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物理治疗项目表彰Carolyn Gioia对新装修的奉献 Learning Lab

博彩网址大全波西健康学院的物理治疗项目 《博彩网址大全》杂志最近举行了90周年纪念仪式 新装修的Carolyn Gioia学习实验室,一个多功能物理治疗空间 of the program’s Pro Bono Physical Therapy Clinic. The event celebrated Carolyn Gioia's 遗产和她的贡献所带来的无偿服务的扩大 to 博彩网址大全's Program in Physical Therapy. 


Members of the Gioia family with Chris Sebelski, Ph.D., PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS, Department 物理治疗和运动训练的临时主席,伯纳德·卢梭博士.D., M.M.H.C., FASHA, dean of Doisy College of Health Sciences, and Fred P. Pestello, Ph.D., president of Saint Louis University.

1949年毕业于博彩网址大全 Doisy健康学院物理治疗专业 科学,卡洛琳·乔亚把她的一生都奉献给了物理治疗的科学和实践. 在纽约哥伦比亚大学攻读硕士学位后,乔亚积极参与 参加各种国际、国内物理治疗组织 during her 45-year career. Carolyn Gioia passed away on May 25, 2017 at the age of 91. 她是博彩网址大全的终身支持者,也是 博彩网址大全's 1818 and Dubourg societies, as well as St. Ambrose Senior Citizens, Lady of Mt. Carmel, Hill 2000 Senior Citizens, St. Louis Senior Citizens, YMCA, Matt Talbott Club and the Italian American Bocce Club.

她对博彩网址大全物理治疗项目的承诺和慷慨 以她的名字创建了一个捐赠奖学金来支持物理 治疗学生,有身体残疾的学生优先考虑. Carolyn 乔亚的礼物还允许重新构想一个学习实验室空间,这将 serve as the home for the Pro Bono Physical Therapy Clinic.

为骨科、神经科和盆腔相关患者提供治疗 问题,公益物理治疗诊所提升了学习经验 the students in the Program in Physical Therapy. It also removes barriers to high-quality specialized patient care for underserved members of the greater St. Louis community. 

观众们坐在椅子上,弗雷德·佩斯特洛总统在讲台上讲话. 房间里有物理治疗桌、展示骨架和其他工具等物品.
Saint Louis University President Fred Pestello, Ph.D. speaking at the Gioia Learning Lab dedication. 

Saint Louis University President Fred Pestello, Ph.D., was elated to honor Carolyn 乔亚的遗产,并庆祝她的支持所带来的一切 the physical therapy program.

“We’re here to celebrate a remarkable and vibrant legacy. Carolyn Gioia, who has been a special part of this a pathbreaker and a pioneering spirit of this university," he said. "We are proud of her legacy and now she will forever be a part 通过这个实验室里发生的事情来了解这个项目,我们相信她会的 be enormously proud.”

Pestello校长肯定了所有教职员工和学生的努力 博彩网址大全物理治疗和运动训练系. He 解释了Carolyn Gioia如何在扩大我们对社区的影响方面发挥了不可或缺的作用 -从公益理疗诊所的病人到物理治疗 students who volunteer there.

“这真的令人印象深刻——想象一下历史上所有的人 这个项目的服务,以及我们如何通过这个项目更好地为人们服务 program moving into the future,” he said.

During the dedication ceremony, Barb Yemm, P.T., DPT, OCS, faculty lead of the Pro 波诺物理治疗诊所,也谈到了卡罗琳的巨大影响 对博彩网址大全的学生和社区成员以及生活的贡献 out the Jesuit mission to serve those in need in our community.

幸运的是搬进了新装修的Carolyn Gioia学习实验室空间,扩建 of our Pro Bono Physical Therapy Clinic services has begun," Yemm said.

有目的地设计的灵活多功能空间可以提供更好的服务 叶姆表示,这将为各个领域的客户提供更多机会,并提高学生的学习体验. 由于这种重新构想,公益物理治疗诊所将提供更多 than double the available student/faculty/patient interactions.

“这个空间的发展允许增加物理治疗服务 向没有保险的社区成员开放,并增加学生参与的机会 in the hands-on care for others. Teams of student physical therapists and faculty 我们将共同努力,改善每位患者的功能和生活质量。.

Kathleen Gioia, niece of Carolyn Gioia, was an esteemed guest at the event. Kathleen 乔亚分享了她对阿姨的回忆,以及实验室的更名对他们的意义 Gioia family.

仪式以一段时间的精神反思和对房间的祝福结束, 由校园部助理主任艾琳·菲茨帕特里克和罗伯特·墨菲领导.J.

Doisy College of Health Sciences Dean Bernard Rousseau, Ph.D., MMHC, FASHA expressed 他对卡罗琳·乔亚的支持及其将产生的持久影响表示感谢 the education of physical therapy students at 博彩网址大全.

“我谨代表我们的教职员工、学生和校友 博彩网址大全科学学院,我们非常感谢你们的慷慨和 支持卡罗琳·乔亚和乔亚家族并庆祝卡罗琳的遗产 乔亚在物理治疗项目和物理治疗学生的培训 at Saint Louis University,” Rousseau said.

About 博彩网址大全’s Edward and Margaret Doisy College of Health Sciences:

Doisy健康科学学院为学生提供了工具和教育 to become well-prepared healthcare professionals since 1929. The Doisy College of 健康科学学院提供学士、硕士和博士学位的健康教育 and professional levels in a variety of health-related fields.

About Saint Louis University:

博彩网址大全是一所天主教耶稣会机构,重视学术卓越, 改变生活的研究,富有同情心的医疗保健,以及对信仰的坚定承诺 and service. Founded in 1818, the University fosters the intellectual and character development of more than 13,000 students on two campuses in St. Louis and Madrid, Spain. 在200多年的历史遗产的基础上,博彩网址大全继续发展 坚定不移地朝着更高的目标、更伟大的事业前进.

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