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Stephen F. Hanlon J.D.







  • Nelson Poynter Award, American Civil Liberties Union of 佛罗里达, 1996
  • Steven M. Goldstein Criminal Justice Award, 佛罗里达 Association of Criminal Lawyers, 2000
  • 平等正义奖,南方人权中心,2001年
  • Pro Bono Award, 的 佛罗里达 Bar Appellate Practice Section, 2004
  • Citation of Merit, University of 小姐ouri Columbia School of Law, 2006
  • 《博彩网址大全》冠军奖,2012年
  • 罗伯特F. Drinan Award, Individual Rights and 责任部分, American Bar 协会,2013年


  • 全国公共辩护协会总法律顾问, www.publicdefenders.us (22000名会员),2014-2020年
  • 佛罗里达律师协会公共利益法分会前任主席
  • 佛罗里达法律服务公司前任总裁
  • Past Chair of the Executive Council, American Bar Association, Individual Rights and 责任部分
  • Past Chair, American Bar Association, Death Penalty Moratorium Implementation Project
  • Chair, Indigent Defense Advisory Group, Standing Committee on Legal Aid and Indigent 辩护律师,美国律师协会
  • 宪法计划前任主席 宪法计划
  • 乔治城大学法律中心兼职法学教授


Stephen F. Hanlon has a long history of handling public interest and civil rights 情况下. In 1989, he founded the Community Services Team (CST) at Holland & 骑士和 for the next 23 years he served as the Partner in Charge of the CST, which during Hanlon’s tenure was the largest full-time private practice pro bono department in 这个国家. In 1997, Holland and Knight received the ABA Pro Bono 公共o Award. 的 American Lawyer described Holland and Knight as a “pro bono champion.2006年,汉隆 获得荷兰切斯特菲尔德·史密斯奖 & 奈特,公司的最高人物 对坚定的合伙人的肯定.

自从他从荷兰退休后 & 2012年底,奈特汉隆已经受限 his practice to assisting and representing public defenders with excessive caseloads. He now serves as a 教授 of Practice at Saint 路易University School of Law.

Hanlon was lead counsel for the 小姐ouri 公共 Defender in 州级. Mo. 公共 国防委员会,370年.W.3d 592 (Mo.Banc 2012),这是第一个州最高法院 court case to uphold the right of a public defender organization to refuse additional 当面对过多的案件负荷时. 沃特斯的案例已经被描述过了 作为贫困国防的“分水岭时刻”. 安德鲁·卢卡斯·布莱兹·戴维斯,《如何 我们在公共辩护中“做数据”吗?, 78《博彩网址大全》1179.

Hanlon was the project director for the American Bar Association in the critically acclaimed study of the workload of the 小姐ouri 公共 Defender undertaken by RubinBrown on behalf of the American Bar Association, known as “的 小姐ouri Project,” available at www.indigentdefense.org. He currently serves as the project director for similar 研究 in several states. 的 ABA Journal Magazine has called him “的 Oracle” for public defender workload 研究. In 2019, the New York Times described him as “one of the leading voices in 几十年的公共利益法."

在过去的20年里. Hanlon has filed systemic indigent defense reform litigation across 这个国家, published four law review articles about that system, taught a law school course at 博彩网址大全 LAW about that system, spoken out publicly about that system, and testified as an expert witness in litigation seeking to change that system. His work has been featured in the New York Times, on 60 Minutes and on the PBS Evening 新闻一小时.

After graduating from the University of 小姐ouri School of Law in 1966, Hanlon practiced 他和父亲在圣. 路易. 然后他担任执行副总裁和 general counsel of a joint venture subsidiary of Marathon Oil Company before moving to 佛罗里达 to begin his civil rights practice with Bay Area Legal Services in Tampa in 1976. In the 1980s, Hanlon engaged in a wide variety of civil trial practice while 继续他的民权事业.

Mr. 汉隆最近成立了自己的律师事务所,名为律师Hanlon. This firm now works with other law firms, lawyers, experts, law professors and law students who have expressed an interest in working with him in his efforts to achieve significant structural reform of our nation’s criminal justice system through systemic 我国公设辩护制度的变革.

Hanlon has represented many individuals in housing, employment and HIV/AIDS discrimination 还有佛罗里达州的两名死刑犯. 他的一些重要案例 in class action, multiple plaintiff and associational plaintiff litigation are summarized 下面.

  • Class action on behalf of all 佛罗里达 high school students challenging constitutionality 佛罗里达州的功能读写能力测试. 四年禁制令. (与Center for合作 法律与教育.黛布拉v. 特灵顿,730华氏度. 1405年2月(11世纪. 1984.)
  • Class of 5,000 dark-skinned tenant-applicants for apartment housing. 获得禁令 浮雕及$3.400万和解金. (与民权律师委员会合作 在法律.)
  • Survivors and descendants of African American town of Rosewood destroyed by neighboring 1923年的白人. $2.佛罗里达州立法机构授予的一百万奖金. (与玛莎搭档合作 Barnett). (See, "Like Judgment Day", Michael D'Orso, Boulevard Books, New York).
  • Class of indigent criminal defendants challenging constitutionality of Massachusetts 薄弱防御系统. Massachusetts Legislature increased public defender appropriations 从9800万美元到154万美元.500万年. (与荷兰合作 & 骑士合伙人和审判 律师Joshua Krumholz.)
  • Two 情况下 challenging the constitutionality of capital 薄弱防御系统 in 佛罗里达. Substantial increase in funding and holding that compensation above legislative 大写字母是合适的. Arbelaez v. 巴特沃斯,738. 第2次326(佛罗里达州. 1999); Mass v. 奥利弗,1992年. 第2位196(佛罗里达州). 2008)
  • Overburdened statewide public defender organization’s refusal to accept additional 情况下 sustained, even if that ultimately means some low risk offenders will be released 因为他们没有律师. 州级. 密苏里公设辩护人诉. 水域, 370 S.W. 2d 592 (Mo. 银2012)
  • 看,斯蒂芬·F. Hanlon, “的 Appropriate Legal Standard Required to Prevail in a Systemic 挑战一个贫穷的防御系统,61街. 路易U.L.J. 625 (2017); Case Refusal: A Duty for a 公共 Defender and a Remedy for All of a 公共 Defender’s Clients, 51印第安纳州. L. 牧师. 59 (2018)”
  • 看,斯蒂芬·F. Hanlon, “State Constitutional Challenges to Indigent Defense Systems,” 75 MO.L.REV 751 (2010); “的 Gideon Decision: Constitutional Mandate or Empty Promise? 《博彩网址大全》,52美国. 路易斯维尔L. 牧师. 在线32 (2013)
  • Class of low-income, high risk pregnant women who were unwitting subjects of medical 实验. 获得禁令救济和3美元.800万美元的赔偿金. 迪亚兹v. 希尔斯堡惨案 县医院,2000 WL 1682918 (M.D. 佛罗里达州,2000年8月7日.
  • Unincorporated association obtained wide-ranging consent decree to end decades of 公屋大楼的含铅油漆问题. 约旦公园的家长们 v. 圣路易斯市房屋管理局. 彼得堡,934 F.增刊. 406 (M.D. 佛罗里达州. 1996).
  • Class action on behalf of all 小姐issippi death row prisoners. 获得禁制令 requiring far reaching reforms of grossly inhumane conditions. (与玛格丽特合作 冬季). 盖茨v. 库克,376华氏度.3d 323(第5期. 2004).
  • 密西西比州超级监狱的1000名囚犯. 通过和解,获得释放 from confinement of 90% of state's administrative segregation population and ultimately 关闭了超级监狱. (与玛格丽特·温特合作). 普雷斯利v. 艾普,(N.D. 小姐.2004)
  • 看,玛格丽特·温特和斯蒂芬·F. 汉隆的《博彩网址大全》,ABA杂志诉讼, 2008年秋季第35卷第1期.