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Why I Chose 博彩网址大全: Four Reasons 校友 Recommend Saint Louis University

每年,都有一批新的勤奋的毕业生完成了他们的学位 unmatched support offered at Saint Louis University (博彩网址大全). 六十多年来, 博彩网址大全专业进修学院 has been supporting adult learners through its innovative program offerings.  

这些在线学位是专门为非传统学生和在职学生设计的 成年人,确保学生有机会获得负担得起的,快速的学习途径 their degrees so they can achieve their career goals sooner.

我们采访了几位校友,了解是什么吸引他们来这所学校,以及他们为什么来 recommend Saint Louis University to other adult learners across the nation.


博彩网址大全的专业研究学院 提供的学位结合了我们全国排名大学的声望和 the flexibility and affordability needed to tackle your education anywhere. 是否 你希望增加你的收入潜力,获得晋升或改变职业 entirely, these programs were designed 与一个dult learners like you in mind.

But you don’t have to take our word for it. Consider the experiences of the following 那些发现博彩网址大全学位课程符合他们的目标,他们的生活和他们的梦想的毕业生 终身追求更伟大的真理.

1. 博彩网址大全让高等教育触手可及

对于想要重返校园的成年人来说,最突出的障碍之一是寻找 的时间. The online, accelerated options in the 专业进修学院 aim 为所有学生提供获得学位的途径,无论他们的个人条件如何.

“我很自然地被在线课程所吸引,”毕业于纽约大学的海伦娜解释道 2017年的博彩网址大全 Bachelor of Science in Security and 战略情报. “I just found that the flexibility offered within those courses fit my busy life 更好的. It gave me more time with my 家庭, as well as more time for my day job.”


每年有六个为期八周的加速学期,学生们有机会 在任何时候都可以开始攻读学位,选择最适合自己的节奏 为他们. Adding to the value, classes at 博彩网址大全的 专业进修学院 are 学费只有传统学位的一半,而且是专门为 工作的专业人士.

“Our courses are designed with the adult 学生 in mind,” explains 特洛伊Hargrove, associate dean of Enrollment Management at 博彩网址大全. 哈格罗夫理解这种经历 在个人层面上,因为他毕业于职业研究学院 与一个 Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Studies in 2003. He went on to earn an MBA from 博彩网址大全 in 2008, he is currently working 攻读博士学位.D.


“专业研究学院的总体使命是让教育变得容易 哈格罗夫继续说道. “教师 members are subject matter experts who 是否也致力于评估成人学生在有效学习中需要什么 环境. They consider, for example, what cadence and pace would help ensure that 我们的成年学生能够成功地平衡生活和课外活动的需求 and their careers alongside their studies.”

博彩网址大全提供的灵活学习选择使高等教育成为现实 possibility for busy adult learners across the country.

“在线学习给了我们这些有工作的成年人——非传统的学生——一个机会 to complete our degrees,” offers 蒂娜, who earned a 通识学位 2022年从博彩网址大全毕业. “Because we can set our own schedules, we can maintain our daily responsibilities while also doing something for ourselves.”


2. 博彩网址大全让你感到被支持

成人学习者面临着与传统大学不同的挑战 学生. They have a host of additional responsibilities and considerations to take into account when it comes to going back to school.

博彩网址大全专业研究学院与众不同的一个因素是无与伦比的 level of support that is specifically tailored to the needs of adult 学生s. 甚至 在一个在线学习环境中,大学的教师和管理人员都是 渴望提供指导和支持.

“由于课程是100%在线的,所以对学生来说很重要 realize they’re not completely on their own,” Hargrove says. “我们的教员都在 在线学习环境支持学生在整个学术旅程.”

海伦娜回忆说,在她学习期间,教职员工给予了她真诚的支持 博彩网址大全时间. “They understand what it’s like to be an adult learner,” she notes. “几乎 everyone in the administration has been adult learner themselves. 这些程序是 完全为我们量身定做.”

海伦娜继续解释说,她的教授提供了宝贵的现实经验, 但他们也愿意做得更好,提供建议,联系学生 参加重要的行业活动,在社交活动中进行介绍; helping with resumes and interview prep, more. “它并没有在教室里停止 — that help extended even past graduation. I’m still close with some of the professors and administrators to this day,” she explains.

除了优秀的教师外,博彩网址大全还有学术教练作为合作伙伴 with 学生s in their higher education journeys. 一旦学生被录取, 他们的学术教练将全程陪伴他们 到毕业.

“当我第一次进入博彩网址大全时,我的学术教练帮助指导了我应该做什么 the best way for me to finish my degree,” 蒂娜 recalls. “我的教练总是在那里 回答我的任何问题. 我得到了极大的支持. 我所有的教授 希望我成功. I wasn’t just a number to them, I was 蒂娜.”

3. 博彩网址大全让你有归属感

作为一个成年人,回到教室——甚至是在线教室——可能会令人生畏 原因有很多. “Many of us have a constant fear of being judged in a new endeavor,” says 阿卡什, who graduated from the 专业进修学院 in 2023年 master’s in information systems and management. “But everyone here is so accepting and welcoming. 博彩网址大全帮助消除恐惧 process of entering into an unfamiliar educational 环境 as an adult.”

A man in a tan button up sits in an atrium 与一个 plant in the background

“当你感到被欢迎和接受时,你会更自在地问问题和 寻求支持,”他继续解释说,这有助于促进开放、富有成效的沟通 帮助学生找到归属感. “The 专业进修学院 does a 干得好.”

博彩网址大全在这一领域如此有效的部分原因是该机构致力于 honoring each 学生 exactly where they’re at in their journeys. “每个人都是 from different backgrounds and experiences; we all have different needs. 他们认识到 毕业于专业研究学院的基思说 与一个 组织学学士学位 in 2002.


“这是我参加过的最具包容性的大学之一,”他补充道. “I knew from my very first class that I belonged here. 我知道这是给我的.”

博彩网址大全作为一所接受和支持的教育机构有着悠久的传统 社区. “Whenever you come through the school, you get to become a part of that 海伦娜说. “I was standing on the shoulders of those who had gone before me, I want future 学生s to be able to build upon my legacy as well.”

4. 博彩网址大全 Makes it Possible to Achieve Your Goals

当你开始做某事时,没有什么比这种成就感更棒的了 do something challenging and you achieve your goal. 在博彩网址大全,我们的愿望是提供帮助 在你的个人和职业追求中——提醒你什么是可能的.

“I went back to school because I knew it would open doors for me,” Keith says. “It 会给我带来一份更好的工作,这样我就能更好地养活自己和我的家人 家庭. That’s what my degree from 博彩网址大全 did for me.”

尽管获得学位需要努力工作,但蒂娜已经看到了这些牺牲是如何的 会有回报的. “我每天都在工作中运用我所学到的东西. 通过获得学位,我 was able to get a promotion and a bump in my salary. I became more confident; I became a 更好的 employee and a 更好的 leader,” she offers.

“我从来没有想过我能实现重返学校并完成学业的目标 我的学位,”蒂娜继续说道. “I learned things about myself that I never knew I had 在我.”

对许多人来说,成年后重返校园似乎是一项无法克服的挑战. 但是当你与一个致力于持续支持和 指导-提供灵活和负担得起的途径来帮助你实现你的目标 goals — you can discover what is truly possible.

“Graduation day for me was unbelievable,” 海伦娜 recounts. “这是一种巨大的感觉 成就感. It brought such an amazing feeling of achievement and pride to be able to show my kids what’s possible 为他们 one day, too. 如果是我干的,他们也可以 这样做.”

Unlock Your Potential at Saint Louis University

博彩网址大全的专业研究学院是最具创新性的项目之一 同类的. Rather than adjusting to the unique needs and challenges of adult learners, it was specifically designed from the ground up to help 学生s like you thrive.

“在过去的60年里,专业研究学院产生了深远的影响 on thousands of learners and their families,” Hargrove says. “为下一个60年干杯 多年来证明了什么是可能的.”

你可以了解更多关于帮助这些成年学生实现他们梦想的项目 访问目标 Saint Louis University’s 专业进修学院 information page 今天.




