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Saint 路易 University's Department of Mail Services is responsible for the collection, processing and distribution of interoffice mail and the University's incoming/outgoing United States Postal Services (USPS) mail, with the exception of student mail.

有关学生邮件的问题,请联系 学生邮件服务 电话:314-977-1128或 slumailroom@glodokelektronik.net.


Mail Services picks up interoffice mail throughout the University for delivery to other departments and for relay to the appropriate mail centers. 或大或小的办公室间 免费提供金信封. 订购少量可重复使用的办公室间用品 信封,请致电314-977-2246.


  • Place mail in an interoffice envelope, or fold and seal the flier with a label affixed.
  • Clearly indicate an addressee name, department name, building, room number on 信封. (不要缩写.)
  • Leave in a visible location for the mail carrier to pick up.
  • 到最近的落客地点:
    • 杜堡大厅- 262室
    • Busch学生中心-低层
    • 埃尔哈特大厅- 3100华盛顿大道在康普顿  
    • Schwitalla大厅- 055室


Interoffice mail will be delivered to University departments at "Incoming Mail" drop 按照指定的时间表进行区域划分. 不提供办公室间邮件递送服务 校外地点. 邮寄至任何其他地点-包括退伍军人事务部. 路易 医疗保健系统-需要通过USPS发送.


Please keep all interoffice envelopes separate from mail that requires processing 美国邮政总局. 皮卡 occurs two times per day at most locations and mail will be delivered 第二天. Mail to be metered will be postmarked on the same day and picked up 由美国.S.P.S. 到下午4:30.m.


部门 are responsible for coordinating the delivery of large and heavy packages 从他们的办公室转到邮政服务部. 配送服务可以取货和送货 给你的大包裹. 当天下午3点前取件.m.,请致电314-977-2958 or 314-977-7179.

请提前安排取件或送货 提交服务请求. If you need assistance with locating a package, please call Distribution Services 电话314-977-2958或314-977-7179.


大型公司间邮件: Mailings that are too large for the mail carriers to handle cannot be picked-up without 事先通知. To arrange for special handling, please call Mail Services at 314-977-2246.

准备一份发给全校的办公室间邮件? 遵循以下说明 为方便及时交货:

  • 在提交到邮件中心之前将邮件分开
  • Separate by North Campus, South Campus or SSM Health Saint 路易 University Hospital, 大厦位置及部门
  • 请联系邮件服务中心领取


  • Please have all mail facing the same direction with uniform envelope flaps ( all nested 或者全部折叠起来). 不要盖上襟翼.
  • 单独的国际邮件. 它需要不同的处理.
  • 验证所有地址是否完整. 打印前请检查数据库 的地址.
  • Do not overstuff envelopes with an excessive number of 插入 or improperly folded 插入.


The University maintains a Third-Class standard mail permit for use 的部门 以较低的速度处理大量邮件. 所有部门都可以使用这项服务 在南北校区.

Standard Mail Permit 134 is issued to Saint 路易 University, 221 North Grand Boulevard, St. 路易, MO 63103-2097 as a non-profit organization, as such is the entity authorized 要使用这个许可证. The permit cannot be loaned to any profit-making organization nor used in conjunction with advertisements for products or services not directly 与大学的使命有关.

在校外投寄大量邮件:  Commercial printers/mailing businesses will prepare your standard mailing materials, sort the printed material according to zip code and current standard mail requirements, complete the PS FORM 3602N, submit the mailing to the Weigher's Office at the 主要你.S. 邮局. Please provide the printer/mailer with the department's six-digit Banner fund number for tracking and accounting purposes, have them send a copy 递交表格3602N予邮递服务.

The person responsible for coordinating the department's standard mailing needs to ensure that the appropriate indicia is included in the layout of the publication being 创建.

A copy of the PS FORM 3602N must be submitted to Mail Services. 了解更多信息 regarding services, please contact Mail Services at 314-977-2246.


The Mail Services department coordinates the University's daily mail delivery from the USPS branch stations to University departments and meters all USPS mail submitted 的部门. Mail Services staff concentrate on the delivery and pick-up of University 业务相关的邮件. Personal mail and third-class "junk mail" is not a priority.

The USPS mail for students is delivered to the Busch Student Center.


Mail is delivered to the designated "Incoming Mail" drops within each building.


Mail prepared 的部门 to be metered through the Mail Center as first-class mail will be picked up daily from the "Outgoing Mail" drops in each building. 印 mail may also be deposited directly into any USPS outgoing mailbox and should be kept 与需要计量的邮件分开. 

The six-digit Banner fund number must be designated on individual mail pieces, or if there is a bundle of mail from a department, the bundle should be noted as all 使用相同的基金编号.


First-class postage will be affixed to unstamped University mail via postage meter 根据重量和目的地费率压印. 只收邮资 to mail identified as University correspondence; personal mail will not be metered.


Postage costs will be billed monthly to the department shown on the return address 或以Banner基金编号注明.


For mailings of more than 1,500 pieces, please inform Mail Services three to five days in advance of the actual mailing to ensure that there is sufficient postage on 大学的邮政帐户.


Domestic and international mail must be separated 的部门. 如果不分开 in advance, the domestic rate may be applied incorrectly to international mail and 造成交货延误和额外邮资. 航空或地面服务应该如此 国际邮件注明.


部门 requiring special mail services, such as certified or express mail, should 请拨打314-977-2246寻求帮助. 包裹只通过美国邮政或联邦快递运送. We use UPS only for returns with a pre-printed return label and we cannot always accommodate 加快交货.