13127
  4. Peters Bergquist E*, Trolard A, Zhao Y, Sebert Kuhlmann A, Loux T, Liang SY, Stoner BP, Reno H. 急诊科的单一和重复使用 for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Care. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2020 Jan;47(1):14-18. 
  5. Peters Bergquist E*, Trolard A, Sebert Kuhlmann A, Loux T, Liang SY, Stoner BP, Reno H. 衣原体和淋病治疗不足 pregnant women in the emergency department. International Journal of STD & AIDS. 2019; doi: 0956462419880379
  6. Peters Bergquist E*, Trolard A, Fox B, Sebert Kuhlmann A, Loux T, Liang SY, Stoner BP, Reno H. 去急诊室和 以诊所为基础的性传播疾病护理地点进行衣原体检测 and Gonorrhea: a spatial exploration. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2019 Jul 1;46(7):474-9.
  7. Sebert Kuhlmann A, Peters Bergquist E*, Danjoint D*, Wall LL.  Unmet menstrual hygiene needs among low-income women: Reply. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2019 Jun 1;133(6):1285-.
  8. Iannotti L, Chapnick M, Eyler A, Hobson A, Sebert Kuhlmann A, Kreuter M. 公共卫生研讨会:经典到当代案例的新教学法. Pedagogy in Health Promotion. 2019 Jun;5(2):124-31
  9. Sebert Kuhlmann A, Shato T*, Fu Q, Sierra M. 亲密伴侣暴力、怀孕意图和避孕 use in Honduras. Contraception. 2019, Aug 100(2):137.
  10. Sebert Kuhlmann A, Peters Bergquist E*, Danjoint D*, Wall LL. 低收入人群月经卫生需求未得到满足 women. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2019, Feb 133(2):1.
  11. Sebert Kuhlmann A, Gullo S, Galavotti C, Grant C, Cavatore M, & Posnock S. Women’s and Health Workers’ 开放、包容社区和有效空间中的声音:衡量治理 生殖和孕产妇健康方案的成果. Development Policy Review. (accepted)
  12. Sebert Kuhlmann A, Altman L*, & Galavotti C. 社区动员在干预措施中的重要性 改善性健康、生殖健康和孕产妇健康结果:证据审查. Health Care for Women International. (accepted)
  13. Altman L*, Sebert Kuhlmann A, & Galavotti C. 理解黑盒:对测量的系统回顾 在针对性、生殖、 and maternal health. Evaluation and Program Planning, 2015; 49:86-97.

    *Student co-author
In the News: 

Honors and Awards

  • 卓越教学表彰证书(华盛顿大学)
  • Behavioral & 美国疾病控制与预防中心社会科学工作组研究奖
  • Terry Leet研究奖(产生健康), 
  • 年度研究奖- 博彩网址大全助理教授(CPHSJ)

Professional Organizations and Associations

  • American Evaluation Association, member
  • American Public Health Association, member

Community Work and Service

Dr. Sebert Kuhlmann于2015年加入公共卫生与社会正义学院 作为行为科学和健康公平的助理教授. She has an array 在公共卫生干预发展和规划方面的国际经验 评估,并建立了良好的同行评议出版物记录 and reproductive health.

她目前与土著居民合作开展孕产妇保健研究 在厄瓜多尔的安第斯高地和对社区动员的评价 改善马拉维孕产妇保健结果的干预措施. Locally, Dr. Sebert Kuhlmann works with St. 总部设在路易斯的参与全球卫生工作的组织,包括 尊严期和非洲小额信贷合作伙伴.

此外,她还支持上海外国语大学与国立自治大学的合作 of Honduras. 目前,她在全球卫生专业任教并提供咨询.