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风险管理及保险 at Saint Louis University is responsible for implementing effective financial and operational strategies to minimize the 博彩网址大全's exposure to pure risk and to protect the human, financial, physical assets of the University.

风险管理 administers University risk programs and services in the following 领域:

  • 汽车责任
  • 航空(飞机及机场)
  • 债券
  • 犯罪
  • 网络责任
  • 董事及高级职员
  • 雇佣律师
  • 污染法律责任
  • 财产(建筑、内容、美术)
  • 运动营
  • 学生运动事故
  • 伞责任
  • 工人的补偿


风险管理 arranges for the issuance of certificates of insurance to provide 向第三方承保的证据. If you are required to show evidence of insurance 并且需要证明, complete this Certificate of Insurance Request.

You'll be asked to provide the following information:

  • 外方名称
  • 完整的地址 
  • 电子邮件地址
  • 电话号码
  • Reason for the request, including the name and date of the event if applicable
  • Any special contractual requirements relative to insurance coverage
  • The contract or agreement if additional insured status is required.


博彩网址大全提供 medical professional liability insurance (also known as medical malpractice insurance) for employees performing clinical service on behalf of the University. 本保险 provides protection against damages that may be awarded in a claim or a lawsuit, as 以及法律辩护费用.

To report an adverse incident, claim, subpoena or lawsuit, please call: 314-977-3952 或电子邮件 riskmgmt@health.glodokelektronik.net. All adverse incidents must also be reported using the 医疗不良事件报告(PDF). 

Claims history verifications for medical personnel may be obtained by contacting 博彩网址大全's 风险管理, riskmgmt@health.glodokelektronik.net. Please submit the employee's full name, date of birth and the last four digits of their social security number to complete the request.


If a student is injured during clinical or laboratory work, Saint Louis University has established the following protocol to prevent infectious disease and/or disability and ensure prompt evaluation and treatment.

这个协议是 就业学生工. 他们应该遵循 工人的补偿 程序.

Student Needles Stick, Blood Borne Pathogen Exposure, Injury Protocol


If you are a University employee who works 32 hours a week or more and travels on University-sponsored business, you may be entitled to international travel accident coverage for you, your spouse or children traveling with you, as well as important 相关旅游服务. 这是对员工的免费服务. 查阅有关存档的资料 国际医疗保险索赔; 请参阅本指引(PDF). 对于移动应用程序版本, 请参阅本PDF指南


Travel to the following countries is 不 covered by 博彩网址大全-supplied insurance: Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Israel (including the West Bank and Gaza Strip), Iran, Somalia, Chechnya or any country subject to the administration and enforcement of U.S. 经济禁运和贸易制裁 外国资产控制办公室.


大学 secures property insurance to cover the loss of the physical buildings 和内容.

University Departments must implement and maintain appropriate safeguards to prevent the loss, damage,/or theft of University equipment. 这需要注意 see that doors, windows, cabinets and desks are locked, vehicles are operated in a safe manner, equipment is physically secured and the 公共安全部 is 适当时立即通知.

  • Where a department has suffered a loss by a natural event or accident and has taken reasonable efforts to prevent the loss or damages, the Department of 风险管理 may assist with repairs or reimbursement subject to depreciation and investigation 索赔.
  • If a department has experienced theft of equipment, an investigation will be needed 确定可补偿性.
  • 风险管理 reimburse departments for computers or any type of portable device.
  • For any type of reimbursement, all departments are subject first to a $1,500 deductible. If a department has two or more claims in a fiscal year, the deductible will be raised to $2,500. 


大学 insure the personal property of its faculty, staff, students, volunteers or guests. Claims associated with personal property theft or damage will 不 be covered by the University's insurance, including claims related to laptops, computers and electronic 设备. It is expected that these items are insured through the individual's homeowner's insurance policy which is a primary source of compensation for all losses.


As a reminder to the University community, bicycles and scooters, including e-bikes, are 不 permitted in University buildings, including residence halls.

The movement of bikes in and out of buildings causes significant damage to doors, 地板、墙壁和电梯. The lithium-ion bat泰瑞es often found on e-bikes and 滑板车有潜在的火灾危险.

Students bringing bicycles on campus are strongly encouraged to register their bikes with the 公共安全部 (DPS). DPS为这些人提供免费的自行车锁 谁登记他们的自行车. 看到 DPS网站 了解更多信息.

There are about 100 bike racks throughout the Saint Louis University campus, at which 你可以保护你的自行车或摩托车.