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Shivika Ahuja (M1)


Grand Rounds: Tell us about yourself.

Shivika: "I am from Aurora, Illinois. 博彩网址大全 has been a huge part of my life; I have 生物学学士学位和解剖学硕士学位. When I finish medical 毕业后,我将在博彩网址大全待上十年. I was drawn to medicine because I admire 医生如何在个人层面上提供帮助并继续自我教育."

Describe your first year of medical school.

"It can be difficult to establish a routine during the M1; the schedule changes from day to day and course to course. 例如,有些日子,我们有主动学习 课程要求我们在校园里,而其他日子只包括讲座. 学习占据了我的大部分时间,但我尽量保持我时间表的某些部分不变, 比如去西蒙娱乐中心,或者在塔格罗夫公园散步."

“我也喜欢做志愿者和参加课外活动. A relatively new situation in Step 1 is pass/fail. Historically, your score would differentiate 当你申请住院医师时,你从你的同行中脱颖而出. Now, my classmates and I are seeking 我们额外的课外活动来区分我们自己,这样我们就准备好了 the time comes to apply for residency. 在研究,兴趣小组, 学生组织和志愿活动在校园里存在."

“目前,我担任我们班的联合主席. I am also involved in volunteering through PEERS and Take 2 Tutoring. 同龄人与被诊断患有自闭症的儿童一起工作 with autism or ADHD, and they are taught how to socialize; medical student volunteers practice with the kids over Zoom. 在Take 2 Tutoring中,医学生自愿参加 在青少年看守所辅导学生数学和阅读."

What excites you about medicine?

"The opportunity to learn more. 要学的东西太多了,但我发现我 能在日常生活中运用我所学到的知识吗. For example, a family member experienced a hospital stay recently. A few months ago, if he had told me the 药物的名字,我可能不知道,但我认出了一些药物 通过我的药理学课了解了它们的工作原理和效果. I have 能够将我所学的与现实生活中的情况联系起来,在这种情况下 了解我的家人正在经历的医疗状况. I have been inspired by what I have learned in just one year."

What has surprised you about medical school?

“我知道这似乎是显而易见的,但每个人都很聪明,我们都有同样的激情 通过医学和科学帮助他人. This is so inspiring because we all 都有独特的天赋,我很期待看到每个人是如何实现这些天赋的 gifts."

What are your hopes for your future?


Kathy Xu (M2)


Tell us about yourself.

“我来自亚利桑那州凤凰城,曾就读于华盛顿大学. 路易斯,2017年毕业于生物医学工程专业. I went on a service trip to an 在中国北京的孤儿院,在我大三的时候. It was amazing to see the lifelong 外科医生对这些孩子生活的影响,不仅是医学上的,还有他们的 prospects for adoption and quality of life. After that trip, I started to explore medicine as a career."

“大学毕业后,我花了三年时间做医疗助理,然后才被录取 进入医学院,并在毕业后在医疗领域工作帮助我决定 that medicine was the path for me."

Describe your second year of medical school.

“作为M2,你要学习基础医学,并继续学习器官模块. You 在开始轮换之前巩固你的知识基础. You fall into a consistent schedule; you start a routine, learn to prioritize, and learn how you study the best."

"Step 1 is always in the back of your mind."

“我们有课堂讲座,所有的讲座都有录音,所以我通常会看 在上午,我会利用学校提供的第三方资源进行学习. 作为M2,您可以将时间集中在第一步学习上,第三方资源可以提供帮助 我优先考虑并综合信息. Depending on the organ module, we will have exams every or every other Friday."

“我学习到傍晚,然后休息一下. After dinner, I will flush out material I did not get to or did not understand. 我可能会和朋友视频聊天,或者加入一个学习小组 together if I need further help. 学习是一项全职工作,还要加班 as required."

What has surprised you about medical school?

“我们班是在2020年进入医学院的,也就是新冠肺炎的第一年. One might think 从在线学习开始的课程彼此之间的距离会更远, 但我们是一个紧密团结的团体因为我们克服了逆境因为 pandemic."

“我们的学习环境非常协作,每个人都愿意提供帮助. 例如,一位同学为每次临床诊断考试制作了抽认卡,而她 shared her resource with the class."

What excites you about medicine?

"Medicine is so vast; it is exciting that there is always something more to learn 这不仅仅局限于人体的生理机能. It is amazing when 人们可以利用我们所知道的东西,并将其转化为新的东西——不管它是什么 一项有助于诊断,使患者体验更好,或连接医疗保健的测试 disparities. 医学是多方面的护理,涉及很多创新 and infinite potential on the horizon."

What are your hopes for your future?

“我希望办事员和轮岗能让我更清楚自己的价值所在 interesting. This is the time I must ask the most questions; I want to be confident 我是谁,我知道如何自信地照顾病人."

Reeder Wells (M3)


Tell us about yourself.

“我以前是一名三级足球运动员,现在是狗爸爸,正在努力成为一名 general surgeon. 我在德克萨斯州的奥斯汀长大,在缅因州的不伦瑞克的鲍登大学学习 College. 在波士顿儿童医院做了几年的研究工作后,我 decided to pursue a career in medicine."

Describe your third year of medical school.

“作为三年级的医学生,我们的核心职员是轮岗的. Establishing 由于工作安排和临床责任,保持一贯的例行程序是困难的 change month to month. But I’m typically up by 5:30 a.m., grabbing breakfast and taking the dog for a walk before heading to service. Then I jump right into pre-rounding 在住院服务或准备看病人在诊所."

"The routine changes for everyone; for example, in an average inpatient service, you 在午餐前拜访病人,下午做笔记/电话会诊."

"When there is downtime, you study; we take shelf exams every seven weeks. We focus 练习问题,阅读我们过去经历过的病例或疾病 couple of days."

“在第三年,没有一个学生有同样的经历. We all go through the 同样的职员,但每个人的培训都是具体而独特的."


“我已经开始欣赏医学在后勤和技术方面的重要性 that need constant navigation. 有一种形式的杂技你需要完善的时候 订购药物或寻找治疗适应不是基于医疗问题,而是基于系统 提供病人护理的问题和克服其他障碍."


“第一年,我加入了AAMC学生代表组织(OSR), the AAMC’s student advocacy arm. 传统上,美国的每一所医学院 加拿大有四份OSR报告,每类一份."

OSR的成员与其他学校的代表交流信息并学习 how they handle decisions and changes. 这是一个分享想法和促进发展的好平台 student interests."

“我一直鼓励学生参与社区、校园和国家组织; 它提供了一个强调“大局”的视角,使学生更加 invested and more resilient. 将时间和精力投入到你周围的世界中 你会成为一个更强大的学生,并提供更多的机会成长为一个专业人士. 在每个角色中,你学习工具和获得经验,以更充分地为你的事业做出贡献 其他角色——总的来说,让你成为一个更好的未来医生."

What excites you about medicine?

“为病人的健康做出贡献,成为我的团队的财富. I love that every 每天都是不同的和不可预测的,并有机会帮助别人导航 生活的曲折是我每天早上起床的原因."

What are your hopes for your future?

"I will be applying for general surgery. Soon, I will be in all surgical services as part of my training as a fourth year. As a resident, I hope to continue to hone 我作为老师和学生导师的技能在我身后. I hope to provide care to rural areas one day in my surgical practice."

Harriet Appeah (M4)


Tell us about yourself.

“我来自密苏里州的堪萨斯城,就读于内布拉斯加大学. As a kid, I loved going to the pediatrician for my exam; the candy at the end was a plus! 高中时,我参加了一个提供机会的项目 医学——就像打石膏一样,学习如何缝合——这段经历巩固了 my interest. 在大二到大三期间,我在UNMC做研究 in the NICU; this experience sparked my interest in pediatrics."

Describe your fourth year of medical school.

“M4的时间表比往年更加灵活. The first half of the year is focused on residency interviews. 三月份,我开始写我的个人陈述 application process. 5月,我完成了儿科的子实习,以获得更多的经验 让我坚定了我想申请这个专业的想法. In September, I submitted 申请住院医师,等待面试."

“面试随时都可能发生,你必须尽快安排好时间 places overextend invitations. The entire interview cycle was virtual. I applied to 26个节目,我24岁就被邀请去面试,最后我去了 19. 现在采访结束了,比赛日就要到了,我又回到了日常工作中 of going to the clinic and classes."

What has surprised you about medical school?

“医学院教会了我要更自在地面对自己,更有效地沟通 my goals and needs. 医学院的很大一部分是独立学习和实践 因此,你需要自我辩护,以获得必要的资源和信息 be a better physician."

What excites you about medicine?

"The autonomy to practice. 我期待着成为病人护理的主人 and being that person's advocate."

What would you say to a prospective student?

"Becoming a physician is an incremental process; you're not going to know everything, 即使你在以前的教育环境中是最聪明的人. Once you are 接受这个事实,抓住你的学习机会 grow, and you will enjoy the process. 要有耐心,有风度,原谅自己. 这个过程很长,但当你完成的时候,你会发现自己的不同."

"Learn to be uncomfortable. 大一的时候,我参加了班级联合主席的竞选,并成功了! Because I made myself uncomfortable, I have been a part of the changes at 博彩网址大全; I have 学会了成为一个倡导者,一个领导者,为他人发声. What I learned in four years will carry me for a lifetime."

What are your hopes for the future?

“我期待着成为一名儿科医生,为来自美国的黑人和棕色人种的患者服务 disadvantaged communities. 养育孩子是一件复杂的事情,寻找准确的信息也是一件复杂的事情 online can be challenging. 我想在社区中成为父母信任的人 to provide sound, evidence-based care."

*哈丽特在辛辛那提儿童医院医疗中心儿科匹配 Cincinnati, Ohio.