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西班牙语,米.A. (马德里)

博彩网址大全-Madrid may be 的 best place in 的 world to earn a Master of Arts 用西班牙语. 我们提供严格的M.A. 它跟在U后面.S. 在西班牙的研究生学习惯例 文化丰富、充满活力的首都. 

西班牙语,米.A. 在博彩网址大全-Madrid

M.A. 用西班牙语

我们的米.A. 用西班牙语 will immerse you in 的 Spanish language and its cultures. It will also provide you with 的 tools to achieve high standards of literary scholarship 并提升你的教师生涯. 

你 will gain an appreciation of 的 cultural and historical events that have shaped Spain and 的 Americas, as well as 的 artistic and literary movements that accompanied 他们. In addition, 的 program will enhance your academic fluency and accuracy of 表达式. And you will learn 的 best teaching practices based on 的oretical understandings 语言教学和学习. 

追求M.A. 在博彩网址大全-Madrid means engaging with our internationally recognized 教师. It means having 的 option of gaining experience as a teaching assistant. It means presenting at our annual Spanish Symposium, collaborating with 教师 on 的ir research, meeting contemporary Spanish writers and scholars after 的ir invited lectures, being part of a community that is passionate about 的 Spanish language, 是文学,是教与学.

Summer Sessions Open International Study to Spanish Teachers

我们提供赚取M的选择.A. 只在夏天用西班牙语. 这是一个很受欢迎的 option for primary and secondary school teachers because you can enroll in graduate classes that run from late June to 的 end of July and complete 的 full degree over 三四个夏天. This option lets you focus on your job during 的 school year and spend 的 summers connecting with 的 passion that ignited your teaching career. Students in 的 program can complement summer instruction with an online course during 秋季学期. 

El programa de Máster de Español me ofreció una visión panorámica de la literatura hispanoamericana y la española, así como también de los estudios lingüísticos. Disfrute de gran libertad en la investigación y aprendí herramientas para la enseñanza. 干草 un trato cercano para con los estudiantes y en todo momento me sentí acompañada por el profesorado, tanto en mis estudios como en mi escritura. Lo recomendaría miles."

卡拉·阿帕里西奥,m.s.A. 用西班牙语

想了解更多关于M.A. 在西班牙语中,联系 graduate-admissions-madrid@glodokelektronik.net.

For information about 的 assessment of student learning in this program, please see 的 大学的网站.


M.A. 用西班牙语 is designed for students who have majored or minored 用西班牙语 或相关的研究领域. The program provides a generalist foundation 用西班牙语 Peninsular and Latin American literature, teaching and applied linguistics. 


The first stage consists of advanced study through 的 completion of 30 credit hours 分配给10个3学分的课程. 程序要求不遵循特定的 order, which allows you to adapt coursework to your own pace and interests. 所需的 学时应包括以下内容:

  • 半岛西班牙语学习6个学分
  • 六个学分的拉丁美洲研究
  • Six credit hours of teaching methods or linguistics 
  • The remaining 12 credit hours, distributed according to 的 student's interest: literary analysis, linguistics and teaching, or creative writing

To view 的 full list of course offerings, visit 的 课程及教学大纲 页面并选择“西班牙文M”.A.在下拉菜单中.


The student develops 的 second stage independently by reading a list of selected 书籍和文章. After completing 的 courses and reading 的 works on 的 list, you'll demonstrate that you have fulfilled 的 program's goals through written and 口语考试. The written exam is based on 的 reading list; 的 questions during 的 final oral exam relate to 的 courses that 的 student has taken in 的 program.

M.A. 西班牙文阅读书目(PDF)

获得硕士学位所需的所有课程.A. 用西班牙语 can be taken both during 的 traditional academic year and over 三四个夏天 or in a combination of both ways. 你 也能满足M.A. 在西班牙语中通过 在马德里和圣. 路易校园.



M.A. 用西班牙语 students may be selected to serve as teaching assistants, gaining hands-on experience in 的 language classroom alongside 博彩网址大全-Madrid's expert 教师.

Students in our program may also gain valuable international work experience — and support 他们selves financially while in Spain — serving as an English-language teaching 在当地小学或中学担任助教. 通过以下内容了解更多信息 网站.


M.A. 用西班牙语 graduates gain a linguistic and cultural base that positions 他们 对于很多职业来说. Some use 的 background and skills acquired in 的 program to continue 他们在攻读博士学位.D. 西班牙语或比较文学专业. 其他发射 他们的职业是中学教师. 还有一些人进入其他行业,包括:

  • 写作与编辑.
  • 笔译和口译.
  • 外交部门.
  • 社会工作.
  • Leadership positions in international institutions.
  • 商业与商业.

Our Spanish 教师 are distinguished researchers and outstanding teachers. 他们带来 完全地.A. program a wealth of knowledge across a diverse range of literary movements in Spain and Latin America, as well as in applied linguistics.


博彩网址大全-Madrid is committed to providing a quality Jesuit education at an affordable price. Tuition rates at 的 Madrid Campus are approximately 40% lower than at comparable 美国的私立大学.S.

If you have questions or would like to speak with a financial aid officer, email us at financialaid-madrid@glodokelektronik.net


Applicants should hold a Bachelor of Arts 用西班牙语 or equivalent with an excellent 学习成绩.




加速B.A./M.A. Option

博彩网址大全西班牙语速成课程B.A./M.A. 西班牙语课程 majors 的 opportunity to begin work toward 的 Master of Arts 用西班牙语 while completing requirements for 的 Bachelor of Arts 用西班牙语, t在这里by reducing 的 time needed 获得硕士学位. 更多的细节 在这里.


Kristen Rader, estudiante del Máster de Español, promoción de 2020.