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博彩网址大全 101 FAQ

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Have Questions About 博彩网址大全 101?


Signing up for 博彩网址大全 101

Can I come to any program date I'd like?

是的,只要日期还有空房就行. Remember that you must submit 在注册博彩网址大全 101之前,您的博彩网址大全保证金. When you register, you will see all the dates with remaining space listed for you to choose from. We recommend 你等着安排你的旅行.g. purchase plane tickets) for 博彩网址大全 101 直到您注册了会话日期之后. You and your guest(s) must be registered for a 博彩网址大全 101 session to attend; we are not able to accommodate walk-ins.


Unfortunately, no. Each program date has a limited capacity, and there is also a set 能力的每个学院或学校内的计划,以确保学生将 能够与专业的学术顾问见面. Early dates fill especially 快,所以最好尽快注册,如果你有一个特定的日期 in mind. You can edit your reservation to change your session/date as long as seats are available in that session. Students are also limited to two guests.


是的,但请注意我们不接受室友过夜的请求 at 博彩网址大全 101. 请确保您和您的朋友在同一时段注册. Session dates have limited capacities, so make your arrangements as soon as possible.

Can I bring a friend who will not be attending 博彩网址大全 as a new freshman?

只有被录取的博彩网址大全学生和他们的家人可以参加博彩网址大全 101 -尽管你的朋友 一旦你安顿下来,欢迎秋天再来吗. Friends interested in 参加博彩网址大全的学生可以拨打314-977-2500博彩网址大全的招生办公室安排参观.

What should I do if I am unable to attend 博彩网址大全 101 at the last minute?

如果您不能出席,请致电您的 admission counselor. 请尽可能多地通知我们,以便我们通知你的导师和其他人 who are expecting you.

Parents and Family

家长和家庭成员在博彩网址大全 101期间做些什么?

Parents/guardians and/or family members are encouraged to attend 博彩网址大全 101 and have 他们自己的客人安排的两天活动可以帮助他们熟悉 为学生在博彩网址大全的生活做好准备. Some topics include: 奖学金/经济援助,学生健康,校园安全,学术咨询,学生 services and transition issues.  请注意,每个学生只能携带 two guests with them to 博彩网址大全 101.


是的,任何家庭成员都是受欢迎的,不过这个项目是面向父母/监护人的. 您的客人必须注册参加博彩网址大全 101课程. Each student is limited to two guests.

I have already signed up for the 博彩网址大全 101 program, but now another member of my family has decided to attend. Is it too late?

Each session has a capacity of how many students and guests we can accommodate. Guests 必须在会议/日期后12天内注册吗. Your parent/guardians and family members are welcome to attend. 请记住,每个学生的限制是 two guests that can attend 博彩网址大全 101 with them due to limited capacity. To register guests, simply log back into my博彩网址大全 and make the change to your reservation.


家长和其他家庭成员不被邀请参加咨询或注册会议. 对你来说,独立地听取学术建议来开始发展是很重要的 relationships. Our schedule for parents and family members includes an information 与学术顾问讨论如何为博彩网址大全学生提供学术建议.

Where do guests stay overnight?

客人自己负责预订酒店. 博彩网址大全 lists recommended accommodations,许多学校为校园游客提供折扣. We are not able to provide on-campus 与学生一起出席的客人的住宿.

General Questions

What will I be doing during 博彩网址大全 101, and where do I go to check in?

A sample schedule is available to give you some idea of what 博彩网址大全 101 is like, but 您将在入住的第一天收到一份时间表和信息文件夹. Please follow your individual schedule. 学生将在Grand Residence登记 Hall to pick up their key and drop off their overnight belongings. This check-in begins at 8 a.m. the morning of day one of the program. Students and families should then proceed to the Busch Student Center for 博彩网址大全 101 program check-in, between 8 and 9 a.m.,在那里他们会收到一个文件夹的信息. The first presentation begins at 9 a.m. in the Busch Student Center.


Yes. 博彩网址大全 101 is full of important information that will help you adjust to college and have a smooth first year. And it’s fun! Residential and commuter students both 参加该计划的夜间部分.

What do I need to bring to 博彩网址大全 101?

你应该带舒适、休闲的衣服. Many activities will be inside, so dress 适用于空调设施. We strongly encourage layers in case you get cold sitting in air-conditioning. Since students will be staying overnight 在校园里,你应该带上换洗的衣服、洗漱用品——洗发水、牙刷、 soap, etc. — water bottle, personal items, bedding (or sleeping bag), pillow, towel and a small amount of money for vending machines or incidentals. Be sure to also bring 政府颁发的有效的带照片的身份证件,如驾照或护照 your 博彩网址大全 ID. Please note that there are no phone lines in individual student residence hall rooms. Students may use personal cell phones or community phones available in the building for local calls.

What meals are provided during 博彩网址大全 101?

新生项目:在项目的第一天,学生们会收到午餐, dinner and an evening snack. 在课程的第二天,学生们吃早餐 and lunch. 在活动的第一天,客人们会享用午餐和晚餐. On day two of the program, guests receive lunch.  请务必提交任何饮食需求 在您的博彩网址大全 101注册时,以便与我们共享信息 dining and catering team.

Will I get my 博彩网址大全 ID while at 博彩网址大全 101?

注意在春末(或早春)发送到你的博彩网址大全电子邮件地址的电子邮件 该网站将分享如何在网上提交你的博彩网址大全照片的信息 ID. Use the link provided in the email and follow the directions within the email 关于如何做网上照片提交的过程. Don't forget to complete this step before you attend 博彩网址大全 101. 请携带有效的政府签发的带照片的身份证件前往博彩网址大全 101 so you can obtain your 博彩网址大全 ID. 您必须完成在线照片提交流程 为您的学生证准备好,以便您访问博彩网址大全 101.  You must also receive 一封分享您的照片的电子邮件已被批准用于完成您的博彩网址大全 ID.


是的,如果你还没有这样做,你可以 submit your immunization record and required tuberculosis screening 在博彩网址大全 101资源博览会期间直接向学生健康中心的工作人员或通过 the online portal. The online health insurance enrollment or waiver process for the University Health Plan can be completed online 一旦你注册为全日制学生,门户网站通常会在 mid-July.

How can I get to campus from the airport?

The MetroLink will take you directly from the airport to within three blocks of campus. You can 也可以使用Go Best Express的地面交通工具. We do not provide an airport pick-up service for the 博彩网址大全 101 program.

Where do I park on campus?

Students and families attending the 博彩网址大全 101 program may park in the Laclede Parking Garage. Laclede停车场在Grand和Laclede的拐角处.  Parking is free for the students and families — just show your 博彩网址大全 101 folder as you exit the garage.

What should I do if I'm unable to attend 博彩网址大全 101 at the last minute?

Contact your admission counselor if you are not able to attend/participate in your 博彩网址大全 101 sessions. We appreciate 您可以给我们任何通知,以便我们通知学术顾问和其他人 may be expecting you.

我可以参加博彩网址大全 101课程吗?

由于发生的一切,我们无法处理博彩网址大全 101会话的预约 为项目做准备,包括预约咨询,文件夹准备,餐饮 and meal counts, etc.  请务必报名参加博彩网址大全 101课程,以确保 我们准备好了你的出席/参与.

Do international students attend 博彩网址大全 101?

我们鼓励已经在美国的新国际学生 sign up for 博彩网址大全 101.  新的国际学生将不会到达 U.S. 直到8月份才会在不同的学术指导和班级注册 way during the summer.  所有新的国际学生将收到来自 国际服务办公室在夏季分享信息 International Student Orientation that is held in August before classes begin.

Registering for Classes at 博彩网址大全 101

Will I register for my classes on the first day or the second day?

新生必须完成课程分班考试和选课 survey; ideally, these are completed by May 15. An academic advisor will utilize this 建立一个暂定的秋季课程表的信息. You will have a meeting with academic advising on day one of 博彩网址大全 101 to review your schedule. If changes need 如果你的课程表被修改了,那么学生就有机会做出改变 在课程注册实验室的第一天或第二天. Students can also speak to an 关于博彩网址大全 101的一个重大变化. Not all students will complete 课程注册过程在第一天,所以请记住这一点时 making travel arrangements. 在整个博彩网址大全 101项目中留下是很重要的. 学生必须参加博彩网址大全 101以完成课程注册流程 并对他们的课程表做出任何调整.


The information you provide in advance of 博彩网址大全 101 through the registration survey 会协助指导小组为你制定一个暂定的课程表吗. 学术顾问将与你一起帮助你选择合适的课程 for you and your program of study.


如果你不能注册博彩网址大全 101的课程,学术顾问会告诉你怎么做 options are available.


Yes, all students complete online course placement tests and the course selection survey. This information will help the academic advisor in preparing your tentative class schedule as well as preparing for the advising information meetings. 查看有关在线分班考试的更多信息.

Who can I talk to about arranging academic accommodations (extended time testing, 记笔记的人、磁带上的书、医疗残疾支助等.)?

If you used an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)/504 plan/another accommodation 计划在高中,或者如果你有一个记录在案的条件,可能需要学术 或住房住宿,请联系 无障碍和残疾人资源中心 (CADR)在学生成功中心314-977-3484或

高等教育的住宿过程不同于高中的住宿 过程中,所以请务必尽快与办公室联系了解 the procedures. You are welcome to make an appointment during your 博彩网址大全 101 visit. Based on the 博彩网址大全 101 schedule, the afternoon of day two is usually the best time. 或者,你可以安排一个虚拟约会,在夏天晚些时候与某人交谈.

Housing and Tours

我需要在博彩网址大全 101的宿舍过夜吗?

是的,住宿在学生宿舍(Grand hall)是一个重要的组成部分 为即将博彩网址大全的学生准备的博彩网址大全 101课程. Because of the importance of making 朋友,在一个新的环境中感到社交舒适,我们希望你留下来 在宿舍过夜,无论你是否会住在校园里 fall.  Students will have randomly assigned roommates/suitemates for the overnight stay; we do not accept roommate requests for the program.

If I need to arrive a day before 博彩网址大全 101 (or stay a day after), can I stay in a University residence hall?

是的,欢迎你在博彩网址大全 101之前或之后在学校住一晚,每晚35美元 fee. Sign up for the extra night(s) through 博彩网址大全 101 registration via my博彩网址大全. The fee will be added to your student bill. 如果你报名参加博彩网址大全 101的早到课程, then the earliest you can arrive is 2 p.m. the day before the program begins. You 如果你报名提前到达,你将在前一天通过大厅办理入住手续 the extra night of lodging. 新生早到是在周日或周三 你可以在下午2点以后的任何时间到达. Once you check in as early arrival, please get settled in at Grand. You will then check in at the Busch Student Center the next morning between 8 and 9 a.m. for the 博彩网址大全 101 program. The first presentation begins at 9 a.m. the first day of the program. 博彩网址大全 101 leaders are here to assist you and are also staying in Grand Hall.

我能在博彩网址大全 101课程中找到我的宿舍分配吗?

住房和居住生活部做出 housing assignments 然后在七月中旬发给学生.


Yes, tours of one to two residence hall sample rooms are available during 博彩网址大全 101. 然而,并不是每个宿舍都会在夏季提供旅游. 你将不能像学校那样在秋季看到你被分配的房间 most of the maintenance work on the residence halls during the summer.

Will I be able to take a campus tour?

是的,课程期间会提供校园参观. Details will be listed on the 你们到达后会收到博彩网址大全 101课程表.
