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A Conversation with 莱斯利莳萝, 汤姆的雪橇 and Rene Paul Barilleaux

上映日期:10月. 7, 2022

9月. 29, 2022, MOCRA welcomed acclaimed visual artist 莱斯利莳萝 for a virtual, Zoom-based演讲. 莳萝 was joined by poet 汤姆的雪橇 and Rene Paul Barilleaux, head of curatorial affairs at the 麦克内艺术博物馆 in San Antonio, Texas. MOCRA导演 大卫·布林克引导了谈话. 

The event was presented in conjunction with the MOCRA exhibition, “莱斯利莳萝: Dream 森林世界.” 




Producer: David Brinker, with assistance from Caitlyn Stamm


Artist 莱斯利莳萝 sits with her chin resting on her steepled index fingers, in a contemplative pose


莱斯利莳萝 is an American artist working at the intersection of language and fine art in sculpture, printmaking, installation and performance, exploring the power of words to cloak and 揭示心灵.

迪尔已经举办了100多次个人展览. 她的艺术品在…的收藏中 many major museums, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art 纽约, the Whitney Museum of American Art. 2017年,她被任命为研究员 of The John Simon Guggenheim Foundation and is a Joan Mitchell Foundation Creating 活着的遗产艺术家和资助接受者. 她的歌剧《博彩网址大全》是根据 poems of Emily Dickinson, was performed in San Jose in 2008. 在2018年,歌剧是 re-staged 在纽约 City and captured in an award-winning film by Ed Robbins. 莳萝 was the recipient of the Emily Dickinson Museum’s 2019 Tell it Slant Award.

In her work, 莳萝 transforms the emotions of the writings of Emily Dickinson, Salvador Espriu, 汤姆的雪橇, Franz Kafka and Rainer Maria Rilke, among others, into works of paper, wire, horsehair, foil, bronze and music — works that awaken the viewer to the 身体上的亲密和语言本身的力量.

莳萝’s exhibition “Wilderness: Light Sizzles Around Me,” organized by the Figge Art Museum, is traveling to seven venues through the winter of 2023. 展览放大了 voices of the North American past as they wrestle with divinity, deviltry, freedom, including Mother Ann Lee, Black Hawk, Sojourner Truth, John Brown, Emily Dickinson, 霍勒斯·皮平和格特鲁德·摩根修女.

莳萝的代表是 Nohra Haime画廊 在纽约 and Arthur Roger Gallery in New Orleans. 她在布鲁克林生活和工作, 纽约. 图片来源:乔治·伍德曼


Poet 汤姆的雪橇 sits in a library room with books on shelves behind him


汤姆的雪橇 is the author of 11 books of poetry, including his most recent book, “The King’s Touch,” from Graywolf Press in February 2022. 其他作品包括《博彩网址大全》, winner of the John Updike Award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, “Space Walk,” which won the $100,000 Kingsley Tufts Award. 此外,“远端” of the Earth” won an Academy Award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, “The Dreamhouse” was a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Award, “The Chain” 曾入围莱诺·马歇尔奖. 《博彩网址大全》出版于2015年 and includes his long poem about Iraq, “Homage to Basho,” a version of which received 诗歌杂志编辑奖. 2018年,一本散文集收录了他的随笔 refugees in the Middle East and Africa, “The Land Between Two Rivers: Writing In An Age Of Refugees,” was published simultaneously by Graywolf Press as a companion piece 变成了"事实之家,毁灭之家.” He has also published a previous book of essays, “Interview With a Ghost,” and a translation of Euripides' “Herakles.”

Widely anthologized, his poems and prose appear in The 纽约er, Virginia Quarterly Review, Poetry, American Poetry Review, Yale Review, Threepenny, The Village Voice and other literary magazines, as well as “The Best of the Best American Poetry,” “The Best American Poetry,” “Best American Travel Writing,” and “The Pushcart Anthology.” He has received the Shelley Prize from the Poetry Society of America, a fellowship from the American Academy in Berlin, a fellowship at the Civitella Ranieri Foundation, an Individual Writer's Award from the Lila Wallace/Reader's Digest Fund, a Guggenheim grant, two National Endowment for the Arts grants, among many others. 

Sleigh是麻省理工学院的杰出教授.F.A. 在亨特学院的项目和生活 在纽约布鲁克林. During the last decade, he has also worked as a journalist in Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Kenya, Iraq and Libya. 图片来源:Annette Hornischer


Rene Paul Barilleaux stands outside in front of a building

Rene Paul Barilleaux

Rene Paul Barilleaux is head of curatorial affairs at the 麦克内艺术博物馆 in San Antonio, having served as the museum’s chief curator (2006-2016) and curator 当代艺术(2005-2016). Since joining the McNay in 2005, he greatly expanded the postwar and contemporary art collections and organized award-winning exhibitions 和出版物. The 2019 exhibition “Transamerica/n: Gender, Identity, Appearance Today,” which he conceived and co-organized, won an Award of Excellence from the Association 艺术博物馆馆长. Barilleaux received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from The University of Southwestern Louisiana in 1979 and a Master of Fine Arts from Pratt Institute in 1981. In 2015, he was selected as one of 12 fellows at the Center for Curatorial Leadership 在纽约. Barilleaux shares his life with his husband, Tim Hedgepeth, a theatre 导演兼戏剧教师. Among his favorite artworks in the McNay’s collection is Dario Robleto’s “Sundials, More Loyal to the Moon.” 图片来源:J. Huskin